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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Baby steps...

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Both the MK1 Terminator and the Chaos Lord are simply amazing! You truly are an endless source of creativity. I do agree with JeffTibbets, however: if you cover up those runes and carve new runes in it (more than one per side, if possible) that hammer will lose part of his visual link to the space wolves and become more like an ancient and ornated relic from the past times.

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Cheers, mate! I haven't entirely made up my mind concerning those runes, to tell you the truth: It's true that they serve as a visual shorthand for the Space Wolves, but at the same time, they also resemble the various runes that used to appear on older GW warriors of chaos. Hmmm...


This would probably be because both the Warriors and the Wolves are based off of the Norse, and thus use the elder futhark runic script. That hammer has the rune Othila and what looks like Fehu on it, the runes of home/hearth and wealth.


I found the chaos runes that were in one of the older books if you're interested at all.




Either way, I look forward to see what you do next ^^

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Cheers, guys! I'll be thinking about those runes -- promise ;)


@ lokkorex: Hah, Khorne would never take the Doomwall's head -- he is too valuable a servant of the Skull Throne ;)


@ recon0321: Do you mean my Chaos Knight or actually the Dreadknight based Wargrinder daemon engine? For the former, I'd refer you to the last few pages of this thread. If it's the latter you're looking for, there's a handy little writeup about the conversion right here.



Right guys, there's another small issue regarding the Doomwall conversion I could use your feedback on. Here goes:


Back when the model was only provisionally tacked together, I added half a chaos knight pauldron directly above the head in order to make the head look even more resessed, closer to the actual Mk I Terminator models and artwork:




However, when tidying up the conversion, it seemed like that element would have to go because there simply wasn't enough space left above the head. So the model ended up looking like this:




BUT when I messed around a bit with the model just now, I realised it might be possible to add that small cowl after all. Which would look like this:






There is one caveat to this version, however: The added element slightly changes the alignment of the shoulder pads, so that it becomes slightly more obvious that they are basically hollow if one looks at the model from straight above:




So, to make a long story short, I guess my question essentially boils down to this: Which version do you think is cooler:






...or this?




Your feedback would be much appreciated! :)

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Whoa, that's an almost frighteningly unanimous vote! And it's pretty much mirrored over on Dakka.


And now for the terrible part: I..erm...I actually really like the model with the added cowl :(


I need to think about this... -- in any case, thanks for speaking up, guys! :)

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Whoa, that's an almost frighteningly unanimous vote! And it's pretty much mirrored over on Dakka.


And now for the terrible part: I..erm...I actually really like the model with the added cowl :sad.:


I need to think about this... -- in any case, thanks for speaking up, guys! :smile.:


You know what they say: 'Don't ask if you don't want to hear the answer." 



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Do you have any more of the Crushers shoulder pads? Maybe even the Knight skull like pad? If so why not try trimming one of them down so only the skull is visible above the Doomwalls head? I'm sure you did something similar a while back with a Termi lord? Sorry if I'm not making much sense here.



Brother Hokar is the guy I mean.

Edited by Biohazard
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Cowl him!


He's called the Doomwall


He shouldn't be super mobile, he should look like the tiny, super dense dreadnought that he is. The armored cowl looks like it's protecting his head from anything that may attack his business from above. 

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Have you considered halving the pauldron and putting it directly over the helmet onto the arch that frames the head?


That seems to me like it might solve your problem.


I agree, with a little work you could have the pauldron without affecting the shoulders, easy-peasy.

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