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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Baby steps...

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I like it more - but only because this one seems to 'fit' into the model better than the other one (but the other one had a lot of blutac behind him so...). I agree with Flint that he looks more 'yelly', which is a good thing. IN any case, he looks absolutely brutal like this. Striding forward, no regard to any defense but his armour, unto his next victim. Love it.

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I have to say mate, in my very humble opinion he's still not quite there. I think this will be one of the models where you'll put a head on and it'll just 'click' have you tried any of the rebreather heads? Also again I'd try turning the head a little to his left similar to the Doomwall's? Just so you know I'm not trying to disrespect your work, far from it. Just trying to offer some help. :)
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Cheers for the feedback, people! :)


@ Biohazard: Don't worry, mate, I am not entirely sold on the model either ;) Regarding the head, I have tried every single head in my bitzbox, and at least I can say that none of them strike me as any more fitting. Some would look great but aren't useable because they already appear too often in my army, while others would look okay-ish but not any cooler than the two I have already shown you -- maybe this is just a case where the paintjob will need to fix it? Tattoes have been suggested for the face, and maybe facial markings recalling Angron's warpaint would be a cool way to go here?! I think I may be on to something...


As for the pose, I see where you're coming from, put after working on this model for quite a while now, I realise that his pose is just messed up: He seems to be striding forward, but the alignment of his legs and torso are really all over the place (not perfectly obvious in the photos, but take my word for it). Therefore, I think it would look more believable for him to be standing with one foot atop a rocky outcrop/fallen opponent, surveying the surrounding battle -- and for that, the position of the head might work slightly better like it is now.


@ OSS: Nah, no flagellant heads for my World Eaters -- it just wouldn't fit the overarching look of my army. That said, there was a unit of WFB Skullcrushers featured in WD at one point last year that used flagellant heads, and it looked pretty cool. The caged head might be great for a Ravager, come to think of it ;) One thing to be aware of is that the flagellant heads are far smaller than regular Marine heads, though: certainly not a problem per se, but it might end up looking slightly hokey next to models with "regular" heads.

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So, just a small update today because my back is currently killing me, putting a stop to any substantial hobby activity. I do have a look at the current state of my Chaos Knight, though, in case you're interested. As you may remember, the overall conversion was basically finished last time, so only a bit of detail work remained.


So I only made some minor changes to the prior version of the model: Thanks to a bitz drop from my buddy Biohazard, I was able to use a defiler bit as a muzzle on the Knight’s main cannon — the part is just a perfect fit for that! I also added some spikes to the gun barrel in order to make it look slightly less plain. And a chain was added to the Knight’s left greave, bringing it more in line with the pauldron on the same side.

Anyway, this is what the pretty much finished Knight looks like now:








The one thing still missing at this point are some dangling chains that I want to add to the weapons and arms, and after that, I suppose I don’t have any more excuses to put off painting this guy any longer?! Speaking of which, I am already making plans for one particular area of the paintjob, at least:

Those of you who have been following my work on this model so far might remember one particular idea supplied by fellow hobbyist dantay_XV. In his own words:


The other idea I had, but again might not work would be bloody hand prints on the lower limbs and small totems or skulls at the feet of the knight like offerings or devotions. As the 4th company go to war, they walk by Harrowthorne’s Knight & touch a bloody hand to its armour in the hope of receiving Khorne’s blessing for a good hunt etc before going to battle.

Not only did this seem like a beautifully fluffy addition to the Baron’s background, but I also began asking myself whether it would be possible to incorporate the bloody handprints on the actual model. So here’s what I did: I used a GW plastic hand trophy (from the old Night Goblin kit, if memory serves) and made a simple press mold from it, using GS. The two hands were made, using more GS. And these were then coated with Tamiya Clear Red to be used as some kind of “stamp”, so to speak:


So far, my attempts at creating the “bloody handprint” effect have been limited to paper, though. Here are the first results:


As you can see, while some of the handprints do look pretty convincing, I am not yet able to make sure that this effect works 100% of the time. So I’ll need to work on the process a bit, in order to make sure it’s more or less foolproof, lest I ruin a very expensive model. But the results so far definitely merit some further exploration, don’t you think?


As always, thanks for looking and stay tuned for more! :)
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Great Idea Kraut. Might I suggest maybe cutting away everything that is not 'hand' from the eventual stamps, so as to make more 'depth' - and then put a small blob of GS on the back of to create a kind of 'handle'? This way, you can squiggle around the hand a little more when doing the stamp, without the rest of the stamp becoming part of the print. :tu:

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I echo the above.

Also the angle of the trophy rack to the left of midline bugs me. I keep wanting to reach out and straighten it. Am I alone in this/is it just the camera angles or is it something you might want to fix? (I don't want to be a :censored: but it seems like the sort of small detail that can really bug you after a while).

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Very much looking forward to seeing this painted.
As for the hand prints i think that if it worked too much 'better' it would be worse! If there will be a fair number of these prints then the same clear hand each time would look like the same hand each time. Whereas a few clear handprints and a lot of partial ones makes it less obviously all the same hand in the same finger position and instead looks more realistic and more like the ritual is more important than the mark left behind and like a greater variety of hands made the mark.

I'd work with the chaotic nature of the results if it were me, as long as a few of the prints are clear i think it'll work. If it were me and I got a good clear one early then I'd leave a bit of space around it, but overlap a few others to make it clear this is many warriors putting their bloody hand in place rather than just one or two, and that would i think help with having a lot of only partial prints. Mind you, i'm far from a great painter myself.

The biggest challenge for the prints though may be that the places that they will put their hands on are somewhat curved, so having most partial prints my be unavoidable, unless you made decals printed from pics of the test results or something, or found a way to curve the stamp a little?

And if worst comes to worst, paint the area to get the prints nice and thin so you can paint over them if it doesn't work.

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Thanks a lot for the positive feedback, gents! You raise some excellent point about the handprint idea, as well. Let me share a couple of additional thoughts about that:


First of all, since it has been brought up: Upon closer reflection, I recalled that the hand I used for the press mold was actually the human hand part of the bit in the middle of the bottom row in this old Chaos Mutation sprue:




It had been cut off during an earlier conversion, and with a bit of careful bending it in shape, it made for a pretty good template.


As for the "stamp" itself, I think I will do several things for the next (and possibly final) stamp I make:


  • fix it to something that can be easily gripped, like a cork.
  • make sure - while the GS is still malleable - that the surface is slightly curved, which should make it easier to apply it to the surface of the Knight's greaves and produce a somewhat more consistent result.

That said, I definitely see where Battybattybats is coming from: The handprints must not be too perfect, lest they start looking unrealistic.



@ Teetengee: Regarding that trophy rack you mentioned, do you mean one of the trophy poles on the back carapace? If so, those are all at a slight angle, and it's really pretty much the same angle for all of them. I didn't want these to be straight in the first place.



So yeah, keep those comments coming, folks! This is really helpful! :)

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Oh wow, that is *such* a better idea to make bloody handprints. I tried to like that post three or four times, but BnC wouldn't let me :cry:


I was just painstakingly painting each one of the little :censored:


Consider your idea shamelessly pilfered. :thumbsup:

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If curving the hand stamp makes the results too good and so too regular a neat way to diversify it would be to put an inconsistent amount of paint on the hand to stamp with so you could get some partials that way, and twisting or dragging a couple of prints to create a smear or streaks on just one or two to break up any regularity of pattern.

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The other thing left to do was to add the small, etched brass icons to the hammer. And with that, I believe i can call this conversion finished:




Anyway, let me know what you think! :smile.:


I think this guys is awesome! :biggrin.: I really like the nods to the old prototype Terminators, great work. :)

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