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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Baby steps...

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Thanks for the kind words, everyone! It really keeps me going! ;)

Speaking of which, you may have realised by now that I am possibly the biggest living hobby butterfly, especially when it comes to kitbashing plastic models. So, yesterday evening, I sat down and converted my own version of Cypher, apropos of nothing:










As you can see, the conversion was based on the model for Interrogator Chaplain Seraphicus from the Dark Vengeance limited edition I purchased back in 2012. It did feel kind of sacrilegious to cut apart a limited edition model like this, to be honest, but I figured it wouldn't do any good to leave the model lying around for another two years -- plus I will need those lovely smokestacks from Seraphicus's backpack when I eventually convert the 4th assault company's Apothecary, so that made the decision a bit easier ;)


Anyway, let me know what you think! :)



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Thanks for the kind words, you two! Really thrilled that you like him so much!


Since the conversion was so simple from a structural standpoint, I could take a little more time tweaking the little things: I agonised over which pistols to use, and I spent far more time on that backpack than I'd care to admit... :wink:


@ Flint: You do have a point there! Born from the desecration of an Interrogator Chaplain -- how apt :wink:


@ Augustus B'Raass: Hmm, to be honest, I am still eyeing that old sword from the OOP plastic Chaos Warriors as a possible replacement. But the newer sword is less clunky, so I suppose it'll stay. Did you post your own Cypher model in your thread?

Edited by KrautScientist
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Ah, I remember the model now -- we even used the same bolt pistol: Isn't that possibly the greatest bolt pistol ever released?


Anyway, I love your version too: The pose is spot on! My only gripe would be the helmeted head, which seems like a bit of a missed opportunity, but then I do have a thing for bareheaded Astartes anyway, far beyond any considerations of practicality or realism :wink:

Edited by KrautScientist
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Well, thanks - and I agree on the bolt pistol.


Another thing struck me when I re-looked at yours: the pose of the plasma pistol. It's obvisouly because of the fact that the arm is supposed to be holding the crozius that the pistol is not perfectly alligned with the arm - but that makes it even better: It's like he's loosely holding the pistol, giving him a suave I'm-not-even-trying-and-still-shooting-the-hairs-off-a-beetle's-ass kind of look. Seriously I think this is one of the coolest conversions on this thread - and that's saying something.

Edited by Augustus b'Raass
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Hmm, while I would prefer black, the canonical option seems to be green -- because the Lord Cypher was wearing GREEN while all the other Angels were wearing BLACK, and then they later switched it around for some reason that may or may not have had something to do with the philosophical function the Lord Cypher had for the Order back then -- it's all a bit complicated...

Edited by KrautScientist
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Don't feel too bad, I've repurposed two limited models: that same chaplin into a chaos psyker and I'm working on turning Krom Dragongaze into Ragnar Blackmane.


I'd do something with the 25th anniversary guy, but since I am yet to even take the plastic off his box I think I might keep him that way and sell him in a few more years, when I can maliciously jack up the price mwuhahahaha!

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Don't feel too bad, I've repurposed two limited models: that same chaplin into a chaos psyker and I'm working on turning Krom Dragongaze into Ragnar Blackmane.

I'd do something with the 25th anniversary guy, but since I am yet to even take the plastic off his box I think I might keep him that way and sell him in a few more years, when I can maliciously jack up the price mwuhahahaha!

Keep the plastic on. Some rough casts in that batch. Mine was pretty dang bad.

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Cypher looks awesome buddy. I really really REALLY like the backpack. Very nicely done and now looking at it so simple (in theory, I can imagine sticking all those parts together was a bit of a pain) Looking forward to seeing him painted. He's a character I've always wanted to tackle as well and I do like your approach. Edited by Biohazard
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You and biohazard have the best 40k world eaters threads going in my eyes, fantastic work here, I love the hand prints to use as bloody hand smires.....just awesome. It's little things like that in a project that shouts out to me more sometimes, shows as a modeller you're taking the time, effort and love into your project to give it that little bit more character and style.
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Again, thanks for the overwhelmingly positive feedback, people! I really appreciate it! Cypher was really a spur of the moment conversion idea, so it makes me all the happier to see him so warmly received ;)


@ Dorns_fist: Biohazard's World Eaters are absolutely amazing, so that is a really huge compliment right there! Cheers, mate! :)

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Thanks for the kind words, everyone! It really keeps me going! :wink:


Speaking of which, you may have realised by now that I am possibly the biggest living hobby butterfly, especially when it comes to kitbashing plastic models. So, yesterday evening, I sat down and converted my own version of Cypher, apropos of nothing:





Hmm.... That conversion seems awfully familiar...  :geek:

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@ noctus cornix: I did see your Cypher, back when you converted him, of course -- being an avid follower of your thread. And they do use the same base model. Apart from that, I think our approaches are not all that similar, though -- yours is certainly a more radical conversion.


I'll happily admit to liking your backpack design so much that I went for something very similar, though ;)

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I seem to be unable to stop kitbashing plastic models at the moment -- I may have an addiction or something... Anyway, I noticed I still had most of a Daemon Prince kit lying around, and while I think it's a fairly underwhelming model if built out of the box - I even built a completely different Daemon Prince at one point to avoid having to use it - I tried to come up with a version that fits the gladiatorial look and feel of the World Eaters more closely, while trying to dial back some of the cartoon villain look. Still heavily WIP, though:



As always, let me know what you think! :smile.:

Edited by KrautScientist
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Not bad, not bad at all. 1 thing though; is there any way you can 'attach' the collar to the body, perhaps with cables running from it into the neck? Would get away from the 'floating' feel that it has at the moment. Maybe some armour plate on the legs as well, if you can manage it. It has a bit of a top-heavy feel to it at the moment.

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