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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Baby steps...

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So, here's a small update for you: While the support for the helmeted head on the Chosen model was overwhelming, I did some experiments with several different heads and ended up with a version I like even more, both because it underlines the blunt, faceless look even better, and because it does a better job of interacting with the gorget I added to the model's torso. Take a look:


The picture's a bit fuzzy (because I couldn't use my regular camera for this), but I hope you'll be able to see what I mean. Plus there's also the fact that this is hands down one of my favourite chaos heads.

Anyway, let me know what you think!  :)

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Ah, I liked the non-helmeted head, it reminded me of the sigmarite warrior priest from Mark of Chaos. Still a great helm choice nonetheless.




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So, another small update: What do you know, I finally managed to get something painted again! Granted, it's just the Dreadnought rocket launcher I converted a while ago, but that has to count for something, right? This is basically the last distance weapon missing from my collection of Dreadnought/Helbrute weapons, so finally getting it out of the way felt good ;)



Still forced to use my phone, so the pictures aren't quite up to snuff, but here you go:







The weapon itself is a fairly simple kitbash based on a loyalist rocket launcher that PDH kindly donated to my cause.


Of course, Marax the Fallen can now be outfitted as a completely shooty Dread/Helbrute as well (even if it goes a bit against his character):




As always, let me know what you think! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, I have a small update regarding my Traitor Guard today: I am currently painting one of my favourite conversions, an officer for my elite traitors/counts as scions. This is the conversion:


And this is what the model looks like right now:


As you can see, I changed the sword (because the wickedly curved, cleaver like blade seemed even more apppropriate). The model is also still missing quite a bit of detail work - I would say it's about two thirds finished at this point - and the photo didn't turn out all that well, but I think you get an idea. The model was an attempt at building something resembling PDH's absolutely stunning Traitor Guard models, and I am really happy with it so far.

In other news, I managed to buy a pretty big lot of OOP and rare stuff at my FLGS last week, among it a collection of really cool old 40k publications:


From left to right: The 40k 3rd and 4th edition big rulebooks (believe it or not, I have never owned those until now), one of the hallowed Chapter Approved compendiums (containing wonderful but somewhat outdated Index Astartes articles on the creation of Space Marines, Dreadnoughts, Librarians and on various chapters and legions: Dark Angels, Emperor’s Children, Iron Warriors, White Scars & Flesh Tearers) and Codex: Witch Hunters (obviously a must for any fan of the Inquisition). All of these are in excellent condition, too!

You can read more about my crazy haul over on my blog. In any case, let me know what you think!  :smile.:

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Cheers, mate!


That helmet was actually a last minute addition! Once I had seen it on one of PDH's models, I knew I needed something like that too. Glued it on right before undercoating :wink:


EDIT: Ah, let me just bring the pictures over here to make navigation less cumbersome ;)


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Cheers, guys!


The books were very much purchased due to my nostalgia as well as my interest in 40k related background material. And while the rules may no longer be applicable, each of the books contains enough fluff and artwork to still be worth it!


@ Tanith Ghost: OSS outlined quite a few options -- I would add Beastman arms to the pile (at least some of them). Mixing and matching with DV cultists is also an interesting option. And maybe the most important part: Don't feel shackled to using the arms as they are: Cut off hands, replace weapons, repose arms,... The normal Marauder arms work especially well for this and are very versatile!


@ recon0321: The body originally came from a FW Vraksian Enforder: I had cut off the head for a different conversion and wanted to use the torso for something cool -- mission accomplished? ;)

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