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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Baby steps...

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Awesome work on the Terminator Lord, Kraut!

Contrary to the above three posts, I could instantly recognize it as a Terminator, and I have no gripes whatsoever about the upper body.

The legs, though, is where it all falls apart for me. They just look too thin to support his body, but other that that... :thumbsup:

Edited by YFNPsycho
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I spent most of last night and this morning going through your Khonate log and now this WIP log. Your model compositions are amazing, I'm so drawn to your work, you really make me want to up my game. I associate your style a lot with John Blance, but cleaner in a good way.

I found your work because I'm currently updating my old World Eater army that's been shelved for a more than a few years now, I've been going over all models and stripping them (though most were never painted) and tweaking some of the builds. Currently I'm redoing my AOBR Dread that's been converted into a Khonate one and I've been struggling to blend in the obviously imperial weapon arms. In your log I found some answers and a desire to go and buy the Helldrake kit (Which I used to hate until seeing what you've done with it) and a Skullcrushers kit for parts. So THANK YOU!

I would like to share what I've done with you, but I'm not comfortable posting my pictures in your log. Time to start a new one here perhaps. 

Keep up the fantastic work, you're a true pioneer and I hope GW somehow stumbles across your work and takes a few cues on what to do with the currently rather up and down state of the 40k Chaos range.

Also; Those Blight King conversions rock, I love them all and the last one totally looks like a Nurgle Cult Terminator to me (maybe add a combi bolter to his wrist? or on the polearm?). I've been debating how to add them to my own 40k Nurgle Cult army I built for narrative games.


Edit: Started a log here again, it's in my sig if you have a few to check it out :smile.:

Edited by Usiel
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Deserved props from ^Usiel^ :tu:


I like the terminator too - but where it is going. I agree with YFNPsycho in that the helmet is too forward. (The shoulder plates don't take off from the terminator look at alland yes - maybe there could be some more gore on the legs, but the rest of the model is suitable nurkly that that is no problem to me). But the helmet itself and it's position on the model is the focal point of any terminator. So perhaps a regular terminator head in a more 'inward' position than the current one would help in 'terminatorifying' it?? :happy.:


Loving this Nurgleflow man. You got me inspired to do some Nurglifying on my current contemptor build.

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Thanks for the comments, guys! :)


@ Usiel: Thanks very much for the kind words! I've been blown away and inspired by other people's work so often, and it's a great feeling to inspire people in turn! I will definitely head over to your log and comment, of course -- flattery will get you anywhere with me ;)


As for the feedback on the latest Nurgle conversion:


  • I am very much aware that this guy does not look like a standard Terminator, although that was very much part of the plan here. In fact, I tried to create a "family resemblance" with this earlier conversion of mine:


  • As for the position of the head, it's not easy to make out in the pictures, but the way the breastplate interacts with the rest of the model makes it really complicated to add any kind of head, really, because there's so little space left. So I solved that problem by gluing a Blightking neck and head into the torso, giving me the room needed to add a Blightking facemask on top. It may be a bit of a compromise, admittedly, but I think it works.
  • Regarding the legs, I realise that they seem rather puny when compared to the bulk of the torso, but that was part of the plan as well. To quote Bruticus (who really summed it all up way better than I could have, over on Dakka):
: His malformed proportions are excellent, reminiscent of the old Realm of Chaos range. He looks like a creaky old tortoise. I do think the Blightkings are pretty cool, but the fact they are all big fat guys makes them all a bit less special when lined up together, for my money Nurgle should include all shapes and sizes, especially deformed shapes.


"Creaky old tortoise" indeed! ! I think the combination of the bloated midsection and (by comparison) spindly legs is very nurgl-y and adds to the diseased look -- although it's certainly not for everybody (I am currently getting quite a bit of negative feedback for it, in fact). But yeah, having him look that way was very much a conscious decision.


There's still a ton of work to do, of course: This guy needs a lot of gap-filling, and I'll be sneaking in an additional detail or two along the way. But all in all, I am really pretty happy with how he's coming along.

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I did say if that's what you're going for it's cool. ;) 


I agree completely that it reminds me of the old school big belly Nurgle marines. The legs don't bother me at all. Really it's just the head being so forward, but I don't think it's a big deal. Incidentally, the 'cousin' you posted strikes me as a terminator with no problem at all (That's an awesome model. The patina is flawless). 


I wonder if a little more obvious mutation would make the head look intentionally set forward. Honestly I think a big part of the issue was the angle of the photo. You know what you're doing. 

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On a mostly unrelated note, my blog, Eternal Hunt, just managed to crack the 300,000 views mark late last week -- AWESOME! Even the legionaries of the 4th assault company had a little party when I told them the news:




Which reminds me: I should probably get my arse in gear regarding that Call of Chaos vow, right? ;)

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Okay, here's another small update:


I've made a few small tweaks to the fifth member of my "Blight Marine" squad:








I added a few small details and replaced the skull dangling from the left pauldron with a small bell (an element that is already repeated several times on the model). Now I only need to fill some small gaps and maybe work on the backpack a bit, and this guy is ready to be painted, along with the rest of the squad:




Building these guys has really been a whole lot of fun, and I hope painting them will be equally interesting -- I'll probably put that off until I've made some serious progress on my Call of Chaos vow, though.


And there's a better look at the Blight Termie conversion:










The new pictures also give you a better look at the tank/breathing apparatus ensemble I added to the model's back:




And finally, a comparison shot between a Blight Marine and the Termie conversion:




As you can see, even though these models are very close in size, they still look differently scaled, probably due to the use of more Terminator bitz on the second model.


Anyway, let me know what you think! :)

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Oh wow, very nice!


They both look *super* creepy, but I think I like the overall look the terminator based one a little bit more. The blight king looks hulking and massive, but the terminator looks more swift and lethal. Maybe at an earlier stage in his descent into the gifts of Nurgaal? ^_^ 

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Thanks a lot!

I finally did the final cleanup work on the Blight Terminator today: My idea for this guy is that whatever's left of him inside of that armour has continuously grown and swollen, forcing the armour to warp and extend as well -- hence the idea of the armour actually poking into his flesh at some points is pretty plausible. That said, since I needed to fill up the pretty huge gaps in his torso anyway, I tried to tidy up the area a bit (in keeping with a very helpful suggestion I received from euansmith over at the Ammobunker). I also bent the cloth on the right pauldron into a more realistic shape, while I was at it. The pictures aren't great, but they should still give you an idea:



As a small bonus, it's now even harder to make out where the armour ends and the actual flesh begins -- I really like that!

As always, let me know what you think! :)

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Nice, I like the idea of the flesh is outgrowing the armour, and probally replacing it as the protective outer shell. The merg between flesh and armour, organic and material, ties them nicely in with the Forge World Gal Vorbak models, and is exactly how the blessed should be.
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So, another small update regarding the Blight Terminator -- plus I also need your input, but we'll be getting to that in a minute.


First up, here are some better photos of the model with all the unsightly gaps filled and smoothed over:






I basically considered the conversion finished at that point, but then a funny coincident happened: The facemask fell off, and I thought to myself: I might as well try some of the other Blightking head options, just for the heck of it.


The following one isn't quite the look I want, but maybe the pictures will still prove helpful/inspirational to some of you:






The worst thing has got to be how bloody jolly this chap seems to be...


Anyway, messing around with the different heads was fun, but then I tried one last option and ended up really, really liking it. Take a look:






The strange/interesting thing about this option is that it actually uses the decorative skull that's part of the Terminator armour as the actual head, so using it would still require a bit of work to make it look more believable:




But for some reason, I really like this option, so here's my question to you: Which do you like better, the original facemask or this new option?


Your input would be much appreciated!

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I really like both the original and the new helmet, but if I had to choose I would go for the newer one that's a bit more detailed and not as commonly used on Nurgle conversions as the first :)

Looks great, but as I like to say "Rules are transitory, build what you love." not quite applicable, but you being happy is what matters. :)

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I'd say the newer helm too.


It's super detailed and unique, probably wouldn't be too much trouble to work some cabling and what not in there to make it look more helmety. Plus, nurgle, so just toss some gross, distended flesh in there, and you're good to go! ^_^

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