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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Baby steps...

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New helmet looks way cooler indeed, and I'd love to see it with cabling etc. But.... the 'terminator' feel is lost a little on the new one, which I think is caused because the helmet is slightly bigger and thus ends up slightly higher, making him lose that characteristic hunched pose of terminators. Nevertheless, I still like the last option as a model the best, so I say go for that one!!!

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Hiya ladies and gents! I am not dead, I just had a very busy week or two ;) Anyway, back to the more entertaining things in life, right?


First up, regarding that converted Nurgle AOBR Termie: Thank you all for your well-considered feedback on the matter! The longer I keep thinking about it, the more it feels like the head doesn't even have to be an either/or choice in the first place: Maybe I should just paint both helmets and leave them exchangeable, so I get the best of both worlds?


In other news: Oh my god, it's finally happening: Here's my first...



Call of Chaos Update


I do of course realise that I really need to get my act together re: my Call of Chaos vow. Unfortunately, the last few weeks have been very busy, and I am also a lazy bastard, of course. But I am happy to announce that I have made some serious headway regarding my vow:


First up, I have spent some work on my Forgefiend:




After spending quite a bit of time on the body and hind legs, however, I hit a bit of a motivational slump. So while I will eventually (have to) return to my very own Dinobot, I have decided to paint something a bit less demanding in the meantime: My Khârn conversion:



So far, I've only applied the base colours: No washes or highlights whatsoever so far. And while I'll admit the model isn't anything to write home about (yet), the fact that this guy is my entry in the current competition over at Throneofskulls.com means that I'll have to get him up to snuff until the weeekend -- so you can expect him to take shape rather quickly now.




And, in any case, I have finally started painting -- that has to count for something! ;)


As always, let me know what you think! :)

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So far, it has only been painted with Rakarth Flesh. But the arm is nowhere near finished -- there'll be a wash next, and after that, the higlights and maybe a more selective application of washes in the recesses etc.


Since this model isn't so much a part of my World Eaters but rather a small project of its own, I'll probably forego the usual, greyish skin I use on my World Eaters in favour of a more realistic skin colour.

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Cheers, guys! ;)


@ Augustus b'Raass: Huh, I thought that's what everyone is calling them ;)


Anyway, smalll update on the Betrayer:






The red and bronze areas are mostly complete at this point, although the model's still missing a ton of cleanup, small details etc.


As always, let me know what you think! :)

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Any plan to buy the FW Khârn?


...you mean after having built and painted my own version? Erm...no. :)


Seriously, though: I'm not a big fan of the FW Khârn model: The pose is just wrong in all kinds of ways to me. There are some nice enough 40k conversions of the model floating around, but I am also reasonably happy with how my own model is coming along. Just saying...

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Aw, guys, I am so proud of you: There I was, just stepping out for a moment, and I come back to a discussion of Dita von Teese's t...tassels. You've gotta love this place! :)


@ Augustus b'Raass: That was very cleverly done, mate! ;)


@ guardian31: Well, I won't lie to you: From the perspective of anatomy, the bare arm may indeed be ever so slightly hokey. It was really hard, however, to find an arm that both fit the scale of the model and didnt look too out of place when used next to an armoured arm, so I'll have to ask you to slightly suspend your disbelief, I fear. ;)

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@ the emperor is scottish: Cheers for the kind words, mate!


So, boys and girls: Here's the chunky update for today:



Call of Chaos Update


Would you believe it, I finally finished painting my Khârn the Betrayer conversion. So without further ado, let's take a look at some pictures:




















And here's a comparison pic with the original Khârn model (still an absolute classic, make no mistake!):




All in all, I am really rather happy with the finished model, if I do say so myself!




And with that, the first box for my Call of Chaos vow has been ticked. Yay! ;)


As always, let me know what you think!



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