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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Baby steps...

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He looks absolutely amazing!

No faults, no criticism, I just think he looks pretty much perfect. I can almost see the little bits of spittle flying from the mouth grill as he vents his anger and hatred, Roaring at the Gods to send him a worthy foe!!


Come and have a go, if you think you're hard enough!!

Edited by dantay_xv
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That is *stupid* pretty. Which is an odd choice of words when referring to a disciple of Khorne, but I feel they are apropos. ^_^


Your mini really feels like the perfect update to the older Khârn model. Everything about him is bigger, cooler, and more badass.


Great job!

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Can't say it better than the previous post really; that's a perfect update of the old Khârn model, and I love that you've retained the old head. As dantay says, you can really see him roaring at the skies; brilliant stuff!

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I don't see an issue with that bare arm at all, if it looks unbalanced it's probably because there's only one shoulder pad, making him look lob-sided. The arm seems perfectly in proportion to me. 

Anyway; another stunning edition Kraut ^,,,^ Holy crap I love that Jes helmet sculpt. And once again you've reminded me what's missing in my World Eaters, a Khârn proxy!

Keep up the great work!

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I think it is a damn shame you didn't use the gorechilde of the Angron model... TOTALLY KIDDING This Khârn is pretty much perfect and an absolute beast of an update to the classic. Very Khornate, screaming his rage into the air, I can almost see the droplets of gore flying around him as he wreaks his bloody toll on his frenemies. 


Also, that 'mini-me' comment by daemonclaw... lulz

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Thanks a lot for the kind words, everyone! I am really happy that you like the model so much! I'll happily admit I am pretty pleased with it myself, even though there are probably a dozen little things that could have been even better ;)


@ EdT: Not only am I a great fan of the head (vintage Jes Goodwin, what else can I say), but I've also found it virtually impossible to kitbash a helmet that instantly reads as Khârn: Only when I went back to the original head did the model really feel like Khârn!


@ Usiel: You're right, but I think the lopsidedness is one of the things that made the original Khârn so cool, and so I definitely wanted to keep that element. One of my main complaints with the HH Khârn model (apart from the somewhat hokey pose) is the fact that they chose to give him two unarmoured/partially armoured arms, which is less cool than the original design, in my opinion.


@ Augustus b'Raass: Aw, mate, I was simply too cheap to buy a FW Khârn or Angron just for the axe. I do think the Cataphractii axe makes for a reasonably fitting stand-in, though ;)

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Just been looking through the thread, and I just wanted to say that your work on the Putrid Blightkings is inspiring! I had been on the fence for what the next Deprecator project will be, and I think that a squad of Nurgle-marked Terminators is what I'll be ringing in the new year with. Thanks for your in-depth and picture-generous review of the kit, here and on your blog. :thumbsup:


Also, I want to echo the praise for your Khârn conversion. Side by side with the original, it looks like a much more powerful and majestic version of the Betrayer. Perhaps on the tabletop, you could field the original model until he makes a charge, and then replace the model with the "powered up" version once Khârn has spilled blood!

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Cheers, guys! :)


@ Lord Commander Scrymgeour: Is this the piece of artwork you were referring to?




Still easily one of my favourite pieces of Khârn artwork, along with the pre heresy Khârn by Dave England -- excellent vintage GW artwork, both. The accompanying story by William King was also really good fun (if a little one-dimensional, but then 40k Khârn just is that kind of guy...).


@ Ammonius: Thanks for the kind words, mate! The "power up" idea for Khârn is pretty neat, although I have to admit I usually don't use him at all -- because he doesn't fit the fluff of the 4th assault company, who revile him as a traitor and the person responsible for the sundering of their legion. My new Khârn model was mainly a competition entry -- plus I really wanted to build my own version of him.


When it comes to Blightking Terminators, I'd recommend you check out this very inspirational post by Adam Wier as well!



Regarding my own hobby projects, I kitbashed two new models recently:

First up,  an incidental kitbash that started out as a half-serious attempt at building another Psyker for my Traitor Guard turned into this:




I think the model might make a cool underhive Witch Doctor, scavvie shaman or what have you -- which is why I added some suitably primitive trinkets added to his belt ;) He will probably end up in INQ28 rather than in one of my 40k armies, but I still like the scrawny little git.


And what do you know, using with the leftover Stormvermin upper half, I did build that traitor psyker I had originally planned after all:



A fairly simple kitbash, really, but there is something about this guy I really like --in fact, I now have half a mind to get a box of flagellants and Stormverin each, in order to build a whole squad of traitorous (wyrdvane) psykers -- maybe I could even use some of the models to build a small coterie of fallen Sacristans to accompany my Chaos Knight Titan...?


Anyway, as always, let me know what you think! :)

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Thanks, Flint and Augustus!


Duuuude, that psyker oozes character! This is why you are by far my favorite kitbasher around here. You just seem to nail poses and the feel of characters. Love 'm!

maybe I could even use some of the models to build a small coterie of fallen Sacristans to accompany my Chaos Knight Titan...?

This. Do it.


I really like the idea of having both my Knight pilot, Baron Harrowthorne, as well as his Sacristans as separate models. Those guys would obviously have zero effect for games, but it feels like such a cool way of exploring a part of the background, don't you think?


As for the Sacristans, my idea is that they would pretty much share the basic recipe of the traitor psyker above, albeit with a less evil look: I think I'd be going for something between monks and glorified mechanics (because that's what they are, after all), with one of them carrying a bunch of heavy tomes (manuals detailing the Knight's systems and all the revisions and repairs so far), one might carry some kind of incense burner etc. I think some of the less crazed flagellant heads might be great for them...anyway, just some early ideas...

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Exactly! Same deal, I model a pilot for every Knight I've made so far. 


They may not have any use, or even appear in a game, but they are so delishly fluffy. And for someone to so lovingly and faithfully recreate that old school Khârn, I don't think anyone could argue you aren't a bit of a fluffer :biggrin.:

Edited by Flint13
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Exactly! Same deal, I model a pilot for every Knight I've made so far. 


They may not have any use, or even appear in a game, but they are so delishly fluffy. And for someone to so lovingly and faithfully recreate that old school Khârn, I don't think anyone could argue you aren't a bit of a fluffer :biggrin.:


A fluffer? Really? Let's NOT start using that term for those of us who are interested in the background of the game. Can we make a deal right now to nip that in the bud? 

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They may not have any use, or even appear in a game, but they are so delishly fluffy. And for someone to so lovingly and faithfully recreate that old school Khârn, I don't think anyone could argue you aren't a bit of a fluffer :biggrin.:


Seriously, the way you're saying that makes it sound so dirty, girl ;)


But yeah, I am much more into the background (and the models) than I could ever be into the game! And this past year, I've found myself building models and writing stories about stuff that would never even have any bearing on the games more and more often -- sometimes it just seems to me that building a model is just a very effective way of nailing down an idea for a character I have -- like fleshing out the supporting cast in a novel or film, I suppose.


Oh, and Flint: Of course you do realise that even building a pilot for each of the Knights won't make up for the lack of Knight interiors and cockpits, right? ;)

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They may not have any use, or even appear in a game, but they are so delishly fluffy. And for someone to so lovingly and faithfully recreate that old school Khârn, I don't think anyone could argue you aren't a bit of a fluffer :biggrin.:


Seriously, the way you're saying that makes it sound so dirty, girl :wink:


But yeah, I am much more into the background (and the models) than I could ever be into the game! And this past year, I've found myself building models and writing stories about stuff that would never even have any bearing on the games more and more often -- sometimes it just seems to me that building a model is just a very effective way of nailing down an idea for a character I have -- like fleshing out the supporting cast in a novel or film, I suppose.


Oh, and Flint: Of course you do realise that even building a pilot for each of the Knights won't make up for the lack of Knight interiors and cockpits, right? :wink:


Haha, totally not my intention. Fluff bunny?


You enjoy the stories behind your models is what I'm trying to say. 




Ya know... Technically the interior in all my knights is there... 




Exactly! Same deal, I model a pilot for every Knight I've made so far. 


They may not have any use, or even appear in a game, but they are so delishly fluffy. And for someone to so lovingly and faithfully recreate that old school Khârn, I don't think anyone could argue you aren't a bit of a fluffer :biggrin.:


A fluffer? Really? Let's NOT start using that term for those of us who are interested in the background of the game. Can we make a deal right now to nip that in the bud? 



Flint plants the seeds of heresy once more. 



Haha, whoops... Did I unintentionally make a faux pas/party foul? Sorry 'bout that!

Edited by Flint13
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They may not have any use, or even appear in a game, but they are so delishly fluffy. And for someone to so lovingly and faithfully recreate that old school Khârn, I don't think anyone could argue you aren't a bit of a fluffer :biggrin.:


Seriously, the way you're saying that makes it sound so dirty, girl :wink:


But yeah, I am much more into the background (and the models) than I could ever be into the game! And this past year, I've found myself building models and writing stories about stuff that would never even have any bearing on the games more and more often -- sometimes it just seems to me that building a model is just a very effective way of nailing down an idea for a character I have -- like fleshing out the supporting cast in a novel or film, I suppose.


Oh, and Flint: Of course you do realise that even building a pilot for each of the Knights won't make up for the lack of Knight interiors and cockpits, right? :wink:


Haha, totally not my intention. Fluff bunny?


You enjoy the stories behind your models is what I'm trying to say. 




Ya know... Technically the interior in all my knights is there... 




Exactly! Same deal, I model a pilot for every Knight I've made so far. 


They may not have any use, or even appear in a game, but they are so delishly fluffy. And for someone to so lovingly and faithfully recreate that old school Khârn, I don't think anyone could argue you aren't a bit of a fluffer :biggrin.:


A fluffer? Really? Let's NOT start using that term for those of us who are interested in the background of the game. Can we make a deal right now to nip that in the bud? 



Flint plants the seeds of heresy once more. 



Haha, whoops... Did I unintentionally make a faux pas/party foul? Sorry 'bout that!



No. You didn't. I'm confident it was 100% intentional. :P 

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Thanks, Flint and Augustus!


Duuuude, that psyker oozes character! This is why you are by far my favorite kitbasher around here. You just seem to nail poses and the feel of characters. Love 'm!

maybe I could even use some of the models to build a small coterie of fallen Sacristans to accompany my Chaos Knight Titan...?

This. Do it.


I really like the idea of having both my Knight pilot, Baron Harrowthorne, as well as his Sacristans as separate models. Those guys would obviously have zero effect for games, but it feels like such a cool way of exploring a part of the background, don't you think?


As for the Sacristans, my idea is that they would pretty much share the basic recipe of the traitor psyker above, albeit with a less evil look: I think I'd be going for something between monks and glorified mechanics (because that's what they are, after all), with one of them carrying a bunch of heavy tomes (manuals detailing the Knight's systems and all the revisions and repairs so far), one might carry some kind of incense burner etc. I think some of the less crazed flagellant heads might be great for them...anyway, just some early ideas...


Did you see my loyalist Sacristan? http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/293094-knights-of-house-cydonia-and-accompanying-taghmata-omnissiah/page-2?do=findComment&comment=3772912 I've made him part of my Explorator Necromunda team searching for the throne mechanicum of a knight that fell there in the past fighting the ork invasion.


You could use your Sacristans as deployment zone objective markers to protect, perhaps having just reloaded the ammo hoppers and finding themselves uncomfortable close to the battle. The Baron could also find himself stuck away from his knight when the force gets attacked by an enemy kill-team and so be used in that format.



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@ Battybattybats: Thanks for reminding me of your Sacristan, mate! That is exactly the kind of look I am going for, although my team of Sacristands might end up slightly more frayed around the edges -- landing on the losing side of the Heresy and having to survive aboard a World Eaters vessel for 10,000 years will probably do that to you ;)


That said, I am planning a similar model, albeit completely made from plastic (I suppose I'll be using a hand clutching an open book from the Empire Battle Wizard kit and the incense burner from the servo-skull that comes with the Tempestus Scions). Then there'll be a guy clutching a stack of books that contain the Knight's blueprints and "maintenance log", like I said. if any of you guys have any more ideas about possible Sacristan models, I'd love to hear them before I get started on this, so speak up! ;)

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With millennia of chaos exposure i'd use the necromancer from the vampire counts corpse cart, the corpse master from the mortis engine, the wizard and priests from the big empire vehicle kits as good sources of robed plastics, though depending on style you are going for non-robed empire figures could be useful too. A good plastic source for a servo-arm might be the missile-loader arm from the marine devestators as well as dark eldar talos, haemonculus and wracks parts.

The censer i used on mine was from the dark angel flail, the smoke was cut-down flame from the terradon kit. There's a few good non-smoking censers on dark angel sprues. But there's one part i've long thought of using in my vampires and in my mechanicum but haven't found the most perfect use yet.

The spirit-bottle on the empire wizard set where a skull shaped cloud is emerging from a bottle. For your chaos-influenced sacristans i would totally be adding that smoke to a dark angel censer!

Edited by Battybattybats
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  • 2 weeks later...

Those are some excellent ideas, mate! I think I'll make good use of them and hope I'll be able to put some work into those Sacristans over the holiday -- that said, there is quite a bit of painting for the Call of Chaos vow to get out of the way first -- we'll see ;)


In any case, I wish you all a very merry Christmas! It has been a hell of a year, and I hope you are all having a great time with your friends, families, loved ones, pets and little plastic men! Season's Greetings from Skalathrax!



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So, after a few days of eating, sleeping, spending time with the family and general laziness, I have finally started painting everyone's favourite maniac in Mk 1-ish Terminator plate today:




My chances of actually finishing my Call of Chaos vow may not be all that big at this point, but I am still giving it my best shot ;) Stay tuned for a soon-ish update (I hope...)!

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