Skrundle87 Posted January 17, 2014 Share Posted January 17, 2014 As usual man, amazing work I love the vast array of bits you have at yout disposal. All your conversions are great and these are no different. Kudos to the guys who achieved knighthood through your army, I too see their work (and yours) to be truly inspirational It would seem once again I really need to get myself some wfb models for the bitz they bring Keep up the great inspiring work Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted January 22, 2014 Author Share Posted January 22, 2014 Thanks a lot, guys! I am happy that I managed to inspire you with those latest updates! :) @ lionofjudah: Aw, mate, it's heartwarming (and a little heartbreaking as well) that you sold that army to keep your little one at ease ;) You're right, though: Khorne's Eternal Hunt should probably be PEGI 16 at least ;) @ Brother Heinrich: You are very welcome! The honour is well deserved ;) @ Tanith Ghost: Oh, you're absolutely right: There are certainly several options for the Brazen Hunters to be used in games: as bikes, as multiple chaos lords, or even as Skullcrushers in an allied daemon detachment. The thing is, however, that I find myself going for conversions and projects that I would like to do over those that are super useful on the table anyway, so there's that too. @ Midian: Haha, point taken ;) In the end, though, even with my rather sizeable bitzbox, the coolness of the swords I used surpassed that of the axes available to me, so what was I to do? That said, there are quite a few axes in my army, so all's well -- the army commander himself wields one, as a matter of fact! @ one-eye: Teehee, that is very nice of you to say! ;) @ Natanael: And with the recent rumours of new CSM and Havoc kits, this might actually be the perfect time. Just sayin'... @ Skrundle87: Ah, well, you're no slouch either: That Dreadknight conversion of yours is excellent. And like I said, WFB chaos bitz are definitely your friend! ;) I've been awfully slow to begin any new hobby projects this year, but new stuff is on the way! So keep your eyes peeled ;) Skrundle87 and Agraorth 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted January 29, 2014 Author Share Posted January 29, 2014 Alright, everyone: Update time! ;) Having been unbelievably lazy for a couple of weeks, I have recently undertaken a couple of steps to get back into hobby mode. As is so often the case with restarting an engine that has lain dormant for a while, the first moments aren’t pretty, with lots of sputtering and grinding. But it finally feels like I am slowly getting back into the swing of things, so today I would like to show you a number of smaller projects I am currently working on:1. The Brazen Wall – revisitedFirst up is an Aegis Defense line for my World Eaters. I started working on this some time last summer, but then it more or less fell by the wayside. So, time to get some more work in! Here’s the aegis as it looks right now: I wanted the defense line to look like it clearly belonged to my army, I didn’t want to go overboard with the spiky bitz. I basically used some spikes an armour plates from the chaos vehicle sprue to spruce up the different segments. Nothing amazing, certainly. But the true achievement was to get rid of all those pesky Imperial aquilas. be fair, though, after I had found the right approach for doing this, it turned into an almost relaxing task. I was able to shave off all the loyal iconography in a single evening. while the defense line will still need some additional bitz, mostly trophies, skulls and impaled Astartes, it’s definitely getting there! Again, not the most creative and groundbreaking endeavour in the world, but just the right project to slowly ease me back into hobby mode!2. Death from AboveLet’s continue with something slightly more involved: I also finally found a way to make what may be my favourite model from the Dark Vengeance boxed set into a member of my World Eaters: always thought that the Chosen wielding lightning claws would make for an excellent jump infantry officer or lord, so I added a raptor jump pack and some clawed toes from the warp talons. It’s a rather simple conversion, of course, but one I am nevertheless rather pleased with. It also resembles GW’s own Chaos lord with jump pack (as a matter of fact, I had originally intended of using that model’s jump pack for this conversion, but abandoned the idea when it turned out to be far too unwieldy).Oh, and I do of course realise that using a flowing cape like that directly underneath what ultimately amounts to a jet engine may not be the smartest idea in the world, but there’s always the Rule of Cool, isn’t there? Let’s just pretend it’s made from flame-retardant fabric, okay?3. Hammer Time!Building chaos lords is one of my favourite hobby activities, of course, and with the Raptor Lord out of the way, another traitor officer was quick to follow. I was beginning to feel more adventurous, too! But we’ll get to that in a minute.First things first: Does anyone remember these guys? before FW redesigned the whole Pre-Heresy stuff, there were a number of highly interesting older models put out by GW proper. One of them was the Mk I Tactical Dreadnought Armour, indeed going back to one of Jes Goodwin’s concept sketches for the later Terminators.Anyway, this small scrap of half-forgotten lore was lying around in my inspiration folder. And then I came across an illustration by the ever-inspirational Greyall, depicting an Imperial Fists marine wearing an updated form of Mk I TDA.Seeing that image made me realise that it might be interesting to build a model that took design cues from that rather ancient design, and another piece of the puzzle fell into place.Things really got underway when I started messing around with a couple of leftover armour plates from the Heldrake kit, because they almost look like those Mk I shoulder plates, if you only look at them long enough.So I formulated a plan for yet another chaos lord conversion: I would build a chaos lord wearing custom armour that would take inspiration from both the Mk I and Cataphractii designs. Not a straight recreation of either, but something that incorporated elements from both in order to create an armour that looked archaic and massive. And of course, my beloved plastic Terminator Lord would be at the heart of the conversion once more.Anyway, after messing around with a pile of bitz for a while, here’s an early mockup of the model: you can see, it’s a fairly simple kitbash, any by no means an involved recreation of either armour pattern. But some of the elements are inspired by those seen on the Pre-Heresy armour: The shoulder pads and slightly recessed, helmeted head recall a more ornate Mk I design, while the topknot and pteruges skirt are a clear reference to the Cataphractii armour. And the decorative trim and heretical symbols clearly communicate the fact that we are dealing with a member of a traitor legion, after all.I wanted to create a hulking character in highy archaic armour, and that much seems to have worked. And while the thunder hammer was only intended as a placeholder, I think that it really nicely complements the overall look of the model — even though it’s not really a weapon associated with followers of Khorne…Another possibility would be to use one of the mauls from the Deathwing Knights that I have conveniently lying around: you can see, the model’s only tacked together for now, held together by lots of modelling putty and my prayers. But I am already rather fond of this guy, even though he’s only a rather simple kitbash and nowhere near as involved as, say, Dark Rage’s faithful – and incredibly cool – recreation of actual Mk I armour. or the attempt at building faithful Mk I armour I discovered just now in the Dakka Gallery. I can imagine this guy as one of Lorimar’s bodyguards, encased in ancient armour and ruthlessly efficient: a silent and deadly warrior crushing everything in the Lord Captain’s way…Anyway, these are my first small hobby projects for this year! And of course, I am always happy to hear any feedback you might have! In any case, it’s good to be back in the game, especially considering all the crazy rumours about new CSM kits to be released soon-ish.Now if I can only find my misplaced painting modjo, everything will turn out fine…Anyway, thanks for looking and stay tuned for more! daemonclaw, Biohazard, TearsOfTheRaven and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thamier Posted January 29, 2014 Share Posted January 29, 2014 looking good, i also have a defence line layin about that i been mening to chaosify, but might be while, anyway looking good as always, relly like it. also interresting idea with the helldrake legplates as shoulderpads, conidering stealing that idea dor my oblits maybe. but keep up the great work! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
carnosaur93 Posted January 29, 2014 Share Posted January 29, 2014 hmmm... i cant help but feel turning the shoulder pads the other way around would be PERFECTLY in line with the mk1 style, with the spikes pointing up... i both think it could look really neat, but also its the more iconic part of the mk1, alogn with the "pea head" chest and helmet. Currently i dont really see any characteristic mk1-stylings, and thats a shame :P Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Natanael Posted January 29, 2014 Share Posted January 29, 2014 The raptor lord looks great, except for the huge cavern on his left Lightning claw. With the terminator, I Think that if you angle down the shoulderpads more, to resemble the Mk I even more, I Think it will look better. In the mk I pic they cover most of the upper arms and go above his head. Yours look more like they are just added outside of the rest of the armour. Might be the arm positioning as well, but I'd try to make them more like the Mk I myself. Looks good, tough, even with no changes! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
carnosaur93 Posted January 29, 2014 Share Posted January 29, 2014 a quick paint shoop... does not really do it justice, but it shows what i mean Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted January 29, 2014 Author Share Posted January 29, 2014 Cheers, guys! @ carnosaur93: You know, I really didn't know what you meant until you posted that mockup. Then I immediately tried it, and the model does indeed look 100% more Mk I as a result. Check it out: Consider my mind blown! It even adds that slightly "alien" look to the shoulders, I don't know how to describe it any better: The curvature of the shoulders is quite unlike anything seen on modern (traitor) Astartes models. I have yet to decide which version I actually like better, but the changed one really looks more like the older armour pattern. And it also has a certain "je ne sais quoi" for thought, definitely! Thanks so much for suggesting this ;) @ Natanael: The gap on the Raptor Lord's arm is actually a result of the parts not being glued together yet, so you can expect that element to disappear on the finished model! ;) Keep the feedback coming, guys! This is really helpful! Natanael, infyrana, ShotgunFacelift and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Ambroz Posted January 29, 2014 Share Posted January 29, 2014 The gun line looks great, can't even tell there used to be aquilas in place there. The raptor lord though I don't really like honestly to me it just looks like he's walking not getting ready to jump. Just my opinion though. The TDA fella is awesome though and I don't recognize that head where is it from? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chronotonic Posted January 29, 2014 Share Posted January 29, 2014 it is like he is just sauntering over to where he needs to kill without a care in the world... haha Dragonkin Arenis 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted January 29, 2014 Author Share Posted January 29, 2014 @ Tanith Ghost: Point taken regarding the Raptor Lord -- the walking pose is a little iffy (just as much of a problem when you're using the model as a "walking" Chosen, though). Maybe I can do something to make it look even better. We'll see. The head on the Termie Lord came from the Skullcrusher kit: I cut off the bunny ears (for use on another model) and discovered the head looked even more brutal without them -- lucky coincidence, that ;) @ Capitano: He does look like that, doesn't he? Suits the character, though. He'll be named the "Doomwall", I believe, thanks to a suggestion by DexterKong. Chronotonic 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ElDuderino Posted January 29, 2014 Share Posted January 29, 2014 Wow that little change made a lot of difference. The helm looks great on terminators too, never realised that! Got a couple of those in the bit box, hope you don't mind me copying you:) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Ambroz Posted January 29, 2014 Share Posted January 29, 2014 Yeah that's my least favorite DV model by far. I too might have to steal that idea from you, as well as the drake shoulder pads : P Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chaeron Posted January 29, 2014 Share Posted January 29, 2014 The sheer size boost... lovely! Looks superb and I cannot wait to see you slap some paint on. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted January 29, 2014 Author Share Posted January 29, 2014 Cheers for the kind words, guys! And do steal all the ideas you can carry from this thread -- it's what I do all the time ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crimsonhand Posted January 29, 2014 Share Posted January 29, 2014 Where does the head for the champ come from? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skrundle87 Posted January 29, 2014 Share Posted January 29, 2014 Fantastic works once again Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted January 29, 2014 Author Share Posted January 29, 2014 Thanks, guys! @ crimsonhand: Like I said, the head is from the WFB Skullcrusher kit -- I just clipped off the "bunny ears". Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crimsonhand Posted January 29, 2014 Share Posted January 29, 2014 my bad. missed that Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted January 29, 2014 Author Share Posted January 29, 2014 Yet another small update: Fellow hobbyist Anvildude suggested over on Dakka that I add some kind of "cowl" above the head to emulate the more recessed look of the Mk I suit. I am only messing around a bit, for now, but would this work towards that effect? have also started to slightly convert the vents on the back of the torso, bringing them more in line with the power plants on the backs of Cataphractii armour: It goes without saying that the model's far from finished. So all gaps will be filled in the end, and a suitable set of weapons will be sorted out -- although I am pretty sure it'll be a combination of CC weapons, in keeping with the rest of the Terminator bodyguard intended for Lord Captain Lorimar. As always, let me know what you think! :) Firepower and Kierdale 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
infyrana Posted January 30, 2014 Share Posted January 30, 2014 Lovin' it, shoulders look awesome and makes for one sweet looking terminator! The idea of a cowl definitely gives it a more armoured feel, though I would recommend trying a few approaches before you fix it as I'm personally not convinced by the curve or height - can't make my mind up which :) As for pose, I actually like the pose before with your comment about having your mind blown, although less dynamic, it gives him an aura of cool attitude, sceptre/mace just casually almost dragging across the floor, with his other hand relaxed and eyes on something in the distance - his next prey. In addition, it prevents him from looking like he's trying to air his armpits from the sweat inside the suit (as per the last pic from the rear - I like the vents!) :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RolandTHTG Posted January 30, 2014 Share Posted January 30, 2014 He's looking awesome. I'm with infyrana in that you should do the arms as pose #2, though I think you should definitely keep working on the hood from # 3. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
carnosaur93 Posted January 30, 2014 Share Posted January 30, 2014 sorry for the late reply... but no problem man, i couldn't hlep but notice the possibility and as a fan of the mk1 termie style i just had to yell it at the screen in eagerness to see it happen xD also yeah, the "cowl" really adds the last needed effect to emulate the mk1 shape and style, looks awesome now! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skrundle87 Posted January 30, 2014 Share Posted January 30, 2014 Awesome stuff, I've got to ask where'd the head and shoulders comw from? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kythnos Posted January 30, 2014 Share Posted January 30, 2014 While I wanted the defense line to look like it clearly belonged to my army, I didn’t want to go overboard with the spiky bitz. I basically used some spikes an armour plates from the chaos vehicle sprue to spruce up the different segments. Nothing amazing, certainly. But the true achievement was to get rid of all those pesky Imperial aquilas. [...] To be fair, though, after I had found the right approach for doing this, it turned into an almost relaxing task. I was able to shave off all the loyal iconography in a single evening. I have a defense line on my desk as well and want to know more about this magic approach to de-imperializing and relaxing :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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