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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Baby steps...

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Cheers for the encouragement, people! :) I was rather hesitant about participating in the vow, to be honest, but even if I should fail it, I will still end up with a couple of painted models that would probably have been left untouched without the incentive of a looming deadline, so it's all good in the end ;)


Another PIP to show you the Doomwall is getting there. It's a rather terrible picture, though, so be warned:




There's quite a bit of work left, but I think I may be on the right track ;)

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Cheers, mate! :smile.:


Haha, no, it isn't the towel (and it's a bedsheet, thank you very much! :wink:).

For all its deficiencies, my red really looks like red, even if seen firstand. It's a really easy recipe, actually: Over a black undercoat, I start with a layer of GW Mechrite Red (the new Khorne Red should probably work just as well) which is then washed liberally with GW Devlan Mud (or, failing that, Army Painter Strong Tone or even GW Agrax Earthshade). The I put on a thin layer of GW Blood Red -- done!


The obvious pitfall about this recipe is that it may not work quite as well with larger areas, but it's serviceable enough for the rather small armour panels on CSM models. That said, I fear I may have to change my recipe sooner rather than later, because my last Blood Red is running out fast...


Anyway, hope this helps!


In other news: Yay, 1000 posts ;)

Edited by KrautScientist
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Happy new year, everyone!

After spending quite some time on the Doomwall's paintjob, I needed something quick and fun to cleanse my palate (or should that be palette? ;) ). Anyway, I decided to paint up that traitor psyker test model that I showed you fairly recently:



Unfortunately, the pictures aren't the best as it's nearly impossible to take any decent photos in this weather -- it's driving me up the wall, to be honest ;) But you should still get an okayish impression of the paintjob,

As always, let me know what you think!  :)

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Thanks for the kind words, guys! He wasn't a huge project or anything -- just a mindless bit of fun to relax after painting the Doomwall model. In that respect, I am pretty happy with how he came out!


As for the Doomwall,...


Call of Chaos Update:


Weather be damned, you'll have to live with the following pictures for now. Here's Brother Garron, the Doomwall, completely painted and based. Enjoy!


















As always, let me know what you think! :)

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Cheers for the positive feedback, everyone! I am rather fond of the Doomwall, if I do say so myself, but it's good to know you like him as well ;)


@ Flint: This one needed a helmet, of course. For narrative purposes more than due to any battlefield safety concerns, mind you ;)


@ Usiel & MrHavoc99: That head is from the Empire Flagellants -- brilliantly creepy, isn't it? ;)


@ Scribe: Cheers, mate!


@ Tarvick: I've snapped a little comparison photo in order to answer your question. Here's the Doomwall next to a (fairly) regular Terminator:




As you can see, he isn't really that much taller, but the pauldrons give him quite a bit of extra mass in silhouette.


@ OSS: Mate, who said he didn't have a squad: Here are all the models of Lord Captain Lorimar's personal retinue, Lorimar's Fist, that have been completed so far:




The objective here is to come up with a retinue where each Terminator is pretty unique, each is wielding a distinct weapon (or set of weapons), and each could be a chaos lord in their own right.


@ Augustus b'Raass: That's terrible, because the Dommwall took me hours, and the psyker was just a short, 60 minutes romp -- but I won't judge you ;)



Meanwhile, the painting spree continues apace. And I am soo fed up with painting red right now...


Anyway, here's the latest update:




"Look, Ma! No hands!" ;)


As always, let me know what you think!

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Out of likes for now, but the "look, Ma! No Hands!" comment alone made want to press the button. I dread my timing with my LoS, but our Lord Khorne knows that I haven't stolen your red-painting-mojo. Hand painting large surfaces in any colour just blows. Hold fast and you'll be golden red.


The dread looks awesome so far. What is that, your fourth? The freehanded XII looks stunning - or is it a transfer? If so, might you reveal your secret of hiding it being a transfer?

Edited by Augustus b'Raass
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