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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Baby steps...

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Cheers, guys!


@ Biohazard: I actually have a whole set of bunny ears I could attach to that head, although I am not perfectly sure yet whether to go with bunny ears at all...?! For now, I've started by building a neck from some cable bits and the small support struts from a Necron warrior's neck. It's fiddly work, but the result's well worth it ;)


On a mostly unrelated note, I'd like to invite you guys to check out and comment on my new Legio Custodes thread. Granted, some of you may have seen the models elsewhere, but it's really the closest I will ever realistically come to running a Heresy army, and every bit of feedback is welcome ;)

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Cheers, guys!


Only something tiny for today, but something I am very pleased with nevertheless: My latest Chosen conversion resulted in half a chopped-off Chosen head, and since I am always careful not to throw away anything the might yet prove useful, I tried my best to repair that helmet for future use. The solution was to splice it together with the jaws of a Cairn Wraith skull. Take a look:




While this helmet will need some more work (as well as a neck portion), I am just stupidly happy with this for some reason :wink:

I would be stupidly happy too. (Also quoted because it got cut off near the bottom of last page).

Part of me wants to see that in some khornate ad mech. Maybe a guy whose head chopping block is an anvil.

Edited by Teetengee
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@ Teetengee: Cheers, mate! An interesting thought. Hmm...


As it happens, I've been working on the same head this afternoon. The combination of a) Biohazard's feedback above b) browsing through Wade Pryce's excellent World Eaters again c) the first leaked pictures from the upcoming, Khornate End Times release and d) the memory of a certain piece of Adrian Smith artwork from the 3.5 codex made me realise that there was just one way to go for this helmet:



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Cheers, guys! :)


@ thamier: You mean the basing material, right? I used my usual cork wallpaper and added some bigger rocks made from cork on top to resemble the foundations of a razed building (the bigger bits actually came from the cork coasters to put underneath hot pots you can buy at IKEA -- and excellent source for basing cork!).


@ Biohazard: Right you are, buddy: He'll be no mere champion. But worry not, the head has already grown a worthy body -- just you guys wait til tomorrow... ;)

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@ thamier: I was pretty lucky to get a couple of thin sheets of cork wallpaper my dad must have bought some time during the 80s -- it was actually pretty cool back then to glue that stuff to the sides of your stereo's speakerboxes, if you can believe it ;) Anyway, it has served me really well as a basing resource and I dread the day when I will finally run out. That said, thin sheets (or even entire rolls) of cork can be had for a pretty small price at virtually every DIY superstore, since they are used in insulating floors. The texture of the stuff is less like rock and more like asphalt, though. Which may still work pretty well for a 40k army, come to think of it...


So, anyway, I promised you an update regarding that converted helmet, didn't I? Well, here goes:


While I was super-happy with the helmet, the usual routine of dry-fitting it to a couple of possible bodies I had lying around didn't really work out all that well: The head just looked too "special", for lack of a better word, to be squandered on yet another Chaos Space Marine. But then, fate intervened:


You see, some time ago I picked up an extra set of Dark Vengeance Chosen for a song from a fellow hobbyist. Those have served me very well for conversions (the bare-armed guy posted fairly recently in this thread is a good example of that). And having them around also means that I can keep a completely (or at least mostly) unchanged set of Chosen around, because I actually like the stock models very much. Another Kranon the Relentless model had been part of the deal as well, but the problem was that the previous owner seems to have been very fond of the old superglue, and while the regular Chosen are easy enough to cut apart, the way Kranon is designed has really prevented me from working with the model so far -- all that superglue really made it impossible to take the model apart. So it basically went to the bottom of the pile, with very little chance of ever seeing the light of day again.


But lo and behold, it turned out to be the perfect base for a conversion using the newly converted head. And so, a short while later, I had the following model. Let's call him "Huntmaster Korann" or "Kornan" or whatever anagram of Kranon we can think of, for now ;)








As always, let me know what you think! :)

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Wow Kraut, that head is killer, and you're totes right on the khorne symbol 'bunny ears'. I love also the body you've put him on but to be honest I think the arms need a totally different pose. What I'm getting now is a guy who'se spreading his (albeit weapon holding) arms to his child and joyfully screaming 'come to daddy, baby!!!!'. I'm guessing that's not the ambiance you're going for... ;) Why not put him on a more dynamically posed body? The helmet looks like it's screaming, and if it could, it would almost literally scream for a dynamic "I'm coming to get you!" posed body. :tu:

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Cheers, guys! :)


@ Battybattybats: Ah, yes, that would be Huntmaster Ahnuld you're referring to, right? ;)


@ Augustus b'Raass: Sorry mate, but the head has already been glued to the body. Plus I don't think this particular Kranon body would led itself too well to heavy modification -- you wouldn't believe the amount of superglue the previous owner seems to have slathered everywhere to get the parts to stick together 'til kingdom come. That said, I am not too bothered about the pose, to be honest -- I actually think it works well enough. One thing I am considering is to exchange the hand with the plasma pistol for a hand from the GK Paladins holding a severed Daemonette's head by its hair -- thoughts?

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Wow Kraut, that head is killer, and you're totes right on the khorne symbol 'bunny ears'. I love also the body you've put him on but to be honest I think the arms need a totally different pose. What I'm getting now is a guy who'se spreading his (albeit weapon holding) arms to his child and joyfully screaming 'come to daddy, baby!!!!'. I'm guessing that's not the ambiance you're going for... :wink: Why not put him on a more dynamically posed body? The helmet looks like it's screaming, and if it could, it would almost literally scream for a dynamic "I'm coming to get you!" posed body. :thumbsup:

I was thinking something similar- like he was asking for a hug.

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Wow Kraut, that head is killer, and you're totes right on the khorne symbol 'bunny ears'. I love also the body you've put him on but to be honest I think the arms need a totally different pose. What I'm getting now is a guy who'se spreading his (albeit weapon holding) arms to his child and joyfully screaming 'come to daddy, baby!!!!'. I'm guessing that's not the ambiance you're going for... :wink: Why not put him on a more dynamically posed body? The helmet looks like it's screaming, and if it could, it would almost literally scream for a dynamic "I'm coming to get you!" posed body. :thumbsup:

I was thinking something similar- like he was asking for a hug.


I was thirdly thinking the same thing. The head, body and arms are exceptional by themselves, but right now it looks like he has both arms stretched out as far as he can reach, which seems decidedly uncomfortable. 


I would also like to point out Augustus's use of the word "totes" which I have helpfully highlighted and underlined. 

Edited by Flint13
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Regarding the pose on the Chaos Lord, I have just tried rotating the right arm, so he's holding the sword parallel to the pistol. I'll post up a picture of that soon. A Khornate Cypher counts as seems like a charming idea, but I've already converted a model for Cypher, plus this guy just doesn't look like a Master Pistoleer to me :wink:


Regarding Augustus' choice of words, I think we should just take it as proof of his limitless enthusiasm :wink:




...like, fo sho ;)

Edited by KrautScientist
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