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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Baby steps...

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Cheers, mate! And no - and I guess this is kind of a biggie - the 'Thirster does not have two sets of legs in the box! Regardless of whether or not you want the flame bit, the legs stay the same! What you do get is a different sole for the right foot: One is connected to that huge (and kinda silly) flame pillar, the other one to a much smaller pile of skulls with a flame or two on top.

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@ Teetengee: Sure, if you pay for the Balrog kit, I'll get right on it! :wink:


Seriously, though: As I don't have a Balrog, and since I am only working on the Thirster right now, maybe this will help you?

Thanks, a few years ago I bought the balrog to use as a bloodthirster since they are basically the same thing and it is a much nicer looking model than the bloodthirster gw had at the time. I am just curious if it still measures up.

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Having just looked over the sprues for the Skullreaper kit, I think I might be even more excited to see what you do with those! If I were a filthy heretic, I'd buy that kit based on the weapon options ALONE. You need it, brother. 


And as echoed by so many others, it's really cool that AD-B recognized your work like that. He seems like a legit awesome dude and it's cool to see people take notice. 

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Cheers, guys! :)


@ Teetengee: If I think of Cheexsta's beautiful, Balrog-based Thirster, I think that yes, Balrog conversions should probably still hold up rather nicely -- if anything, the new Bloodthirster is closer to their design that the old one. If you leave off the armour plates, you end up with something pretty Balrog-like.


@ KBA: Thanks, mate! ;)


@ JeffTibbetts: Don't worry, I already pre-ordered the Skullreaper/Wrathmonger kits -- expect them to be rather heavily converted by the time they make an appearance on this thread ;)


So, let me just share some additional, Bloodthirster-related observations -- maybe it'll be helpful for those of you who are still on the fence about whether or not the kit is worth it for them.


Here's what my own model looks like right now:




Now I did take it fairly slow, even though it may not look like it: The head, left arm and armour plates are just tacked on for now. However, since the first seven or so construction steps are the same for all three variants of the model, there was little harm in assembling him so far. It's a wonderfully engineered kit, and the only part that has been giving me any trouble whatsoever is the tongue, of all things.


Anyway, I am pretty sure you all want to hear about the size of the model, so here he is, next to a standard Space Marine:




He could always have been bigger, of course, but I am rather happy with the model's size and bulk. There's also a very handy scale conversion pic here, for those of you who want to know how the model measures up next to the other Bloodthirster models so far.


One interesting thing is that nobody forces you to build your Bloodthirster all armoured up: Here's what he looks like with all the armour plates removed:




The only armour you will positively need is that belly plate, since he'll have a pretty big hole in his torso, otherwise.


Oh, and I know you all want to know about the size of that axe, so here's another scale comparison for you:




Pretty big, huh?


So, what's in the kit beyond that? First and foremost, you'll get the option to build either of the three advertised variants, of course. You also get to mix and match between them to a certain degree. I suppose it should even be possible to create new weapons setups (twin axes, for example) with a bit of cutting and gluing. Now when it comes to extra bitz, here's a a quick overwiev of my observations so far:


  • You get an additional set of arms (for the two handed axe) plus an additional left arm, depending on whether you go with the whip or that - very stupid, in my opinion - meteor hammer
  • there's an alternate breastplate, loincloth and belly plate. You can mix and match between different setups with these.
  • You get three complete heads (except for a tongue bit that is shared between two of the designs). The leftover heads are only ever so slightly larger than those of the plastic Daemon Prince kit, so they should be usable on your DP conversions.
  • there's a bunch of chains and talismans of Khorne that you can use on the wings or be used on different models
  • you get two axe heads for the one-handed axe.

Let's take a closer look at some of the bitz:




I. The optional skull shoulder pad is interesting in that it would possibly work as a facemask on a daemon engine or *gasp* even an Imperial Knight conversion


II. If - like me - you think that flame pillar is a stupid way to elevate the model on the base, you'll get it as a leftover bit that might make a cool objective marker or something similar...


III. Here's the alternate armour set you get: Those belly plates work pretty well as bespoke pauldrons for Chaos Terminators, you know...


IV. The chains and talismans for the wings -- I think I'll rather be using these on a couple of different models, as the Bloodthirster seems cluttered enough for my taste ;)


In closing, let me point out two more interesting bitz:


First up, the chaos icon used on the Bloodthirster's whip:




I think this would make for an excellent squad standard or a back-banner for a Dark Apostle. I am also considering leaving it off, because I would rather have a whip without a bulky object like this on its end, but the part is still very cool on its own.


There's also the RT-era styled bone crown for the Bloodthirster head:




As you can see, it comes as a separate bit, so you could also use it on your DPs, juggernauts or even on a Terminator lord (it almost looks like the top of a Terminator torso front anway...).


So yeah, so far for my observations! Hope this helps! :)

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Thanks for doping these sorts of posts K-sci, really appriciated! Looks like an awesome kit, i must resist getting it since i have a half built knight already... although this kit might provide some excellent bits for chaosifying that too... doh
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Cheers, guys!


@ Augustus b'Raass: Hmm, actually, mate, I've had the exact same idea -- that would be one amazing World Eaters Contemptor, wouldn't it? I've never handled one of the models myself, but they are a bit bigger than one of the plastic Dreads, right? If so, it might just work -- with a bit of cutting, possibly. Now who would possibly try something like this? Maybe everybody's favourite madman from the Hive slums of Amsterdam...? :wink:


In the meantime, while plotting out the course for my Bloodthirster model, I've already been using some of the bitz from the kit in different projects: Since I knew I wasn't going to use the meteor hammer weapon, no matter what, I used the chain from it to add a final, gladiatorial dash to one of my Daemon Princes. Take a look:












His two weapons are now connected by a length of daemonic chain -- I think this pushes the gladiatorial look even further, which I really like! I also used two of the small wing doodads from the Bloodthirster kit to make the armour look more Khornate -- the extra bitz from the Bloodthirster are actually a godsend when it comes to spicing up that rather bland and cartoony DP kit, if you ask me!


As always, let me know what you think! :smile.:

Edited by KrautScientist
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Thanks, guys!


@ Augustus b'Raass: You know what -- I might actually really consider it. I'll probably be going with an axe/whip combo on my own Bloodthirster, and the axe is amazing, but so big that the only two models in my collection who could realistically make use of it are the Wargrinder (which is already finished) and the Knight (which will keep his chainsword, I think). The only thing I'll have to figure out is whether or not I'll use a part of the big axe to build a second hand axe for the 'Thirster.

But there's one catch: If I decide to send it your way, you'll have to give me something really awesome in return! ;)

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The Daemon Prince conversion looks great. The chain makes the weapon look a bit like a skipping rope :wink: Even immortal creatures from the Immaterium need to work out. The extended middle finger looks out of place but that is not your fault.
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Looking cool, which way are you going to build the Bloodthirster out of the three chose :D


I just pick up the Bloodthrister today, it just a cool model.  Seen the video on the GW what new today blog & seen a few spure today from people who mail order the kit.......I'm just a fan of Chaos.  Just building the model right now & what I've started building, it just a really great kit & going together really well.
Thinking going with the big axe for my own.

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Cheers, people! :)


@ Insane Psychopath: I think I will be going with Unfettered Fury: It's the version with the best head by far, plus I love the iconic combination of whip and axe. The one thing I am still thinking about is to go for two single handed axes instead, but I also really love the whip. We shall see ;)

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Thanks, guys!


@ Augustus b'Raass: You know what -- I might actually really consider it. I'll probably be going with an axe/whip combo on my own Bloodthirster, and the axe is amazing, but so big that the only two models in my collection who could realistically make use of it are the Wargrinder (which is already finished) and the Knight (which will keep his chainsword, I think). The only thing I'll have to figure out is whether or not I'll use a part of the big axe to build a second hand axe for the 'Thirster.

But there's one catch: If I decide to send it your way, you'll have to give me something really awesome in return! :wink:


Stick it on a Gahra Mal or whatever the new WB Dread is called. Assuming it fits obviously.



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Damn, that's an offer I cannot refuse. I'm scouring my extensive bits boxes for bits right now...


Also: you must be going bananas with the release of the Khorne Skullreapers. Wrathmongers not so much I imagine, as that idea of a hammer head on a chain is indeed ridiculous. On a thirster, but especially dual wielded on normal guys...

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Cheers, guys!


@ Augustus b'Raass: Will PM you shortly re: the axe.


EDIT: Augustus suggested we bring our shady dealings out into the open, and I am only too happy to comply:


So yeah, regarding that axe...


To tell you the truth, the option of sending it to you becomes more and more likely: Sure the animal part of my bitz hoarder's brain keeps screaming: "Keep it! It may come in handy!" But let's be realistic here: It could only ever come in handy on another huge model, and I already have two huge models that need building and painting (The Chaos Knight and the 'Thirster), and neither of those will be using the axe.


The one, very slim, chance of me using that axe is if those rumours about a plastic 30k boxed set including a Contemptor turn out to be true -- but even then, I could just as easily arm a Contemptor with something different and just as chaotic.


When all is said and done, there is also the fact that I would really love to see a World Eaters Contemptor wielding that axe built and painted by you :wink:


So, what I am trying to say with all of this: I guess we can just go through with this, if you're interested -- however, I have two conditions:


Condition 1:

I said I wanted something really awesome in return for that axe, and I stand by that condition. However, the longer I think about it, the more obvious it becomes to me that I wasn't necessarily talking about huge bitz -- or about bitz at all.


Here's an idea: What I want in return is a World Eater. Converted and/or kitbashed by you. Unpainted will do, because my plan would be to add him to my own force, so he had better fit in, colour-wise. But you had better make this the coolest World Eater possible. What kind of World Eater will be left up to your discretion (although I think he should be 40k, just to be on the safe side).


Condition 2:

That axe will go towards building the most awesome World Eaters Contemptor you can make. Plain and simple.


So, there's my idea. What do you say, mate? :wink:





As for the Skullreapers/Wrathmongers, I've already pre-ordered them. They seem like a pretty mixed bag on their own, yet I am confident they will provide some very promising conversion fodder -- if anything, they seem much more interesting for 40k than for WFB. I'll keep you guys updated :wink:


Meanwhile, work on the Bloodthirster continues, although I cannot hope to match the ungodly speed of, say, InsanePsychopath, so the model is still in its building stage.


I have settled on the axe/whip combo now, and here's what the model currently looks like:






I've glued the model to the fantasy base for now, so I can have it upright. A couple of observations:


- as you can see, this guy is fairly massive, even without his wings. I really like that!

- after much deliberation, I chose the asymmetrical axe head: While the other axe is beautifully designed, it just looks slightly wrong to me, held at that particular angle -- more like the 'Thirster is presenting it to the audience. The asymmetrical version doesn't have that problem, at least not to the same degree, and looks like he is actually preparing for a swing, so it was definitely the way to go for me.

- you wouldn't believe how much messing around it took to sort out that whip arm -- the instructions are slightly ambiguous, with pictures that aren't all that helpful, so getting the whip into a position where it both cleared the floor and didn't interfere with the head did take some doing. As you can see, I also left off that clunky chaos star, shaving down the whip so it tapers down into a pointy end instead -- this seems more natural and plausible to me, plus I get to keep that burning chaos star for something else :wink:


Oh, and here's another comparison picture for you: The Bloodthirster next to a (fairly standard) plastic Daemon Prince:




As you can see, the 'Thirster is quite a bit taller and more muscular. Regarding the DP, I made one more addition to him: Some Khorne runes were shaved off the vambrace of a leftover Bloodthirster arm and attached to his hip plates. See if you can spot them :wink:


As always, let me know what you think! :smile.:

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@ Augustus b'Raass: Will PM you shortly re: the axe.


EDIT: Augustus suggested we bring our shady dealings out into the open, and I am only to happy to comply: 

So yeah, regarding that axe...

To tell you the truth, the option of sending it to you becomes more and more likely: Sure the animal part of my bitz hoarder's brain keeps screaming: "Keep it! It may come in handy!" But let's be realistic here: It could only ever come in handy on another huge model, and I already have two huge models that need building and painting (The Chaos Knight and the 'Thirster), and neither of those will be using the axe.


The one, very slim, chance of me using that axe is if those rumours about a plastic 30k boxed set including a Contemptor turn out to be true -- but even then, I could just as easily arm a Contemptor with something different and just as chaotic.


When all is said and done, there is also the fact that I would really love to see a World Eaters Contemptor wielding that axe built and painted by you :wink:

So, what I am trying to say with all of this: I guess we can just go through with this, if you're interested -- however, I have two conditions:


Condition 1:

I said I wanted something really awesome in return for that axe, and I stand by that condition. However, the longer I think about it, the more obvious it becomes to me that I wasn't necessarily talking about huge bitz -- or about bitz at all.


Here's an idea: What I want in return is a World Eater. Converted and/or kitbashed by you. Unpainted will do, because my plan would be to add him to my own force, so he had better fit in, colour-wise. But you had better make this the coolest World Eater possible. What kind of World Eater will be left up to your discretion (although I think he should be 40k, just to be on the safe side).


Condition 2:

That axe will go towards building the most awesome World Eaters Contemptor you can make. Plain and simple.


So, there's my idea. What do you say, mate? :wink:

Oh.... OH...! It's on. It's on like Alderaan.

Condition 1:

Remember that creepy Night Lords apothecary k'Raut, that I wrote for my second Contemptor? I'm going to write a story for him, which has him join the World Eaters detachment that has recently joined with the 47th company's armada. He got a little too much into drawing blood for sanity's sake, and that has him turning World Eater. So I'm going to make you the coolest truescale apothecary I can think of and send it out to you, along with some other goodies (like you did for me a couple months back). I find that Truescale mini's fucntion well as Lords, gamewise. So you do have a say in his weaponry. Let me know.

Condition 2:

Of course I'm going to make a World Eaters contemptor wielding that thirster axe! Are you kidding me? He's going to be the baddest, most berzerk contemptor ever, charging forward over a pile of Ultramarine corpses.



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@ Augustus b'Raass: Well, first of all: You will have your axe, worry not ;) It may even be too big for a Contemptor -- we shall have to find that out in advance. But I am not backpedaling. The axe shall be yours. Berzerker's honour! ;)


BUT...(don't you hate it when that happens?) there is one problem: While I am entirely certain that a true scale Apothecary would be amazing, I am not totally sold on this idea, and here's why: The true scaling is a problem. Because I want this guy to be a part of my force, yet none of the other models are truescaled (except for Khârn, but he's not really a canonical member of the 4th and was rather a spin-off project): not the rank and file, not the Huntmasters, not even Lord Captain Lorimar. Which would put the model out of scale with every other member of the army, and that's a bit of a problem, and one that doesn't seem easily solvable.


I am so sorry, but do you see what I mean...?

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@ Augustus b'Raass: And I am very sorry, too! Hope you can get behind my reasoning, though! Besides, I think Apothecary Kraut should stay a part of your force, for reasons of self-aggrandisement :wink:


As for the distance: I am measuring between 6.1 and 6.2 centimetres.

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