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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Baby steps...

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Cheers for the commiserations, everyone! I really appreciate it! :)


@ OSS: Nah, those AdMech guys actually helped keep me sane. If you want to blame something, blame the chaos at work. Seriously!


@ Auggie: That was an excellent read, even though I'm feeling even more guilty now ;)


Anyway, no use crying over spilt ...blood ;) So here's another status update: It's more than 30 degrees Celsius outside, so there's no way I'm heading out there to take proper photos, but here's the Knight with its leg armour in varying stages of completion, all the same:




And here's a first look at the PIP belly plate:




On a related note, there's something I would really love your feedback on: I want to add a decal to the Knight that represents the Machine's honorary membership in the Legio Audax ("The Ember Wolves"), the Titan Legion that fought alongside the World Eaters during the Heresy. So I was looking at a suitably wolf-y decal in order to represent that affiliation: At first I wanted to use one of the War Hounds decals, but those definitely show a dog, not a wolf. So which of the following do you think would work best for the intended effect (As for placement, I'm thinking one of the kneecaps)?




As  always, let me know what you think! :)

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I'd vote for the middle decal as well. And heck, I'd love to hear that paint recipe for your deep bronze while we're at it. I suspect you're doing more to it, but I'd like to see how you got it right where it's at.


Oi tibbs, I got dibbs lol no but seriously, pencils and notepads at the ready, I think I might have found my metal

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About you feeling guilty: don't. You made the right choice to give that sweet Knight of yours the attention it deserves. Inspiration just hit me, as I was thinking how it'd be cool to play a game against you and have a batrep posted on the B&C forum. I PMd you a while ago, and the offer still stands.


God that Knight is coming along nicely, and yes, that belly plate is looking particularly awesome.


Concerning the decals: go with the middle one, although I'd point the paw downward. I like how that way it's a claw getting at you, fitting the theme of your army - i.e. Khooooooorne! The one on the left could be a dog too, and the one on the right is too obviously a space wolves logo.  

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About you feeling guilty: don't. You made the right choice to give that sweet Knight of yours the attention it deserves. Inspiration just hit me, as I was thinking how it'd be cool to play a game against you and have a batrep posted on the B&C forum. I PMd you a while ago, and the offer still stands.


God that Knight is coming along nicely, and yes, that belly plate is looking particularly awesome.


Concerning the decals: go with the middle one, although I'd point the paw downward. I like how that way it's a claw getting at you, fitting the theme of your army - i.e. Khooooooorne! The one on the left could be a dog too, and the one on the right is too obviously a space wolves logo.


Seems unanimous for the middle decal (well not unanimous but you get what I mean)


And as b'raass said, guilt is not something talented people should feel - it just wasn't meant to be this time round Kraut...as the ever living said "there will be another time"

Edited by Andvarr A
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Cheers, guys!  :smile.:


@ Auggie: Will PM you shortly, mate. Promise! :)


@ Andvarr A & Jeff Tibbetts: Thanks for the kind words regarding the bronze -- it's actually my bog standard bronze recipe I use on pretty much every piece of bronze armour:


- black undercoat

- basecoat in Vallejo Tinny Tin

- generous wash of Army Painter Strong Tone

- drybrush with GW Dwarf Bronze


I think it works so well here because that daemon face really provides the perfect surface, so the recipe might not be as impressive as you think... :wink:



Regarding the decals, you raise some excellent points about the middle one, yet while I do like it too, it has to be said that the one on the left could work as a play on the World Eaters' tradition of marking exceptional service with a bloody handprint. Some guys ovr on Dakka also came up with some pretty cool additional suggestions. This one posted by Dreadclaw69 was particularly awesome:



Does anyone know whether these actually exist as decals, though? Or do they only appear in a Codex as artwork? If they are actualy decals and somebody has any of them left, especially the more hirsute looking wolf heads dead centre and in the bottom row, please give me a holler!

Edited by KrautScientist
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Barring the centre one second from the top (skull with diamond) and bottom left, the rest are all decal patterns. 


You get them on the standard decal sheet and the FW decal sheet if you want big ones.


I know, as I have several of the decal sheets in front of me, and I also have a few of the old 13th wulfen company decal sheets kicking around too.

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Thanks for the feedback, guys! And special thanks to dantay_xv for posting that size comparison between the regular and FW decal sheet. All of this leads me to the following conclusions (for now):


  • The decal depicting that hirsute front-on wolf's head from the FW sheet would be great, but alas it seems to big for the intended position -- so it's out of the race
  • the left one from my original selection would be a nice callback to the World Eaters' practice of using bloody handprints as a sign of exemplary service, but it's too easy to mistake it for a cat's. So it's out as well.
  • The head from the old Dreadnought sheet is indeed lovely, but the laurel wreath makes it look slightly too loyalist -- plus the only way to obtain it via the German ebay site right now would set be back a whopping 15 Euros -- no way I'm paying that much cash for a 20 year-old decal sheet! ;)
  • So when all is said and done, I think I'll be using the middle decal from my original selection, albeit with a slight tweak: If I turn it around, as suggested by Augustus b'Raass, maybe I can make the top look like a flame, which would make it look more "Ember Wolfy" ;)

Meanwhile, I am getting there one armour plate at a time ;)








As always.let me know what you think! :)

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