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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Baby steps...

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He looks great! And your idea of the inverted paw with a flame on top sounds really good.


But seriously, what kind of dogs and cats do you guys have over our border that you can 'easily mistake' a wolf's claw for that of a cat???

All those Grimm fairy tales thought me Germany is full of monsters!

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Excellent work so far, K-Sci!


He fits right in with the Eternal Hunt. Did you just use the same armor technique, just upscaled? The brass especially looks great at this bigger size.



Great? It looks epic!


He looks great! And your idea of the inverted paw with a flame on top sounds really good.

But seriously, what kind of dogs and cats do you guys have over our border that you can 'easily mistake' a wolf's claw for that of a cat???


Things that lurk in the shadows and are just out of sight



He looks great! And your idea of the inverted paw with a flame on top sounds really good.

But seriously, what kind of dogs and cats do you guys have over our border that you can 'easily mistake' a wolf's claw for that of a cat???

All those Grimm fairy tales thought me Germany is full of monsters!

Not just Grimm...there be more things lurking in the Dark that want to follow you home .....mwahahahah

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Thanks a lot, people! :)


@ Flint: Actually, the red recipe is rather different from the one I use for my World Eaters, since quite a few paints required for the latter one rely on paints that are no longer readily available, and I didn't want the risk of running out of paint halfway through the paintjob -- it would also have been difficult to upscale the approach, since it's based on my special brand of tricking and scamping ;) The result will be a paintjob that will look different from the rest of the army to some degree. But I felt that having the Knight look as good as possible was really the paramount concern here.


@ Auggie: Why, that would be the Northern-German Great Wolfcat or Wolfskatze, of course. Not that I expected you to be familiar with our complex fauna... ;)

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@ Auggie: ARGH! My eyes! Take it away! It burrrnnnsss ussss!


@ recon0321: The pilot was converted from - off the top of my head -


  • the pilot chair from the Space Marine Landspeeder
  • some kneeling legs from the Dreamforge Games Eisenkern Stormtroopers
  • a torso from the Cadian command squad
  • arms spliced together from Cadian and Tempestus Scion bitz
  • a chaos icon from the WFB Marauder Horsemen
  • and a particularly wonderful kit from the Forgeworld Legion Praetors

I think that covers it. Hope this helps!

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@ recon0321: Haha, yeah, I guess things can get out of control rather quickly whenever I start kitbashing ;) That said, in hindsight I think that there might be a couple of slightly less complicated recipes for ending up with a fairly similar pilot (and I would maybe use a Tempestus Scion breastplate if I were to build the Baron again).


So here's another small update: I've been working on the Knight's belly and groin armour which is probably one of my favourite parts of the conversion:






The teeth will need some additional highlighting, but I am already pretty pleased with how this area recalls the World Eaters legion badge!


I am currently working on the Knight's pauldrons, btw.


As always, let me know what you think! :)

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Well, DAMN.


 Quick question - what are you going to do with the other HS mount ? Are you going to put a version of the shield on there or something different?

If a shield, perhaps abattered, dented, damaged one with some vestiges of a House heraldry on it?

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Cheers, guys! :)


@ Paladin7221: Hey mate, long time no see! As for the shield, I already have a shield prepared: I added a brass FW World Eaters icon to the Knight's standard heraldic plate, so it will end up displaying the legion's heraldry instead of that of the pilot's house. His backstory is that he basically abandoned his past after his house had been wiped out by loyalists, becoming a honorary member of the XII legion.

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Cheers for the feedback, guys! :)


@ OSS: That does sound promising -- any additional info on what it is precisely that I've tipped you over into...?



I realise that this incremental style of updating might not be totally spectacular, but I've never tackled a model of this size and complexity before, so bear with me, alright? So here's what I've managed to do this weekend:








The pauldrons actually took a fair bit of work to come together. And while they are not quite finished yet, they are definitely getting there.


Left pauldron with icon of Khorne and various totems and trophies:




Right pauldron with legion badge, legion number and company number:




And finally, the mostly finished facemask:




As always, let me know what you think! :)

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Cheers, mate!


"Freehands", though? Hahahaha! I couldn't "freehand" my way out of a wet cardboard box if my life depended on it -- talk about a mixed metaphor ;)


Anyway, no, they are decals -- although getting that WE legion badge to conform to the Knight's pauldron was quite an endeavour in and of itself!

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Cheers, mate!


"Freehands", though? Hahahaha! I couldn't "freehand" my way out of a wet cardboard box if my life depended on it -- talk about a mixed metaphor ;)


Anyway, no, they are decals -- although getting that WE legion badge to conform to the Knight's pauldron was quite an endeavour in and of itself!

I think he's hiding a skill.


Part of me wants to see the top of the carapace like marble or cracked volcanic earth, framed by that amazing brass.


But part of me wants to see it all uniformed up and done. But it's your gig Kraut, and your trainset. So what you decide to do will no doubt be epic.


That face mask is just the bomb-diggidy, and redresses the balance of the gutplate. Danny you Krausci

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I like the incremental style of updates, K-Sci. It lets you highlight pretty neat little details (like those sweet trophies on the left pauldron) in a way you wouldn't be able to if you just photo dumped everything on the Knight's completion.


The tusked warhelm is still my favs. It just feels so right for a Khornate knight :D

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