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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Baby steps...

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with the ETL i been all full up keeping track of that and finishing my vows, so sorry i havent been around to comment on your thread KS, your knight looks good almost as good as mine ;p


but joking aside, its very impressive really like the time ypu put into those details great job!

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He's coming along amazing, mate. I'm also not sure if the blue-eyed breast plate draws too much attention away from its head, but both pieces, the breast plate as well as the helmet, certainly work beautifully together. I absolutely love it.

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Thanks for the positive feedback, everyone? He really does work, though, doesn't he? Sorry, but I'm just stupidly happy with how the model is coming along  ;)


@ The Hydra: I've been going back and forth regarding the base: It's really easy to make bases of this size look tacky by overcluttering them. But the Knight deserves a suitable base. But then I'll need to pay attention that it all fits together. And yet. And still...


I've now come up with a bit of a secret plan that should turn out quite interesting -- if it works at all. So I'm not telling until I can be sure it'll work out. Keep your fingers crossed, guys! ;)

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I love how all of his crazy awesome little details are starting to come out.


The only thing... That little shield on his left (our right) shin. I think it'd pay to put a little different color there. As it is, especially from straight on, it kinda blends into the shinplate a little too well.


Other than that, I think he's perfect!

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So glad you didn't rush this for the ETL. And you should be happy. It's stuff like that that makes us love this hobby isn't it? At least those of us more interested in those aspects over gaming. The planning, the uncertainty when you start and it's not quite right. The glory of that moment when you do one bit that seems to pull it all together and you can see your vision in the flesh.



I want a knight.

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Cheers, guys! :smile.:


@ Flint: Hmm, I see your point. But seeing how that area isn't quite finished yet (there's a pretty vital detail missing from both shin armour plates, as it happens), I think I'll revisit shields and make sure to add a little contrast (most likely by making the edge higlighting on the shield more noticeable).


@ OSS: Well, strictly speaking, it would have to be two eyes for Bio and one for me, but I am still looking forward to seeing your own Knight project-- you'll really need a plan for the basing, though: Ochre sand is not going to cut it this time around :wink: Seriously, though: Get well soon, mate!


@ Adra'Melek: Not rushing the Knight to meet the ETL deadline was definitely the right decision: I realise now that it would probably have been an impossible task anyway, and each and every part of this project so far has required me to take my time with it. Even now, when the Knight looks pretty much finished, there's such a huge amount of work left that it isn't even funny :wink: As for wanting your own Knight, I can definitely sympathise with that! It's a teriffic kit, and you can really make this thing into the Mecha you've always wanted as a child, only with a 40k twist thrown into the mix (which arguably makes it even better). I know I almost want a second Knight now, even though there's not a big chance I'll ever manage to paint another one of these :wink:

Edited by KrautScientist
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I look forward to seeing what you want with the base. Your right it would be easy to overdo a base, and to have a really special base, like the Queen Bee for example, would needes to have been done during Knight construction. I'm sure what ever you have planned will look excellent. I want Knight. One day!
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Yes, but several key parts of the conversion basically hinge upon the Knight being in a fairly stock pose (the entire belly section is a great example of this). Plus I wasn't as courageous as JeffTibbetts when it came to cutting apart the legs. Which means that any super cinematic kind of basing was right out :wink:


There's also the fact that I am too much of a cheapskate to give up an entire model just to decorate a base -- but like I said, I do have a plan. And if it works, it should turn out pretty cool...


Oh, and a piece of advice for everyone who wants to paint a Knight at some point: Definitely make sure to only glue those small railings and ladder rungs to the carapace once you've finished painting the damn thing -- seriously! ;)

Edited by KrautScientist
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I've been ill since midweek, nought but feverish visions and blood soaked nightma......alright, a 48hr bug but with a crazy temperature.


Haven't been able to do much bar struggle to stay lucid, but I've kept an eye on you and Bio........one for each of you.......

Yes so papa nurgle came to you in your dreams and ony one eye on each? What about the other four?

There's also the fact that I am too much of a cheapskate to give up an entire model just to decorate a base -- but like I said, I do have a plan. And if it works, it should turn out pretty cool...

Ey, I remember when big models - al be it rare big models - never had any fancy bases. It was either Spartan desert or bland grass that they had.


So even if you use a Spartan scattering of rubble, an odd squished marine/cultist, or even a few bits of clay to resemble craters or something...it will work out.

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I've been ill since midweek, nought but feverish visions and blood soaked nightma......alright, a 48hr bug but with a crazy temperature.


Haven't been able to do much bar struggle to stay lucid, but I've kept an eye on you and Bio........one for each of you.......

Yes so papa nurgle came to you in your dreams and ony one eye on each? What about the other four?

There's also the fact that I am too much of a cheapskate to give up an entire model just to decorate a base -- but like I said, I do have a plan. And if it works, it should turn out pretty cool...

Ey, I remember when big models - al be it rare big models - never had any fancy bases. It was either Spartan desert or bland grass that they had.

So even if you use a Spartan scattering of rubble, an odd squished marine/cultist, or even a few bits of clay to resemble craters or something...it will work out.

I remembered when the height of my basing was painting a white line on the flock base of my goblin blood bowl team :D Edited by The Hydra
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Haha, I guess we've all been there ;)


Nothing too spectacular today, just some pictures to prove that I've finally managed to paint the detail on top of the carapace:






Please excuse the crappy lighting, but it was pretty late when I finished this part ;)

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Looking good Kraut! One question:


Oh, and a piece of advice for everyone who wants to paint a Knight at some point: Definitely make sure to only glue those small railings and ladder rungs to the carapace once you've finished painting the damn thing -- seriously! :wink:

Why? It doesn't look like the handles much obscure the carapace, so they don;t block your brush, right?

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