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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Baby steps...

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New head is a massive improvement buddy, I would maybe move the chain piece down a little as well to more of a waist decoration than chest, or maybe a shoulder decoration? I think in combination with the ogre plate it's making the upper torso look a little clunky/top heavy.


I had a look at the kit today and it does lend itself to some reposing. Albeit some would have to be very careful cuts. Especially around the knees

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Cheers for the feedback, guys! The longer I look at the new head, the more I like it, so I guess it's a keeper :wink:


As for the chain ornament, I absolutely wanted to use it on this model, and after trying several positions, I came up with this option. I have to admit I really like it like that, especially the way it interacts with the gut plate turned legion badge, clunkiness and all. That said, there will be some additional bitz on the rest of the Contemptor -- but I'll try not to go overboard with the detailing, as some of those smooth surfaces will provide a great occasion to use the more interesting, larger decals from the FW decal sheet.


On a related note, here's another (very early) WIP. Recognise this guy?






As always, let me know what you think! :smile.:

Edited by KrautScientist
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Cheers, guys! :)


@ Altis: THAT IS HERESY! ;)


@ The Psycho: You will probably take me for a pretty sad git, but there is something awesome about people actually recognising characters I invented, even if it's in their 30k incarnation...


@ The emperor is scottish: Haha, that really made me smile, mate! ;)


@ A Kvlt Ghost: The cuts were made with a bog standard hobby knife (I usually use really cheap ones from the DIY superstore), although I carefully cut the parts before gluing both halves of the torso and legs together. Nice and easy does it ;)


So, here's one last update for today:




On the left, you can see the result of some messing around with bitz (the eventual model might yet turn out completely differently), while on the right, 30k Deracin is slowly taking shape.


As always, let me know what you think! :)

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It's interesting. I actually prefer the 30k version of Deracin over his more... corrupted version. I don't know if it's just the pose, or what, but I much prefer it. Also, would you mind doing side-by-side comparisons of the characters you've done of both their 30k and 40k versions? I'd like to see that very much. :biggrin.:


The other guy is real neat, too.I love the combination of the cut-up Bezerker head and the plume (I like plumes ;)), but I can't quite tell what you used for the collar? I'm sure  it's something completely and utterly obvious, but I can't identify it. I can't quite tell what the shoulderpad on his sword arm is either, but I like it. :smile.:

Edited by The Psycho
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Cheers, guys! :)


@ Biohazard: Thanks for doing the honours, buddy!


@ Auggie: Spoken like a loyalist cur ;) But seriously, that made me chuckle, mate!


@ kizzdougs: Thanks a lot! It's possibly the most fun part of the whole endeavour, although I'll have to resist building a 30k version for each and every character, as that just wouldn't be plausible. Best to choose the most interesting or rewarding ones...


@ Some comparison pictures are on the way, I guess. As for the collar, it's from one of the Age of Sigmar starter box Bloodreavers -- I think combining some Bloodreaver parts with the more sterile Mk 4 Marines from the BaC box should make for an interesting contrast. Plus it's also a very special cross-pollination between GW's two most recent starter boxes ;)

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Cheers, mate! :)


So here's another update for you: First up, I put in some more work on the first "proper" Astartes test model from the Betrayal at Calth box:






As you can see, the pose was tweaked quite a bit. I also changed the head, although maybe I'll eventually be going with the plumed helmet after all. I do like the scarred head, though. This guy will probably serve as my first proper "test model" from the box, to be painted in the Heresy era World Eaters colours.


I also mostly finished the conversion for Techmarine Deracin. Now the challenge here was to make a model that was both recognisably a representation of the character as well as a relatively plausible Techmarine. The backstory for Deracin is that he suffered massive combat injuries during the Nove Shendak campaign and had to be extensively reconstructed with augmetics. The 40k version of the character is pretty much the tallest infantry model in my World Eaters army, and while I couldn't make him quite as imposing as his later incarnation, I wanted to show that he's already started on his way to becoming the towering Warpsmith he will be one day. So I tried to build a less "escalated" version of both his armour and his equipment. Take a look:






I gave him a combined axe and hammer CC weapon, slightly resembling his later staff of office:



Amd here's a comparison picture with both versions of the character:




Oh, and one more thing regarding that Contemptor: In case anyone was wondering, here's how the plastic Contemptor compares to a (converted) Kastelan robot, scale-wise:




Based on this picture, I think it will be perfectly okay for me to use the converted Kastelan as a Contemptor stand-in in my 40k army.


So, in closing, here are my 30k World Eaters kitbashes so far:




As always, let me know what you think! :)

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