Augustus b'Raass Posted November 26, 2015 Share Posted November 26, 2015 Ooooh nice! I love the come-at-me-bro-ish look the recent pose has. Also, that chaos lord looks mighty fine with that Chaos KNight pad over his BaC LC arm. MOAR? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Barabbas Sogalon Posted November 26, 2015 Share Posted November 26, 2015 Cataphractii with topknots always makes me so nostalgic. Love that guy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flint13 Posted November 27, 2015 Share Posted November 27, 2015 Oh wow, those BaC bros are pretty darn bulky. They should work perfectly for the XIIth then. We all know they're the buffest legion :D Soric 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
the emperor is scottish Posted November 29, 2015 Share Posted November 29, 2015 Holy mother of god I love that red butcher conversion. How easy are thoughs guys to convert? I really like the models but wouldn't mind tweaking them a little. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thousand Eyes Posted December 1, 2015 Share Posted December 1, 2015 The big question is when are we getting more? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted December 5, 2015 Author Share Posted December 5, 2015 Cheers, guys! :) @ the emperor is scottish: The Red Butchers' bodies are single-piece, with only the arms coming as separate parts. That means that exchanging the arms is really easy, obviously, while anything more involved can quickly turn into a nightmare: Their bodies are covered in small detail, chains etc. that should make reposing rather hard. It's possible to get rid of the heads with a bit of careful cutting, however, which is great, because I dislike the fact that all of the models, save for the sergeant, have the exact same head. So, just a teenie tiny update for today: While messing around with the plastic Cataphractii some more, I discovered something that might come in handy for those of you trying to adapt the models to the look of a specific legion. Now this certainly isn't rocket science, and I am probably not even the first person to come up with this, but with a very small amount of cutting, it's actually possible to make your Cataphractii resemble, for instance, Justaerin... ...or Deathshroud: Just sayin'... ;) Flint13, MrBear, Pearson73 and 5 others 8 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quixus Posted December 5, 2015 Share Posted December 5, 2015 Nice. Where's the helmet used as faux deathshroud from? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Biohazard Posted December 5, 2015 Share Posted December 5, 2015 Nice. The Justaerin works really well. That looks like the CSM champion head with the horns trimmed off Quixus. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quixus Posted December 5, 2015 Share Posted December 5, 2015 That looks like the CSM champion head with the horns trimmed off Quixus. The form looks like it, but the lighter colour stumped me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Biohazard Posted December 5, 2015 Share Posted December 5, 2015 Could be from an older kit. I have some Berzerkers in that lighter colour of plastic. Fenbain 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AJB2K3 Posted December 5, 2015 Share Posted December 5, 2015 Could be from an older kit. I have some Berzerkers in that lighter colour of plastic. Well based on the bag of old stuff I brought then it could be from the older kits, I have some very light gray plastic ones on my Oblitz. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted December 5, 2015 Author Share Posted December 5, 2015 Cheers, guys! :) Biohazard is right, of course: That's the champion head from the CSM kit. The lighter shade of grey is indeed due to an older type of plastic. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daemon2027 Posted December 5, 2015 Share Posted December 5, 2015 The plastic Catraphractii arm looks great on the red butcher, really sets the pose off nicley. Only issue I can think of the faux Deathshroud is rule wise they aren't catraphractii, but personally I think they would look better in Catraphractii, and fits the older artwork. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charlo Posted December 5, 2015 Share Posted December 5, 2015 I'm going to be doing a mix of these Kraut, deathshroud with Top Knots :P Going to turn some into Grave Wardens too by mixing parts together. Sweet info though! Quixus 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
K0rtmer Posted December 6, 2015 Share Posted December 6, 2015 Oh, wow, your Cataphractii come along nicely. But ... that Red Butcher model, that's insane! The posing and selection of parts is just brilliant. The model alone makes me want to start a Khornate Kill Team or something. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted December 8, 2015 Author Share Posted December 8, 2015 Cheers, guys! :) @ The Hydra: In all fairness, kitbashing actual Deathshroud would probably take a bit more work, but I think it's nice to have the option of making your plastic Cataphractii the look, even if it's only a minor touchup like this. @ Brother Kortmer: Go right ahead, mate! You know you want to. What about a small detachment of World Eaters for your Traitor Guard...? ;) So here's something new for you guys to look at: I've started painting my first 30k test model: I'll say this much: It has been a learning experience so far ;) But even if not everything may have worke out as planned, I am reasonably happy with the model so far, and I learned some useful stuff. Some work is still required until I'll call this guy finished, but I'd love to hear your feedback so far! Chandrian, Soric, Augustus b'Raass and 9 others 12 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daemon2027 Posted December 8, 2015 Share Posted December 8, 2015 I like, he's defiantly pre heresy, but he still has the Kraut style that shows he's connected to your warband. The painting is nice, rhe weathering is subtle but effective. Looking forward to more. I've been meaning to ask, where is the best source for top knots? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Soric Posted December 8, 2015 Share Posted December 8, 2015 He looks good so far, nice kitbash of parts makes him stand out enough. Will you be adding some gore at some point? @ The Hydra - Certain chaos marine and ork heads as well the old chaos marauders have topknots. Hope that helps Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chaeron Posted December 8, 2015 Share Posted December 8, 2015 I really like him! Both the paint-job and subtle conversions are excellent. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted December 8, 2015 Share Posted December 8, 2015 I like him, Kraut. Good posing, and I particularly enjoy the tiny transfers you recently have started adding to your guys. :tu: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted December 9, 2015 Author Share Posted December 9, 2015 (edited) Cheers, guys! Seems like I am on the right track, then @ The Hydra: Orc kits and Chaos Marauders are always a safe bet. There's also a dedicated topknot bit in the WFB Warriors of Chaos kit that would be perfect for Justaerin, btw. So, anyway, today I can show you the finished 30k test model. I added a bit more weathering (inspired by kizzdougs' brilliant recent models) and a couple of finishing touches, and here's the completed model: "I will never forget the day the legion ships came to my world. The whispered benedictions, forbidden even then, that accompanied them.And those of us who aspired to a place among their ranks: Noble Hergan. Soulful Krizti. Brave Sharlen.How they laughed at me, the baseborn butcher's boy. And when those of the legion came to walk among us, clad in armour of white and blue, they were glorious and terrible, and we caught a first glimpse of the consequences our choice might have. They passed over noble Hergan and soulful Krizti, and killed brave Sharlen when he dared to talk back to them, then laughed over his broken body in voices that were deep and cruel.And they chose me, the baseborn butcher's boy. Because for all its perceived flaws, the twelfth had learned even back then what others would only find out later (and many too late):That the Emperor's Crusade had little need of thinkers and poets, philosophers or noblemen.It needed butchers."Legionary Shadrak, Eigar Veteran Tactical squad, 4th assault company, XII Legion Astartes All in all, I am really rather happy with my first effort. Not everything may have gone 100% according to plan, but the finished model clearly has the look I wanted. It was also nice to be able to use those red World Eaters decals the way originally intended by Forgeworld (although the decals’ uneven performance remains a minor concern). Oh, here’s a closer look at the right shoulder pad, by the way: In the end, the tactical markings from the Betrayal at Calth decal sheet turned out to be far easier to apply to the shoulder pad than the ones from the World Eaters decal sheet. I added a small WE legion badge on top, in order to denote veteran status. So, all in all, here’s what I have learned while painting the model: white an be just as unenjoyable to paint as red — out of the frying pan and into the fire, I guess That said, I will try a different recipe for my white next time around: The model was painted over a black (and silver) basecoat, because that recipe had worked so well on my AdMech models, with different colours blocked in later. It didn’t work so well with white. And the approach was rather backwards to begin with, so I’ll consider actually using a white undercoat on my nect 30k World Eater. Lahmian Medium turned into an indispensable tool when it came to shading the armour: I mixed it with a bit of black and brown wash for a shade that was just heavy enough, but not so heavy as to ruin the white. I tried sponge weathering for the first time, and while there’s quite a bit of room for improvement, it’s a really fun and rather effective technique. I still have to get used to the new Space Marine bases, as they seem freakishly big to me. Every model seems like a Terminator now, simply by virtue of a bigger base I think I really like the effect for a Killteam or warband but would find it a bit distracting on an entire army… So much for my first 30k World Eater. It’s been fun! As always, let me know what you think! Edited December 9, 2015 by KrautScientist Soric, Raztalin, Chandrian and 10 others 13 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quixus Posted December 9, 2015 Share Posted December 9, 2015 (edited) Looking great, but what's with the propensity of the World Eaters for not wearing sleeves on their (usually) void sealed armour? I love the shade of blue, but I think it is a tad too light for World Eaters. It would make a great colour for the XX Legion IMHO. Edited December 9, 2015 by Quixus Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SalvationOfReason Posted December 9, 2015 Share Posted December 9, 2015 Weathering looks on point, enough to be noticeable, yet doesn't overtake the white of the armor completely. Enjoyable use of the WFB marauder arm and pad (although it could also be a beastman arm?), always like how that looks on a World Eater. Now for the criticism, minor though it may be- the position of the head seems somewhat unnatural. Like he's craning his neck to see over his collar. Maybe the collar, if done in the next model, could be shaved down just a tone? The edge highlight around the side edges of the lower chestplate seems a bit too clean, especially with the weathering you've done. Otherwise, still a great looking model! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flint13 Posted December 9, 2015 Share Posted December 9, 2015 Shadrak is pretty awesome all over, but that face is phenoms! Have you tried something different for painting flesh, or is he just that great? ^_^ Keep up the great work. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted December 9, 2015 Author Share Posted December 9, 2015 Thanks for the kind words, everyone! Glad you like the model, especially since painting it has been a very clear case of stepping outside my comfort zone! @ Quixus: You're right, of course, in that compromising the armour by stripping it from one arm doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Still, it's an element that can be seen on Khârn (in both his 30k and 40k incarnations) as well as on the Rampagers by Forgeworld. My aim with this test model was to take the - very clean and regimented - Mk 4 models from the BaC box and try to build a far more feral and gladiatorial World Eater from them. Hence the arm. It's not something that will appear on all of my 30k World Eaters. I created the blue by mixing Vallejo's Magic Blue and Negro Black, mostly because I didn't have any suitable readymade blue on hand, but I have to say I rather like the look of it -- it has to be said, though, that it actually looks quite a bit darker in real life. @ SalvationofReason: It's actually a Marauder arm with a beastman hand ;) The position of the head is due to the neck portion attached to the head (since it's not a Marine head to begin with). You're absolutely right about that highlight on the armour, though -- looking at the model certainly shows I was still finding my feet regarding my new 30k recipe ;) @ Flint13: Cheers, Slaughter-Daughter ;) The face actually uses a fairly simple recipe (Rakarth Flesh basecoat, a heavy Ogryn Flesh wash, then an overbrush with Cadian Fleshtone, then highlighting with Rakarth Flesh, and a fairly precise application of red and purple washes in the recesses, to top it all off). It's one of my several "standard" skin recipes, but it's very different from my 40k World Eaters, as they are sporting a very stylised, grey-skinned look. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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