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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Baby steps...

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It's all looking good from here kraut on the unit.

The lord just looks off to me somehow. The pose just is not quite right and I can't put my finger on it. I'll think about if I can figure out what it is that is bugging me about it and come back to you.


EDIT: Found it. The angle of his arms and head suggest he is leaning back in a come at me pose. However, there is no weight through his rear (right) heel. If that leg was more rotated and/or bent it would fix it. Alternatively, futzing with the arms or head could do it.

Edited by Teetengee
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Cheers, guys! I've been playing around with the Praetor a bit more, mostly adding some minor details to make him look more like a World Eater. This has proven to be rather challenging, however, seeing how the model's armour is already very detailed. I reckon that the I've added the maximum of possible bitz to him without fully overcluttering the model. Take a look:




As you can see, I have also tried to give him a slightly more ornate version of the topknot the other Cataphractii have -- although now I am afraid he looks too much like Abaddon (ironically enough, given my earlier comments).


As for the problem with the pose mentioned by Teetengee: Sorry, but I am simply not seeing it. The stance looks rather solid to me, especially when seen from the side:








The head may need some fine-tuning, but then it's actually using the exact same point of attachment used by the model's original head -- Recessing it into the cowling too much would lead to very little of the face being visible above the high gorget piece, so that is a rather difficult balance to maintain.




I am still undecided about the chainfist: I like it well enough on its own, but seeing how both the other 30k Lorimar and the 40k version have the sword and chain combo (and this model would probably be the missing link between the other two), a change of equipment may be unavoidable. I think I'll at least mock up an axe arm -- although I don't have the parts for it right now.


Anyway, let me know what you think! :)

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Haha, glad to hear that :smile.:


Guys, what can I say, I just cannot stop tinkering with the model. Here's a (very early) mockup of an alternate left arm that would make him look more like Lorimar:






While this version certainly requires a bit more cleanup, it feels like there's something there. Plus it gives me a really nice sense of progression between the three versions of Lorimar. Take a look:




The version on the left would be him as a younger officer, say a Secutor-Sergeant, during the latter stages of the Great Crusade. The new model is him as the new commander of the 4th assault company, having won his Captaincy in the fighting pits. I like how his weapons get less Imperial as he goes (although I will probably remove the eye from his axe in the second incarnation, to make it look slightly less chaotic). Finally, the right model is him in the 40k setting, now in fully Khornate regalia :wink:


In addition to the new arm, I have also moved the head to a slightly more plausible position and added a chain to the skulls fastened to his breastplate.


Anyway, I'd love to hear your feedback!

Edited by KrautScientist
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I like the progression. Although I don't know if the switch to chain blade in the middle bothers you or not. Doesn't really matter I suppose, as he probably would move between different weapons as time progresses. Just want to check you have considered it, and whatever choice you make is a conscious one.

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The switch to a chainblade was mostly due to the fact that I didn't have another one of those loyalist power swords. But I think as long as the general type of weapon stays the same, the different models will ultimately read as the same character. If anything, I like the fact that his weapons grow less Imperial: The left version has an Aquila motif both on his sword and his axe, while the new version lacks clearly imperial iconography, which I think seems appropriate for a post-Isstvan World Eater.

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Haha, glad to hear that :)



While this version certainly requires a bit more cleanup, it feels like there's something there. Plus it gives me a really nice sense of progression between the three versions of Lorimar. Take a look:




The version on the left would be him as a younger officer, say a Secutor-Sergeant, during the latter stages of the Great Crusade. The new model is him as the new commander of the 4th assault company, having won his Captaincy in the fighting pits. I like how his weapons get less Imperial as he goes (although I will probably remove the eye from his axe in the second incarnation, to make it look slightly less chaotic). Finally, the right model is him in the 40k setting, now in fully Khornate regalia ;)


In addition to the new arm, I have also moved the head to a slightly more plausible position and added a chain to the skulls fastened to his breastplate.


Anyway, I'd love to hear your feedback!

Do the evolution! Edited by KBA
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Great stuff as alway! Was about to come up with a convincing argument to ditch the chain fist only to find out you've done it.... He looks so much better reposed.


Love seeing how he's evolved, the concept is great. I'm thinking the axe could look less chaotic, as the eye doesn't seem to fit -- but I guess if it's post Angron's ascension....


Perhaps paint a little stubble hair on his head to differentiate him from his 40k version.

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The guard on the chainsword looks similar to the one on the demon blade. I see no reason a chainsword couldn't morph into a demon blade.


Edit: stupid auto correct. How dare they change an obviously existing chainsword into chains word.

Edited by abraxus
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WiP looks great so far; great use of the B@C praetor.

I'm not too sold on the topknot though. Makes him look a bit unbalanced (although it does tie him in with your other Cataphracti). Instead of the topknot, have you considered a proto-version of 40k-Lorimar's 'bunny ears'? Since we have Sarum-pattern helmets in 30k, maybe make a Sarum-pattern version of TDA?

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WiP looks great so far; great use of the B@C praetor.

I'm not too sold on the topknot though. Makes him look a bit unbalanced (although it does tie him in with your other Cataphracti). Instead of the topknot, have you considered a proto-version of 40k-Lorimar's 'bunny ears'? Since we have Sarum-pattern helmets in 30k, maybe make a Sarum-pattern version of TDA?

Maybe two skulls on spikes, one on each corner of the armour?

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This is great. I'm very glad your World Eater mojo has returned. :)

Lorimar's character development looks pretty great, dude. It's a really cool concept and lo and behold you're putting it to excellent practice. :tu:

How about the alternative paint scheme - so white but with red pauldrons? You could also give him very weathered look 

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I love it! 


I also like the top-knot, I don't think he looks like Abaddon, maybe they see the same hair stylist, but its not the same person. 


Now I want to suggest something, don't completely remove the eye... It may look interesting if you mostly fill it in (Liquid Greenstuff or something like that), but leave a hint of its presence, as if the axe is corrupted, but not as perhaps as corrupted as it is in the future. Not sure if that makes sense..  

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Cheers for the feedback, everyone! I am very glad that I seem to be on the right track with this model, judging by your reactions! :)


@ KBA & abraxus: I actually don't see the sword he has in the 40k setting as a natural (d)evolution of any earlier weapon, but rather as a chaotic artifact he acquired some time after the Heresy, possibly in the Great Eye: The Sword of the Hunt. That said, I think the huge Eviscerator makes sense for him during the Heresy, seeing how he was rapidly falling to Khorne (and the whole concept of shedding blood as some kind of religious observance) during that time.


@ Lord Commander Eidolon: Good idea about the hair -- and as I have just learned to pull off that kind of painting effect, that's precisely what I will be doing with his head ;)


@ OSS & Auggie: Hmm, I think I'll be sticking to the 30k World Eaters scheme, although he'll be weathered, like my other 30k World Eaters so far. FW's treatment of the evolving World Eaters colour scheme actually strikes me as a bit lazy, to be honest -- just exchanging the blue for red, when not only is the blue one of the best parts of the recipe, but also do we already have another legion using red and white? Nah, I think I'll pass...


@ SalvationofReason & Teetengee: I actually mocked up several versions of bunny ears for him, but the way the armour and shoulder plates go together makes it near impossible of pulling off an element like that. I did have one very Khornate crest for his armour, but it just seemed off (especially since the World Eaters didn't really realise who it was they were worshipping until after Terra). I also have to admit that the topknot is growing on me.


@ thamier: Hmm, I originally wanted to fill in those SW runes with greenstuff, but you are right: It does look like a stylised Eye of Horus. Maybe I should keep it!@


@ Uveron: That's an interesting idea, as it would make the axe look as though it were slowly mutating -- I'll be keeping that in mind!


So as a small bonus, here's a picture of the entire, bloodthirsty gang so far:




Happy Easter, everyone! :)

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