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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Baby steps...

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@ Teetengee: I'd argue that the pads fit better than the standard CSM shoulder pads -- or the completely undecorated plastic Cataphractii ones. In the end, what made me choose them wasn't merely the skull motif, but rather the way they interact with the Cataphractii pteryges leather straps on the arms.



Strange, that interaction is one of the parts I most dislike. Still, if you like it go for it, i'm sure paint will make it look better to me as well, since different colours will result in a more layered look than the all grey does right now.

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[...] Leaving that part intact was very much a conscious choice, though, both because I didn't want to ruin the head by shaving off too much and because the Red Butcher was left without much of a gorget after I had dug out the head from the torso. [...]:wink:

That's probably the tenth time I see you saying something like that in this thread. I keep thinking you would greatly benefit from investing in a dremel tool. There's cheap ones that fit our needs amply. You can get one for about $25,- online. :tu:


That's very nice of you to say, mate! However, knowing myself, it could be quite a while before we see this guy painted, so there should be ample time to get in your opinion before that :wink:

There's always the ETL to vow a chaos lord.... :D ;) Not as big a challenge as an Imperial Knight, and the perfect opportunity to finally redeem yourself after your pitiful failure in the eyes of the Blood God from last year. :tongue.:



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First of all: Yay, 88 pages! Khorne is pleased ;)


@ Auggs: Huh, you know what? There might even be a Dremel gathering dust in the tool shed -- I faintly remember ruining some models with it during the late 90s/early 2000s -- hence my reluctance to fall back on it, I suppose ;)

Seriously, though: I don't think this particular model would have profited from it all that much, because the problem here was that the model realy wasn't produced with a head swap in mind, so digging out the head, regardless of the tool, left quite a hole. But again, I am fairly happy with the model as it looks now.


As for the ETL, you are definitely right, and I do need to make amends for my spectacular failure last year. But even if I just vow a character model or two, the queue of unpainted models is already quite long as is, and this guy probably won't be the first in line -- we will see.



Anyway, I have something new to show you: I spent the day at Hanover yesterday and managed to squeeze in a visit at the local GW store. There I picked up an AoS Slaughterpriest model, mostly on a whim...and because I have this crazy idea that the model could work pretty well as a (very) lightly armoured Angron. Take a look:








As you can see, I have replaced the two handed axe with twin chainaxes (Gorefather and Gorechild, obviously). Once the stock weapon was gone, I realised that the model's original arms seemed slightly too short (mostly due to their pose), so I replaced them with Ork boy arms while I was at it. I also added a single shoulder pad, as I rather like the gadiatorial look it provides.


Even though the somewhat ridiculous horns framing the stock model's head had to go, I have left the overgrown spine in place:




I thik it could represent some unspeakable surgery performed on the Primarch by his handlers on Nuceria (or even afterwards, in order to make his implants compatible with Imperial technology).


Regarding the model's size, I think it's easily tall enough for a Primarch. Take a look:




Of course the model seems a bit too lanky, but that can be explained by the lack of armour on the upper body.


There will be quite a bit more work on the model, of course: I am going to add Angron's Butcher's Nails and a Triumph Rope. The Khornate symbols will need to be shaved off or covered up. And maybe those axes could use just a bit more ornamentation -- but I think I could be on to something here, wouldn't you agree?



I mean, he looks like he's - at most - thirty seconds away from striking the iconic pose from the cover of Butcher's Nails:




As always, let me know what you think! :)

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it looks great, although I think he is a bit too skinny, I mean spce marines are meant to be giant piles of muscle, and Angron being a close quaters monster should have even moar muscle. imo Angron should nearly be as broad as tall. Hard to change with that mini though, not without copius and godly greenstuff abilities.

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it looks great, although I think he is a bit too skinny, I mean spce marines are meant to be giant piles of muscle, and Angron being a close quaters monster should have even moar muscle. imo Angron should nearly be as broad as tall. Hard to change with that mini though, not without copius and godly greenstuff abilities.

Don't tempt him...you know he will bring out a monster...you just know it.....



Personally I think it is still too small to be a Primarch, at least compared to Forgeworld's range. Apart from that though, great job and looking forward to seeing more :-)

Agreed on the scale, although he looks badass!

Scale wise he is actually taller than the marine minis as standard

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That's an awesome Greater Daemon of Khorne with an Axe of Khorne plus an Axe of Blind Fury, right there. It should garner you almost 200 points in the coming ETL as well as ample proof of redemption in the eyes of the gods. ;)

Firstly, Greater Daemon? You'd be hard pressed to pass it off as a Daemon Prince. Secondly, there's nothing in any of the Codices that currently can take both of those weapons. I think you're a wee bit tired, buddy. Go get some sleep. ;)


The Slaughterpriest looks awesome, Kraut. I do agree with everyone else that he seems a bit too small to represent Angron, but he'll still be epic no matter who he is! :tu:

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Cheers for the feedback, guys! Regarding the model's size, I obviously don't own the stock Angron model, so I cannot speak from firsthand experience, but I'm not even sure the difference in height is as substantial as you seem to think. I do agree that the Slaughterpriest is quite a bit less bulky and massive than stock Angron, and it certainly won't be trying to change that, because trying to use GS for this just seems like inviting disaster to strike :wink:


But even if he isn't as tall as the Forgeworld model, I really think he makes for a rather convincing Angron, especially with the latest tweaks I have made. Take a look:
















As you can see, the Butcher's Nails are now in place, and I am pretty happy with the way they have turned out: They look like a mix of actual implants and unruly metallic dreadlocks, just the way I planned:




I have also covered up and/or removed the openly Khornate inconography and added some spikes to the axes -- such a small thing, really, but I think it adds just the right pinch of visual interest to the weapons.


I am really in love with the face, btw: This has to be the angriest face GW has ever done -- the sublime way the facial muscles seem to be stretched across the bone in a vicious snarl has to be seen firsthand to be believed!


Anyway, here's another size comparison:




As always, let me know what you think! :smile.:



Edited by KrautScientist
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It's pretty incredible how well those Butcher's Nails tie the model together. He's really starting to look more like Angron now (to me at least.) :tu:

I'm with him...currently looks like Angry Ron still has a way to go yet...but will look badass when done

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Very cool figure Kraut! I am not sure where I've read it, but wasn't it once said that Angron used to be on the smaller side of the primarchs size-wise? Be it as it may, I think the size fits very nicely, considering that he is out of armour! :)

Makes sense... Small and foul tempered

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