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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Baby steps...

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Again, thanks guys! :)


@ The Observer: Hmm, I think one possible source for that may have been the cover to "The Primarchs", where Angron seems to fall on the shorter side of the spectrum. Then again, he's in a hunched over pose in that piece of art, so maybe he is really quite a bit taller. Speaking of height, I did try to make a montage with Forgeworld Angron next to a standard Space Marine, and then my own scale comparison picture next to that, and my Angron conversion doesn't really seem that much shorter at all -- especially when you discount the huge amount of basing material on Forgeworld's Angron.


@ the emperor is scottish: I did actually consider GS'ing in some leg armour, but ultimately, what would be the point? He has already dropped his breastplate for this appearance, obviously, so why not just go the whole hog? ;)


@ Eldrick Shadowblade: Cheers, mate! Since we already have a very good idea when and where Angron "ascended", though, I don't think that's really an option -- I think poor Angron never really realised whom he was serving until it was too late...


In fact, I don't really see this version of the character as Angron Pre-Discovery, either, but maybe as the getup Angron uses in the Conqueror's fighting pits, maybe? Ultimately, it doesn't matter, though, as the conversion was mostly intended as a fun proof of concept. Regarding the painting, he will have the iconic red warpaint on his forehead, and the armour will probably be brass (maybe with some red thrown in here and there).

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That looks great! I always wondered if the slaughterpriest model could be Primarch conversion fodder, and this definitely looks the part. If I have one suggestion, it would be to lose the spikes on the leg armor since they look a bit chaos-y in my opinion. But that's just my two cents, it's your Angron and he'll turn out awesome either way!
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Again, thanks, guys! Like I said, I personally picture this version of Angron as what the World Eaters see when they are sparring with their sire in the fighting pits -- the poor bastards ;) Alas, I think I cannot paint this model for the ETL, as I would have to pledge for Age of Darkness then, and I'm a Chaos man through and through. But don't fret -- I am really looking forward to seeing this model finished, so it may not be that long...

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So here's another small update: I used the afternoon to sort out the greenstuff work on my Angron conversion, and the model is now basically ready for painting:








The gaping holes in the shoulders have been filled in and I have tried to sculpt a fairly believable back for him. This area will be painted to look fairly distressed, what with all the cabling feeding into his back and the crude augmentations to his spine, so I think the slightly lumpy texture of the GS could actually turn into a boon here. I also added his Triumph Rope scar --  it's described as fairly serpentine in Matthew Farrer's short story "After De'shea", but I have decided to make it slightly less complicated, so as not to mess up the very well sculpted muscles on the torso.


Once everything is nice and dry, the left shoulder might need a bit of cleanup work, but all in all, I really couldn't be any happier with the finished conversion -- I mean he just really looks like Angron to me:




As always, let me know what you think! :)



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So at first glance, I thought he'd be a little short and ... weedy? but he really looks awesome now that he's all together.


The scale shot next to other marines sealed it for me. He stands a head taller than a fully armored Cataphractii when he's essentially just wearing armored pants, so I think he's perfect size-wise. 


His yelly face is spot on. Great work, man. 

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He looks absolutely gorgeous! Somehow he manages to look even more ANGRY than the FW model! If I had one complaint it'd be the Butcher's Nails- they're a little prominent for my liking- but it's a very minor complaint on an otherwise fantastic figure.

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This is nothing short of the most amazing Angron model I've ever seen. I think it's a lot better than the FW one (which is one of their best primarch sculpts in my opinion). Congratulations, this is truly a masterpiece. 


Make sure you do the model justice and and make an appropriate scenic base for it. 

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Thanks so much for the positive feedback, everyone! I am really happy with him, if I do say so myself, but it's really cool that you all seem to like him too. I will say that the model came together really quickly and worked much better than I had anticipated -- Khorne's favour, probably... ;)


Oh, and yeah, there will be a suitable base, of course! Maybe not FW levels of OTT, but expect some crumbling Imperial inconography and masonry, at the very least ;)

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@ Biohazard: So glad to hear I've managed to come up with something you like unconditionally again, buddy! I was beginning to get worried ;)

You? Worried? Really?...nawww....


....is that sweat on your forehead?

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@ Andvarr A: :-P


So, some more ideas regarding plastic Angron:


First up, I have started thinking about the base, and I am contemplating going full-on Forgeworld-style with it, complete with a smaller gaming base that slots into a bigger display base. As a preparation, I have made a plaster copy of that big shield carried by the Space Marine statue from the Honoured Imperium kit. On the finished base(s), it could end up looking something like this:




Now to make one thing perfectly clear, I only made a recast in the first place because I needed the pieces to actually have a stone-like texture within when I broke them apart, like this:




I kinda like the idea of the broken pieces still forming the vague shape of the shield when you slot the smaller base into the bigger one -- but this will take quite a bit of work to get right, so I may end up painting the model before actually starting to build the base.


The other thing that might be of interest to those of you thinking about using the same base model for a plastic Angron conversion is that I think it's really quite realistic to build a fully armoured Angron using the same base model. Take a look at this:




Now it took me all of thirty seconds to add a second shoulder pad and tack on a Stormcast Eternal breastplate (which is fairly similar to FW Angron's armour, design-wise), and it already looks close enough. To really get it to work would require a bit more work, of course, but it's definitely possible, even if it's not something I want to do with my own version.


The great thing about the Slaughterpriest in that regard is that the model isn't merely tall, it also has the right proportions for the job: Unlike the models you see cobbled together from smaller models, with arms and legs extended with GS, the Slaughterpriest model really looks like a race apart when placed next to a Space Marine or even a Terminator, which I think really makes it ideal for a Primarch conversion -- but then I am probably pretty biased :wink:


Anyway, as always, let me know what you think! :smile.:

Edited by KrautScientist
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