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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Baby steps...

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Oh yes, that will do nicely.


Speaking of Gilgamesh, I couldn't help but notice that the braziers on the exhausts (from the Warshrine kit I think?) still have decidedly non-Khornate Chaos symbols on them...including Slaanesh. Sorry if it sounds like a nitpick, but your work (and the rest of Gilgamesh) is normally up to such a high standard I couldn't help but mention it.

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Wow. That icon suits Gil (I feel very familiar with him, so I'll just go ahead and use a cute nickname) perfectly! It's exactly the right size and the aesthetic works wholesale with no conversion needed. Brilliant. I guess this is what it feels like when you find a perfect tie to match your expertly-tailored suit (I have to assume, here). 

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Thanks a lot, everyone! Possibly my favourite part is how the icon slots neatly into that hole in the middle of the top carapace, due to the foot I built using a bit from an old plastic model truck kit (I am getting quite a bit of mileage out of those leftovers, come to think of it). So I can add the banner or take it off again at will -- maybe it could even work as some kind of extra equipment?! Or maybe "Gil" (*teehee*) just puts it on whenever he wants to feel extra Khornate? :wink:


Anyway, I've put on the highlights earlier tonight -- maybe I'll get around to taking a better picture tomorrow.



Speaking of Gilgamesh, I couldn't help but notice that the braziers on the exhausts (from the Warshrine kit I think?) still have decidedly non-Khornate Chaos symbols on them...including Slaanesh. Sorry if it sounds like a nitpick, but your work (and the rest of Gilgamesh) is normally up to such a high standard I couldn't help but mention it.


It's hard to make out in the pictures I have posted on this thread, but I did cut away some parts of those symbols, and while it didn't totally transform them or anything, it does at least obscure the fact that they used to be the symbols of oppsing gods. It's a bit of a compromise, admittedly, but hey, everybody needs a chance to be lazy every now and then, right? :wink:


EDIT: Here's the picture from the previous page again, so nobody needs to click back there in order to check it out :smile.:



Again, thanks guys! :smile.:


So here's another  ETL-related update -- kinda. I's been quite a while since I last painted a new model for my World Eaters, so to ease myself back into the flow of things, I decided to paint something quick and fun to get a taste for all that red again :wink:


Back when Age of Sigmar was released, I instantly felt that the huge icon of Khorne carried by that Bloodsecrator of Khorne (what a briliiantly imbecilic name, btw) was far too huge for any infantry model, but would work for a Knight or Titan -- well, I went back and used it to built an optional back banner fpr Gilgamesh, which I am currently painting. Take a look:



Edited by KrautScientist
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looking good, it really suits him.

I shouldn't worry to much about the 4 god symbols inevitably some dark ritual is needed to awaken the flames within and to do so involves respect to the whole pantheon, My dad once said something that has stuck with me, "If you can't hide it, Make a feature of it" so having the Braziers of the pantheon just gives you an excues for a cool story behind them. Perhaps a gift from the Despoiler? or relics taken from another knight? Who knows.

The back story on my Daemon Knight involves 7 Gifts or blessings of Khorn each awarded 888 years apart, then it came to the 8th and final Gift......

I'm having fun modelling the 7 items and working out what they may be, I have 3 sold choices so far, maybe 4.

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@ Mechanist: That is indeed a fantastic piece of advice from your dad, and certainly one that I have been living by for a long time, especially with regard to my hobby projects! :)



So here are some pictures of Gilgamesh with the finished banner. The weather isn't great today, so the lighting in the pictures isn't ideal, but you'll still be able to make out the details, I believe:










As always, let me know what you think! :)

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Cheers, guys! :)


@ Squigsquasher: The bone was really easy to paint, too, because it has such an interesting texture that it was merely a matter of basecoating, then washing with brown wash, and then appyling two quick sets of selective drybrushing. That first coat of paint was a slog though, as it was pretty hard to get it into all those nooks and crannies ;)


@ Auggs: Hmm, there's not really that much to see there, buddy: It's merely an old axle piece from a model truck kit with a nub on its end that just happened to fit into that small hole in the Knight's carapace, so I attached it to the banner, and Bob's your uncle ;)


@ Mechanist: Aw, man, yeah: There's that too, I guess. Just more work I'll never finish... ;)


@ Eldrick Shadowblade: Cheers, mate!



Yes, yes, more pictures, more trinkets for the Knight !


(and anything else to distract you from your ETL vow)  :smile.:


Huh. Well I am happy to inform you that painting on my first proper ETL model is already underway right now, thank you very much:





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Cheers, guys! :)


@ OSS: Hmmm, I think I cut those skulls from an ogre bit: There's this huge crocodilian skull that is used as a banner top, and there are smaller, human skulls dangling from it. I think that's where I got the skulls I used on the daemon.

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Cheers, buddy! I can assure you the eyes only look strange in that last picture, with the effect barely (if at all) noticeable in real life. Scout's honour -- I've been holding the piece in front of my eyes for ten minutes straight, squinting at the eyes, and they are fine ;)

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So here's another update on Skulltaker: I added another round of highlights and tidied up the last rough edges. Most of the changes probably won't be all that visible to you, but they do make a difference up close. So I am basically calling the model itself finished now:












This is actually my first Khornate daemon - or even my first daemon, period - and I daresay it's a pretty convincing premiere, all things considered. One thing I am really happy with is the skin, and I need to give credit where credit is due: I painted this part of the model faithfully following the first part of Duncan Rhodes' two-part video series on how to paint a Bloodthirster. It's a really effective recipe, and it worked just as well here - using somewhat smaller brushes, admittedly :wink:








So with the model itself now finished, I am currently working on a suitable base for it. Some experimentation is involved. Stay tuned for more :wink:


Until then, as always, let me know what you think! :smile.:



Edited by KrautScientist
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