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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Baby steps...

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Thanks a lot, guys! :)


@ Squigsquasher: The price is just one of several issues, though: There's also the fact that I am not exactly in love with resin as a material, and so the option for kitbashing/converting plastic versions of Forgeworld stuff often seems like the preferrable option to me, both because it's less expensive and more fun ;) I also occassionally get a perverse pleasure out of having to convert something that could just be purchased, but then I'm a bit strange like that ;)


@ Teetengee & SalvationOfReason: One thing that really surprised me is that there is actually more than a little resemblance between those two faces, as it happens! They are far from identical, but when you see them next to each other, you think "Yeah, this could be the same guy!". That's something that I hadn't really expected beforehand. There's also the fact that the Slaughterpriest's face is quite a masterpiece, really: The subtlty of the sculpt puts it on part with FW's resin faces, if you ask me.

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Wow, I totally expected that comparison, but seeing for real makes it all the more awesome that you pulled this off. Again, great job on armour-less Angron. Such a great conversion indeed!

Also: the fact that you have been sent such an expensive model shows that you're deservedly much appreciated by the community! 

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So here's another small update: I used the afternoon to sort out the greenstuff work on my Angron conversion, and the model is now basically ready for painting:








The gaping holes in the shoulders have been filled in and I have tried to sculpt a fairly believable back for him. This area will be painted to look fairly distressed, what with all the cabling feeding into his back and the crude augmentations to his spine, so I think the slightly lumpy texture of the GS could actually turn into a boon here. I also added his Triumph Rope scar --  it's described as fairly serpentine in Matthew Farrer's short story "After De'shea", but I have decided to make it slightly less complicated, so as not to mess up the very well sculpted muscles on the torso.


Once everything is nice and dry, the left shoulder might need a bit of cleanup work, but all in all, I really couldn't be any happier with the finished conversion -- I mean he just really looks like Angron to me:




As always, let me know what you think! :smile.:



Dude it looks great! Where the axes from?

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Again, cheers, guys! :)


@ Mechanist: Haha, yeah, I certainly didn't expect to ever be able to make that particular comparison picture, but that is serendipity for you! ;)


@ Auggs: Thanks, buddy, although I have to say that I am still flabbergasted that Adam would actually decide to just send that Angron over to me -- incredibly humbling, really!


@ psnmario: Cheers, man! Those axes are from FW Cataphractii Terminators. I just added a little spike to make them look slightly more vicious.

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Good news, everyone: I'll finally be able to pick up some new Chaos Black spray at the GW store in Hanover next Wednesday, and from there, completing my first ETL vow shouldn't be too much of a problem ;) Until then, however, we'll have to look at yet more unpainted plastic.


First up, I took another photo of the "Angron twins" to show you the resemblance between the faces:




Like I said, they aren't identical or anything, but the resemblance is certainly there, wouldn't you agree?


As you can see in the picture, I've tried a different shoulder pad on my Angron conversion: This one is a GW bit (from the Chaos Knights). I liked the idea of making the model purely from GW/FW bitz, and the pauldron's design actually matches the leg armour fairly closely. On the other hand, it lacks the mass and bulk of the earlier version:














In other news, I have made some tweaks to a rather old conversion: This model was actually built all the way back in early 2011 (and was originally inspired by an excellent conversion I had seen online during the mid 2000s), but I've been tweaking and fine-tuning it ever since. But now I think the guy is just about ready to be painted, at long last. Meet Alrik Skarn, First Hunter and right-hand man to Lord Captain Lorimar:













As always, let me know what you think! :)



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That is a bonkers Helmet. Love it. 

There is something a little off about the legs, I think it looks like they are a little miss proportioned like the outside leg is badly moulded to avoid to much overhang. 

The terminators from the latest space hulk have a similar problem at times and I've seen someone do a  great job of bulking them out a little with greenstuff.

From the slightly blurred detail of the cable by the foot I'm guessing these are from the solder chaos space marine kit? Could be the current and it's the blurred detail and slightly dodgy proportions that is ageing the kit so badly. 

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I prefer Angron's previous shoulder guard, as it is much closer to the style of armour stereotypically used by gladiators and felt right at home on the Primarch of the XIIth Legion because of this. The new guard just doesn't do it for me in comparison.
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Good news, everyone: I'll finally be able to pick up some new Chaos Black spray at the GW store in Hanover next Wednesday, and from there, completing my first ETL vow shouldn't be too much of a problem :wink: Until then, however, we'll have to look at yet more unpainted plastic.


Hanover? Dude are you from Maryland or do you mean Germany? If so, I also live in MD I play at Games and Stuff and at Titan games and hobbies
Edited by psnmario
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As usual, thanks for the feedback, everyone!


Regarding Angron's shoulder pad, I can definitely see where you are coming from! The new version really lacks the bulk of the first pad, and also some of the gladiatorial look. At the same time, I really like the idea of having only GW and FW bitz on the model (this should also be a boon if I ever manage to get this guy published in WD/Visions -- one can always dream ;) ). Maybe I can just paint both pads and exchange them as needed...?


As for the Chaos Lord, I don't think I'll be changing much about those legs, unfortunately: Covered as they are in other bitz, I think tweaking anything much about the pose would turn into quite a nightmare. That being said, I think Auggie's point about the right foot is a good one, and I intend to build up some basing material underneat it at least, in order to make the pose look somewhat more natural. But it really works rather well if you look at the model firsthand. Oh well...




Good news, everyone: I'll finally be able to pick up some new Chaos Black spray at the GW store in Hanover next Wednesday, and from there, completing my first ETL vow shouldn't be too much of a problem :wink: Until then, however, we'll have to look at yet more unpainted plastic.


Hanover? Dude are you from Maryland or do you mean Germany? If so, I also live in MD I play at Games and Stuff and at Titan games and hobbies



Haha, no mate, I was referring to Hanover, Germany. Which would technically make it "Hannover", although the city has earned an official English version of its name, likely by virtue of being the origin of a rather notorious noble house ;)


Speaking of the GW store at Hanover, though:




We are sooo back in business now! ;)


I am confident that I'll be making some good progress on the final part of my first ETL vow this coming weekend. No painting today, unfortunately, both because it's more than 30 degrees outside and because I need all my fingers to keep them crossed for the UK staying part of the EU...


Anyway, expect something painted fairly soon! :)

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Obviously it is up to you Kraut, but personally I wouldn't compromise the quality of a model/conversion just because of the origin of one of the parts.


If you are set on using GW parts maybe try using two Cataphractii upper pads (or something similar of GW origin) and a little greenstuff work to replicate the layered gladiatorial armour. That would maintain the look of the original but still be fully GW/FW.

Edited by Fenbain
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Sorry man, appreciate the crossed fingers shame it didn't work out.

So stuck in Korea working in rubbish heat and rain with disappointment in my country. So i needs little plastic men to cheer me up.

No pressure but looking forward to seeing the killer robo wips and finish, keep up the good work.

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Cheers, guys! :)


@ Fenbain: Hmm, excellent point about the Cataphractii pads -- I'll definitely give that a try!


@ Eldrick Shadowblade: How do you mean, mate? Are you referring to a tutorial for a specific subject?


@ Augs: Well, I go to Hanover on a fairly regular basis, and it's certainly not on the other side of the planet, so I felt safe enough about only picking up one can for now, especially given my glacial pace of painting ;)


It's true, I've spent most of yesterday watching the news of Brexit hollow-eyed and with a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach -- what an utterly awful day! But after moping about for a couple of hours, I decided I might as well try to transform my sadness into something more productive and started working on my converted Kastelan.


One funny thing is that the model basically looked almost like a standard Kastelan during painting, because I had taken off virtually all of the armour plates to have an easier time painting the thing:




But they came back on quickly enough, as a motivation fueled by a particularly mixture of sadness and madness saw me complete the model in record time. Now be advised that the following photos certainly arent't brilliant, on account of the perpetual rain over here and the overall gloomy weather, but anyway: My Counts As Contemptor (I yet have to settle on a snappy name):










And with this final model, my 1st ETL vow is finally complete:




1st Vow Completed!



But wait, there's more:


I originally certainly didn't want to risk a second vow, but what the heck -- there's another model that I would really like to see finished, and in any case, it's for a good cause, so here goes nothing:


For the glory of He who hunts at the head of the pack and in order to atone for previous failures, I, KrautScientist, supreme overlord of Khorne's Eternal Hunt, rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete the following units from Codex Chaos Space Marines on or before August 15th, 2016:


  • 1 Daemon Prince of Khorne w/ power armour: 180 pts.


Success will bring eternal glory to the World Eaters' 4th assault company and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.



Before pictures:






The black undercoat and dark brown paint are remnants of an ill-fated previous attempt at painting this beast. I'll be painting right over them ;) Wish me luck!


So yeah, that's it for today -- as always, let me know what you think! :)

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