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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Suddenly, Death Guard...

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One guy left for the squad Bardolf, if I understand correctly? This one definitely reads as a World Eater.

Now I have to battle the desire to build a unit of pre-heresy fellas from my NLs warband...


Speaking about Sisters of Silence - for a minute there I couldn't understand where is the original: in the middle or on the right, haha. Still they all look like a solid unit.

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I think Mark III armour might be my favourite power armour, so seeing more of it in this blog is quite wonderful.


After your superb mini-warband of Nurglites I'd love to see you do some Plague Marines using the Mark III parts. I think it has a very Nurgley look to it, and I'm planning on suiting my Nurgle contingent in Mark III (be it plastic or FW, whichever looks better).

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Wow, your sister conversion hold up very good compared to the official minis. I didn't even notice that there was a mix of conversions and official models in the picture



I love your recent MkIII conversions. They definietely convey the brutal barbarism (or is that barbaric brutality? :wink:) of the World Eaters. That being said, Squigsquashers request of MkIII Plague Marines in your iconic style also sounds very tasty. :tu: :D

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Thanks a lot, guys! :)


@ DarkVen: Yes, one model left to go for the squad, and the vexillarius, no less -- I am still debating with myself over whether to go with the fairly low key, backpack-mounted vexilla that comes with the kit or go for a slightly more involved banner. The latter seems like a better fit for the World Eaters, but I am also planning a dedicated company standard bearer for the future, and I don't want the squad vexillarii to overshadow that guy.


@ Squigsquasher: Mate, there's just too many cool things one could possibly do with the Mk. III Marines (World Eaters, Iron Warriors and, yes, Plague Marines). I think I'll resist the temptation of building some Plague Marines for now, both because I still have an old metal icon bearer to paint for my existing squad of Plague Marines, and because I want to see whether or not we get new plastics as part of the new Chaos Legions release (which could then be kitbashed with the Mk. III parts, of course...).


@ Augs & Mister Feral: Cheers, guys! ;)


@ Atia: Haha, thanks! Feel free to steal away! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cheers, mate! :)


So, after a longer period of laziness and/or distraction, I have finally managed to start painting the third model for my Call of Chaos vow, my gladiatorial Khornate Daemon Prince. I only have some pretty bad photos to show for it, for now, as the light was already very poor by the time I came home from work. But here's proof that I am still in the game, at least:






Still a ton of detail work left to do on this guy, but I am getting there.


As always, let me know what you think! :)

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Is that a dragon ogre head? It looks fantastic on the daemon prince! Also very cool idea with the chained weapons, though it may look more realistic if they were chained in front of him to be used like some kind of giant cutting brass nunchakus!

Edited by The Traitor
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That Prince is awesome. My one, solitary complaint is the chain connecting the weapons- from the looks of things it would make wielding them virtually impossible, unless he held one end in one hand and let loose with the thing like a giant bladed flail. If the chain were longer, or each weapon was chained to him, it'd work better I think.

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That Prince is awesome. My one, solitary complaint is the chain connecting the weapons- from the looks of things it would make wielding them virtually impossible, unless he held one end in one hand and let loose with the thing like a giant bladed flail. If the chain were longer, or each weapon was chained to him, it'd work better I think.

Giant choppy-nunchucks! Chopchucks? Nunchops!


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Thanks a lot, people! I'm glad to hear you like the model so far! :)


@ Squigsquasher & SanguiniusReborn: I can definitely see your respective points regarding the weapon, and I will admit the setup was a bit of a compromise, but I just wanted the chain for some extra gladiatorial oomph. As for the lenght, my take is that, seeing how it's basically a weapon made from daemonic warp essence, he can really lenghten or shorten the chain as needed. It's a bit of a dodgy excuse, to be sure, but it kinda works -- and it ultimately felt like a better option than having a lenght of chain coiling unconvincingly on his base.


So anyway, here's another update regarding the model: I arrived home just in time to use the last ounce of proper daylight for some new photos ;)








The skin, the armour and any bony parts are more or less finished at this point, but the blades still need some serious highlighting. With a bit of luck, I'll be able to put the finishing touches on him this weekend.


As always, let me know what you think! :)



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I think this Daemon Prince shall be heir to all my possessions and belongings. Seriously, that thing is crazy good looking. In a horrible, Khornate kind of way, that is. That ogre head just makes him look all the more brutal, and that weird weapon is suitably Chaotic. Well done!

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Thanks a lot! :)


@ Auggs: Wait, does that mean I get to inherit all of your crazy good models in the event of ...uh something happening to you? I mean, I am that Daemon Prince's legal guardian, technically speaking ;)


Seriously, though: I really appreciate it, buddy!


@ Atia: Thanks a lot! For someone with your track record of painting beautiful FW models, I take that as high praise indeed!


As for the dragon ogre head, that was a bit of a happy accident born of the fact that a) I really considered all of the DP's stock heads a bit too cartoony and b) I had those Dragon Ogres knocking about as the results of a failed experiment. I think the head really adds a bit of character to a somewhat lacklustre base model -- the plastic Daemon Prince has the unfortunate fate of trying to follow two legendary Juan Diaz models (the classic CSM Daemon Prince and Be'l'akor), and while the model clearly takes lots of cues from both, it fails to hold up to either.


@ Biohazard: Cheers, buddy! And yes, those Butcher's Nails have been there all along -- although I'll admit they weren't all that noticeable while the model was still unpainted.

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Thanks a lot! :smile.:


@ Auggs: Wait, does that mean I get to inherit all of your crazy good models in the event of ...uh something happening to you? I mean, I am that Daemon Prince's legal guardian, technically speaking :wink:

Erm... yes, actually that does legally mean that... Crap. Suddenly I'm less looking forward to your visit, for fear of getting into an 'accident' while you're here. Oh well, Khorne cares not from whence the blood flows. ;) 

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Again, thanks guys! :)


@ Auggs: Haha, don't worry: That wouldn't be my style. Although the amount of waterways in Amsterdam would certainly make for some interesting assassination opportunities -- urgh, sorry, I'm totally in Dishonored 2 model right now ;)


Anyway, I kinda missed the perfect moment for photography again, but these new pictures should give you an idea of the highligted silver on the weapons:






So that only leaves the base to be finished -- but I am actually considering leaving that for later and getting a good start on the next model for my vow first, because the bases can always be completed as a last step before the deadline runs out ;)


As always, let me know what you think! :)

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