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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Suddenly, Death Guard...

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The Night of the Wolf


Lhorke never saw who fired the first shot. In the decades to come, the World Eaters claimed it came from the Wolves‘ lines, and the Wolves claimed the same of the XII Legion. He had his suspicions, but what was hindsight in the face of catastrophe? Without either primarch giving an order, two Legions fought.


The Night of the Wolf, they’d called it in the years since. Imperial archives referred to it as the Ghenna Scouring, omitting the moment the World Eaters and Space Wolves drew blood. A source of pride for both Legions, and a source of secret shame. Both claimed victory. Both feared they’d actually lost.


Aaron Dembski-Bowden, Betrayer



It was a good thing that I had a scheduled painting session with my good friend Annie coming up yesterday, because that provided me with the perfect occasion to put the finishing touches of my Angron model. So here are some proper pictures of the finished model.


Keep in mind that this was the piece of artwork that inspired the conversion in the first place. A fantastic piece by the late, great Wayne England:




Fun fact: I only found this zoomed-out, higher quality version of the picture when the conversion had already been finished: So there are skulls in that tangle of gore in Angron’s fist — who woulda thunk, huh? :wink:


Anyway, without further ado, here's the XII Primarch:





The Conqueror, Primarch of the XII Legion


„I am loyal, the same as you. I am told to bathe my Legion in the blood of innocents and sinners alike, and I do it, because it’s all that’s left for me in this life. I do these things, and I enjoy them, not because we are moral, or right – or loving souls seeking to enlighten a dark universe – but because all I feel are the Butcher’s Nails hammered into my brain. I serve because of this ‚mutilation‘. Without it? Well, perhaps I might be a more moral man, like you claim to be. A virtuos man, eh? Perhaps I might ascend the steps of our father’s palace and take the slaving bastard’s head.“

The Primarch Angron to his brother, Leman Russ
from Aaron-Dembski-Bowden’s Betrayer
















Okay, guys: Now I do realise that I might have a tendency to be a bit too much in love with my own work, but I have to admit that I am really, really happy with this model! Are there things I could have done better? You bet! The fur on the cape is probably not as good as it could have been. Using a flesh shade for the shadows on the armour didn’t work out quite as well as I had hoped. But all in all, he really reads as a believable version of Angron to me, and that makes me very happy, indeed! I am also rather pleased with the way his armour has turned out, and if I have one actual regret right now, it’s that the metal looks a bit too flat and monochromatic in the photos, because it works so well in real life — seriously, this guy sparkles from a couple of feet away :wink:


I shall endeavour to take some better pictures that actually show off the armour a bit better.


For now, another detail shot at how the Butcher’s Nails, the armour and the partially sculpted cape come together:




And what makes this even sweeter is that the completion of Angron also marks the completion of my vow for the “Loyalty and Treachery III” event. I have managed to complete four models I am really pleased with and really nailed down the look I want for my 30k World Eaters:




And when looking at the bigger picture, I have also come one step closer to completing my fourth (and likely final) incarnation of the XII Primarch. Here are my two converted, Slaughterpriest-based versions of Angron:




So this means two down, one to go:




And finally, Angron among his sons (the meagre extents of my 30k collection so far):








@ kizzdougs, Olis, Nemac & malcharion: Cheers, guys! Hope you like the new pictures even better! :smile.:


@ The Traitor: Not adding any silver detail to the armour plates has been a very conscious choice -- it has to be said, however, that there's really a lot more depth and variety to the armour than the photos show off: The detail and filigree, in particular, have been highlighted to the point that they stand out from the armour. Much of this is sadly lost in the photos... As for the jewel, see my reply to Mechanist!


@ Mechanist: Hmm, my original take on that jewel at the very centre of his chest was that it's so small that having it look convincingly like a jewel would be too much hassle, really, so I decided to leave it as a stud. Then again, you are arguing a rather compelling case for creating that triangle from the artwork -- however, those humps on his collarbones aren't really supposed to be jewels, I believe, and don't really look like jewels. I will have to think about this a bit... hmm, food for thought! :smile.:

Edited by KrautScientist
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Angron - wow, just wow. Such a great conversion mate, and you have really done him justice with the painting. 100% win :tu: You have really nail the pose, he looks really quite angry as the Red Angel should. I wouldn't mind seeing him next to you ascended version, just because before and after yanno :D


Love your latest incarnation of is Khârn too, he is all the awesome B)

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He looks fantastic. If you wanted to go closer to the art work you could use one of the various methods to add rivets to include a small gem in the middle of the collar studs. It would be fiddly though and a risk on a model that's already so good.

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Thanks a lot, guys! I am really proud of the model, and I appreciate the kind words! :)


@ Mechanist: In hindsight, I could just have chosen the Custodes breastplate with the obvious jewel at the centre, but a slight misunderstanding of how Custodes torso pieces worked made me order the "wrong one". When all is said and done, I think I won't be painting any more jewels on him. It would bring him even closer to the artwork, yes, but then I've taken smaller liberties elsewhere as well, and the inspiration is still clear. And I don't really want to mess up a model that feels finished ;)


@ Auggs: I might paint an unrelated model or two before getting around to the last Angron, but I also don't want to put it off for too long either. In that particular case, building a proper base will be a bit of a challenge, as my FW Angron is missing the central part of the base, but the large outer ring of the presentation base is there, and I do really want to make use of it. Anyway, we shall see...


In the meantime, here's something small for today, to show you that the forges of Sarum never sleep:






Happy Easter, everyone! :)

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Cheers, guys! :)


The Sarum pattern helmet is actually a small project of its own for now -- I just wanted to see whether I could make some of those helmets for use on my World Eaters. I think FW berzerker helmets really make for the perfect Sarum pattern helmets. In my opinion, they should have sold these (minus the bunny ears) as a WE conversion pack instead of going for two very similar designs.


In other news, remember how I said I didn't want to put off painting the Forgeworld version of Angron for too long? Well, I've spent quite some time yesterday and today coming up with a suitable base for the model.


Like I said, I only have the "outer ring" of the official FW base, with the actual part that goes on the smaller base missing. I am also not a huge fan of the defeated Marines surrounding Angron because I feel like they are drawing attention away from the star of the show. But then again, it's Angron we are talking about here, so some kind of fallen enemy seems par for the course, right? So with those pointers in mind, here's what I've come up with:






Now the outer and inner elements don't slot together quite as seamlessly as in the official version, but the outer ring still needs some extra detailing at this point, so that leaves room for improvement. I am pretty happy with the design for the actual base, though:






A fallen Cataphractii Terminator seemed pretty appropriate for a Primarch ;)


As always, let me know what you think! :)

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I think you're off to a great start with it - if the two different parts are painted the same, it won't be an issue at all that it's not the original. Heck, yours might even look better when finished.


Let me take a shot at answering grailkeepr's question: this is a scene from Istvaan III, where a Loyalist Death Guard terminator lies rotten away by the Life Eater Virus, and Angron charging the surviving Loyal Legionaires. As for how he's under a rock - it's a flat rock, so perhaps it's part of a collapsed building, in which the terminator sought refuge from the orbital bombardment?

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Thanks a lot, guys! :)


As for the general design of the base and whatever happened to the Terminator: Since my 30k project is based around the battles of Armatura and Nuceria, this isn't an Isstvan scene: The fallen Terminator (or rather, half-Terminator, as will become more obvious when everything has been painted) will be painted as a honoured veteran of the XIII Legion.


And while I didn't think of the Terminator actually having been squashed by a falling rock, I rather like that ambiguity to the base, now that you've mentioned it: Maybe the rock was thrown by Angron himself? Or the Terminator might have been caught in the falling debris when the Ultramarines detonated Valika junction in an attempt to stall the World Eaters' advance? Or the poor sod was torn apart by the Primarch, and his upper half was cast into the muck at Angron's feet? So many exciting possibilities... ;)

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Since my 30k project is based around the battles of Armatura and Nuceria

My favourite flavour of Worldeater :tu:


I can totally picture said Terminator beat down by the Red Angel, smashed from his feet by the rock, the force of Angrons throw breaking up the ancient armour and the warrior within upon impact, skin wrathfully flensed from his dying face as he lay dying. Fully warmed up and in 100% ragemode, Angron charges off to pick a fight with a Titan.

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wow, the angron and the many versions of Khârn are glorious in their rage filled poses. They capture the essence of khorne quite right, its nice to have a clear emotion associated to the god - the models fit right into the theme.

i can't picture the followers of other gods having a facial expression that are as appropriate and expressive as khorne's rage (slaanesh - kinky face?, tzeentch - wise, knowing smirk?,  nurgle.... coughing? sick?)

great work!

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