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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Suddenly, Death Guard...

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Thanks a lot, guys! :smile.:


@ Auggs: HAHAHAHAHAHA...no. :wink:


If I were a Golden Demon level painter, however, that would be a perfect entry, wouldn't it?

Seriously, though: Out of the moments from Betrayer I pointed out, the one where Angron mourns his lost brothers and sisters would be the most promising for a mini-diorama/another version of Angron by a fair margin. I would need another Forgeworld Angron, though, and a lot of skulls. And it would be pretty fiddly to get the pose just right. So I think I'll be content with the four versions I have for now.


@ stuka06: Mate, comparing my models to one of Victoria Lamb's iconic diorama pieces? That is an incredible - if undeserved - compliment! Thanks a lot! :smile.:


@ Vairocanum & Mol: Cheers, guys! :smile.:

Edited by KrautScientist
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All those Angron are awesome man, the paintjob, conversion and basing looks great ! Love the change you make on the forge world Angron in particular !

All those idea of Angron epic moment make me drool in advance !

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Thanks a lot, guys! I really appreciate the enthusiastic feedback! :)


@ grailkeeper: In a way, Shadow Wars is exactly what I have always wanted: An excuse to focus on smaller, self-contained warbands as a way to explore different factions and concepts. So yes, I will definitely be working on a Killteam. Or two. Or ten. First up, however, will be the Iron Warriors Killteam I already started quite a while ago (back before Shadow Wars was even a thing).

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Cheers, mate! :) Don't hold your breath, though: Not sure I'll be getting around to it any time soon...


In the meantime, I've been roped into joining a small painting event over at one large German hobby forum by Aasfresser, and I am actually really happy that he persevered, because it turned out this provided just the kick in the arse I needed to start painting my 30k Khârn conversion. Here's a sneak peek at a mostly finished model for you:




Now the really interesting thing is that I decided to build an extra, helmeted head option for my Khârn as an extra flourish, both because the Forgeworld version has two options as well, but also because 40k Khârn is defined so much by his iconic helmet. So here's my take on a Sarum Pattern officer helmet:






Fun fact, I actually like this version even more right now -- which, to be honest, feels slightly backwards, seeing how finding that bare head was one of the factors that led me to building my own Khârn in the first place... But yeah, as you can see, he's coming along pretty well.


The base has already been built as well, and is currently awaiting paint:




As always, let me know what you think! :)

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I'm with you on the choice of head. While the bare head works for the goal that you set out, I like the helm quite a bit more, because it instantly gives the model this certain Khârn-vibe. Maybe it's the years of looking at a helmeted version of him, but it just looks better in my opinion. Still, it's a job well done either way.

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As much as I love the bareheaded one, I'll be the odd one out and say that the helmet doesn't fit. It should be far lower, anatomically, so his brreather should be behind his neck gorget. I know from experience with my own versions of the Blood Warriors-based berzerkers that space marine helmets don't fit, so my vision was already biased. But that doesn't take away the fact that his helmet doesn't fit the model, IMO. Sorry Kraut! I love the helemt though, as much as I love the rest of the miniature. I just think that the two together make a sub-par model. The bareheaded Khârn looks fantastic though, and I'm sure the helmet will look equally great on any other of your regular-armoured World Eaters. 

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I really like the look of the new helmet you put on your Khârn and I can see where Augustus is coming from on its position in his gorget. Would it be possible to lower the helm a bit? Maybe shave down a bit of the lower neck on the head itself.


Apart from the head issue, the rest of the model looks superb and I'm looking forward to seeing more from the 30k Eaters. On a side note, your base with the broken aquila plate instantly made me think of Betrayer and was wondering if you'd ever thought of making an Argal Tal mini to go alongside Khârn (using the other side of the plate as a link).

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Cheers for the feedback, guys! So glad to hear you like him, as he just seemed to come together by himself -- must be the sheer awesomeness of the character :wink:


@ Isengrin, Biohazard & Venomlust: Thanks, guys! I'd say maybe a helmeted version works so well because it brings him closer to his (classic) 40k incarnation, and that one was defined so much by the iconic helmet. Even so, it was great fun to explore what he might look like underneath the helmet.


@ Aasfresser: Mate, I am seriously grateful to you for talking me into doing this! Cheers! :smile.:


@ Auggs: Hmm, my answer to that would have to be in two parts, really:


One, you are perfectly correct about the reason for the helmet's position: It doesn't fit underneath that collar, and I didn't want to shave it down, mostly because that would have obscured the lovely teeth design within the Sarum pattern mouth grille -- which is how I ended up with this setup.


Two, I don't really agree about the anatomy angle: Now on the proviso that 28mm heroic Astartes anatomy is pretty messed up anyway, I think when you look at him, you can still work out a pretty plausible anatomy for him underneath that armour, even with the head in that position. It would maybe me more of a problem if that breastplate had actual sculpted pectorals, as that would actually draw attention to the fact that his head could/should be lower, but ambiguously designed as it is, I think it still kinda works: His helmet looks quite alright in relation to his arms and shoulders and the length of his torso, if you ask me. So I'll be keeping it that way -- plus I actually really love the way it looks, to be honest. Fear not, however: The bare head will stay a viable (and exchangeable) option, so we can all be happy :wink:


@ Soric: Hmm, the thought of building Argel Tal had occured to me, but now it's getting more and more tempting, especially with the option of basing them on matching pieces of rubble, as you suggested: I hadn't even realised that there was an almost fitting counterpart to that aquila piece...


The real challenge here is that there would have to be two models, of course: One for standard Argel Tal, and one for when Raum takes over.



Oh, and as for Khârn:





Eighth Captain of the World Eaters

Equerry to the Primarch Angron

"The Bloody"











When it came to building his base, I wanted it to contain visual shout outs to Angron's base, creating an even closer link between the two models, which seemed fitting. So I tried to repeat several elements that appear on Forgeworld's base for Angron: torn metal beams, diamon patterned metal plates and rocks, stuff like that. At the same time, I also tried to make it fit the design of my other World Eaters:




Oh, and here's the bareheaded version of the character:






It's mentioned several times in Betrayer how the pain of the Butcher's Nails is a constant companion to Khârn, yet in contrast to many of his brothers, he actually tries to fight their influence and stay levelheaded more often than not, so I thought it would be nice to give his face a drawn, haunted quality.


And, of course, Father and Son:




Wha? Are they wielding the exact same axe at the same time? TIME PARADOX! :wink:


What I really like is how the model really kinda looks like an end boss next to one of my regular World Eaters. Even the, rather vertically posed, Secutor Hamund is a bit shorter than Khârn:





When all is said and done, my objective was to create a model that draws enough visual cues from different sources to really read as Khârn. And when it comes to the 40k versions of the character, I think my model could reasonably grow into the classic Khârn over the next 10,000 years -- but also into the new version:




As always, let me know what you think! :smile.:



Edited by KrautScientist
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Thank you, guys! :)


Nice work (but he's still shorter than my own monster).


Oh, are we playing "Who has the biggest Khârn?" now? Because, yeah, been there, done that:




Seriously, though: The presence of that true scale Khârn conversion is basically the main reason why I haven't made too many changes to the new plastic 40k Khârn: Since I already have two static versions of the character (or rather, three, as of today), a running version felt like a nice change! I am also not as bothered about his running pose as many other people. Those awful, clunky chains on his arms had to go, though. That being said, I do love your reposed version, as I said elsewhere.

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