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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Suddenly, Death Guard...

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Again great conversions. I know you already said you're not going to touch the sorcerers stick, but please hear me out once again.

You really don't have to do much. There is a patch of plastic to the left of the part that comes out above the hand, if you remove it or cover it with a chain or a strap of GS cloth everything would look natural again.

To illustrate I took your last pic of the sorc and marked in red what I would cut away. The black line is only for myself to get a feeling for the curve the staff describes. I really don't want to be pedantic, but I sort of am. I know he will look directly neater and better. You can do it!


I feel a little bit of shame to still bother you with that unnecessary little step.

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Re: Aasfresser's point: Riiiight - at first I didn't understood with what he meant with angle - but I do see what he means now - there's a stray piece of plastic hovering above the hand. It's a nitpick, but a good one. I cannot unsee it. On the other hand, I agree with Kraut that the staff is pretty gnarly as it is, and that piece can easily be some piece of wood jutting out. It's noticable as peculiar, but not as limiting the suspension of disbelief. 

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Cheers, guys! :)


@ Aasfresser & Auggs: What you guys aren't taking into account is the fact that the "stray" piece of plastic actually isn't a part of the staff, though: Having taken another close look at the arm, I am even more convinced now that it's actually mutated flesh emerging from between the armour plates. This is clearly visible from behind -- and admittedly much harder to make out from the front. I shaved the original staff off REALLY carefully, in order to keep that small detail intact ;)

Edited by KrautScientist
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The alternate Blightbringer looks fantastic! His thighs do look a bit skinny though, I think if you bulked them out with GS like how you would do for true-scaling it would look good! Definitely looking forward to seeing more, really like the overall feel of your nurgle models.

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Cheers, guys! :smile.:


@ Aasfresser & Auggs: What you guys aren't taking into account is the fact that the "stray" piece of plastic actually isn't a part of the staff, though: Having taken another close look at the arm, I am even more convinced now that it's actually mutated flesh emerging from between the armour plates. This is clearly visible from behind -- and admittedly much harder to make out from the front. I shaved the original staff off REALLY carefully, in order to keep that small detail intact :wink:


Ah ok. I always looked like the staff is getting twice as broad above the hand than below. As long as it's oainted like flesh, I can live with it. But now off you go, paint!

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Cheers, guys! :)


@ Vairocanum: Hmm, you know, my original plan was to bulk out the legs as you described, but then it hit me that a bloated torso in combination with stick-thin legs could also be seen as a sign of disease, so it might actually be cool to keep the legs that way -- does that make any sense?


@ BrotherJim: Hey man, good to see you're alive! :)


So, for today, something small, yet useful: I have some of those snapfit Plague Marines on the way, so I can make two full squads of seven, and my plan is to convert one of them to make a second Blight Launcher wielder, so I've already prepared the Blight Launcher for that:



Really not brain surgery, this one: Just combine a plastic Mk. IV or Mk. III Heavy Bolter with the barrel from a Cadian grenade launcher, throw on some Nurgly bitz as needed — DONE. I am certainly not the only (nor even the first) person to have come up with this idea, but it's pretty useful nonetheless, wouldn't you agree?


Further detailing will have to wait until I actually have the models in my hands, though.


As always, let me know what you think! :)

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Hrm, nothing to say? Man, this place certainly isn't exactly doing wonders for my hobby mojo at the moment...


Anyway, here's my second little project for today: Replacing the Plague Champion's strange, molten head with an equally disfigured - yet hopefully cooler - countenance. It's really small, though, so the photo is slightly fuzzy:




As always, let me know what you think...or don't o_O

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Love the blight launcher/rad cleanser! I might whip one up to try on a guardsman, actually--i've been meaning to get something beefier for my Steel Legion, and that looks like it'd do the trick. The head on that champion looks good as well, it reminds me of my favorite bit out of the WHFB zombie kit, which has graced many a base. Good stuff!
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Hrm, nothing to say? Man, this place certainly isn't exactly doing wonders for my hobby mojo at the moment...


Anyway, here's my second little project for today: Replacing the Plague Champion's strange, molten head with an equally disfigured - yet hopefully cooler - countenance. It's really small, though, so the photo is slightly fuzzy:




As always, let me know what you think...or don't o_O

Lol that is exactly why I don't post my work any more.

Your stuff is always inspiring, and the fact you keep pumping out great conversions is amazing. I did make a comment about not using the baby face or the mashed potatoes on your sorcerer :p

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The face is a great idea but it seems to be a bit to much in the front. As it is it looks more like a mask. But I like it anyways.

As for the blight launcher: I'm curious how it will go with the Plague Marine whose going to wield it. So far it looks good. 


How's your painting going?

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Don't get salty, Krauty! We're all rooting for ya!

That blight launcher conversion is actually fricking brilliant, and instantly solves a problem I have een having. You see, I want at least three squauds of Blight Launchers, but wasn't prepared to buy all those extra gubbins. Enter Boy Wonder with a perfect idea!


That new face on the plague champion - is that all sculpted? If so, then my hat is off to you, sir! I still have a fair amount of dread to sculpt those nurglifications, and it is a blessing to see such inspiring work from someone whose work I at least feel somewhat comfortable in my ability to replicate. Thanks for the inspiration!

I do feel like there could be something more done on the champion though - he still gives off the 'standard' air - which I know you try to avoid. 

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Cheers, guys! It's good to hear some feedback again -- I just get ticked off at the whole "Likes over comments" trend every once in a blue moon, is all ;)


Regarding the Blight Launcher, yeah, it seemed like an obvious recipe, really, as I remembered people doing pretty much the same thing back when BaC was released to turn the heavy bolters into rad launchers. That being said, I really knew the idea was good when I saw Satarin's proof of concept here, to give credit where credit is due.


As for the face on the champion, it's actually a press mold made from the very head that dangles from his backpack on a chain ;) The face seemed really cool for the champ, though, and I tried to evoke the idea of smaller tubes feeding (and being sewn) into it. The press mold had to be very carefully nipped, tucked and pushed into place, and I fear it's going to require some very delicate painting to keep the detail visible ;)


@ Aasfresser: I see what you mean about the face being very close to the rim of the cowl, but then it was a question of having it like that or losing quite a bit more of the actual face in order to be able to push it further back, and I decided I wanted to keep more actual face. It was a tiny area with very little room for error, so I am pretty happy with the compromise.


As for the painting, mate, don't worry: If there's anything to report, you guys will hear it first...


@ Auggs: Hmm, I love making models my own, as you know, but somehow I find myself shying away from doing too much with the Plague Marines: Maybe it's because I can see so much on the models that seems to have been planned with a lot of care, and making extensive conversions would ruin some of those synergies. I am also a huge fan of Morbäck's sculpting, so there's that too. Maybe if I get a second set at some point, I'll be a bit more adventurous with them ;)

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I thought this was the case. But as I mentioned, I like it even if it looks a bit off, sometimes nurgles blessing makes your face a bit mushy and runny.


@Painting: here in Münster the weather ist finally normal again and my motivation to Paint returns slowly. The constant change between heat death and rainmageddon ist slowly killing me.

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Haha I liked your post! Suck it, Kraut! ;) :p


Joking aside, I get what you're saying about the Plague Marines, and even still I think you're doing a great job in improving upon them. That spellcaster with the chubbby face in particular was a genius move, and a huge improvement on the original miniature. You stood on Mörbeck's shoulders with those. 

You may not think you're doing much to them, but those little alterations are, in my humble opinion, significant improvements on the DI minis. :tu:

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@Painting: here in Münster the weather ist finally normal again and my motivation to Paint returns slowly. The constant change between heat death and rainmageddon ist slowly killing me.


Haha, yeah, same here :wink: Although right now we at least have a short window of opportunity where it's at least (relatively) cold and dry enough to spray-undercoat stuff :wink:


@ Auggs: Yeah, but then the Plaguecaster was sculpted by Aly Morrison, so I had less scruples there ;)


Seriously, though: In some way, the new Plague Marines are actually a way of owning some of Morbäck's incredible models without having to steal them from him at gunpoint, and it sure feels like a cool opportunity. Like I said, it's also a factor in being very subtle and delicate with the things I actually change about them, to the point where some changes may not even be noticeable.

Edited by KrautScientist
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Man that mkIII/mkIV heavy bolter is such a good starting point for a lot of heavy weapon conversions great job on the blight launcher!
Your nurgle army is really coming along great keep it up!

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Blight Launcher is a stroke of genius Kraut. I have a fair few of those parts laying around so I may have to pinch that idea :). I really like what you have done with the champion. That's a great way of making yours more individual :tu:



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