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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Suddenly, Death Guard...

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Cheers, deathspectersgt7! :)


Now while the big guy is taking a small break on my painting table (I have actually begun painting a model! Go me! ;) ), I have something new to show you: Working on that Helbrute rocket launcher also gave me the motivation to try something I had been thinking about for quite a while: Building an Ursus Claw for my Chaos Helbrute(s).

For those not in the know, an Ursus Claw is a weapons system typical of the World Eaters Legion: It is effectively a harpoon that can be fired at an opponent (preferredly a retreating one), in order to impale him, possibly already creating critical damage, and then reel him back in for the finale. The World Eaters used this weapon system both on their flagship, the Conqueror and on the allied Titans of the Legio Audax, so I thought arming a World Eaters Dreadnought with one of those systems probably wasn’t all that unrealistic. More on the Ursus Claw here, in case you are interested.

Now when I started planning this conversion, I looked around for inspiration and found an image from a conversion by fellow hobbyist sheep, nestled away deep within my inspiration folder (check out his amazing Khornate models on his blog.:


The picture actually provided a perfect starting point for my conversion: The psy-weapon CC arm from the Furioso Dreadnought kit. And since Marax the Fallen had been converted from that very kit, I still happened to have the arm in my bitzbox.

The second piece of inspiration came from Forgeworld’s Blood Slaughterer Impaler, because that model is, for all intents and purposes, armed with an Ursus Claw as well. The weapon gave me a pretty good idea for building the chain winch that makes for the truly nasty part of the weapon, allowing the harpoon to be reeled back in.

So with those two ideas in my head and a couple of bitz on my table, I got to work.

And here’s my own WIP Ursus Claw, already provisionally mounted on my model for Marax the Fallen:




As you can see, the arm is pretty much the stock bit, whereas the harpoon mechanism is a combination of the two sources cited above. I fortunately had a perfect chain winch bit from some Ogre Kingdoms kit in my bitzbox, and it was ideal for this conversion. The chain came from another Ogre kit. The housing for the winch is a shaved down part of a Predator Lascannon turret weapon. And, to make things suitably chaotic and to tie in the weapon with the look and feel of my army, the housing was decorated using two Chaos Marauder shields.

Here’s the weapon arm on its own:


One thing I kept going back and forth on is the actual harpoon, because I wasn’t sure whether it needed to be more ostentatious and/or claw like, like the one on the Blood Slaughterer. In the end, though, I decided that a more clawlike appearance would mean that it would be harder to actually recognise the weapon as a harpoon constructed to be launched at the enemy, so I stuck with the simpler design — what do you think?


Anyway, once this Ursus Claw and the kitbashed rocket launcher arm are painted, I will have a pretty exhaustive collection of Dreadnought/Helbrute weapons — as a matter of fact, I built this last arm mostly for fun anyway, rather than for added tactical flexibility. Still, I think it’ a fairly cool option for featuring an element from the World Eaters’ recent fluff in my army!

As always, let me know what you think! :)

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Kraut, I love it! Perfect conversion - really awesome. Suitably brutal for a Khornate army like yours.


One observation, purely as food for thought: the way you built it, the chain has to move through the arm, creating incredible torc and friction, which would slow down the harpoon's momentum the moment it leaves the 'barrel', and thus make it only effective in extreme close quarters. This is why whaler harpoons have the cable attached behind the tip. However, your take on the weapon does make it more 're-usable', as the harpoon can be retracted in place after use... 

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Kraut, I love it! Perfect conversion - really awesome. Suitably brutal for a Khornate army like yours.


One observation, purely as food for thought: the way you built it, the chain has to move through the arm, creating incredible torc and friction, which would slow down the harpoon's momentum the moment it leaves the 'barrel', and thus make it only effective in extreme close quarters. This is why whaler harpoons have the cable attached behind the tip. However, your take on the weapon does make it more 're-usable', as the harpoon can be retracted in place after use...


Just say that the chain is made of lubricantium or something like that:)


Great work as usual KS, always looking forwards to updates from you

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Thanks a lot for the positive feedback, guys! :)


Kraut, I love it! Perfect conversion - really awesome. Suitably brutal for a Khornate army like yours.


One observation, purely as food for thought: the way you built it, the chain has to move through the arm, creating incredible torc and friction, which would slow down the harpoon's momentum the moment it leaves the 'barrel', and thus make it only effective in extreme close quarters. This is why whaler harpoons have the cable attached behind the tip. However, your take on the weapon does make it more 're-usable', as the harpoon can be retracted in place after use... 


Haha, true story: I agonised over how best to build the harpoon mechanism for ages, and it would almost have prevented me from building the weapon in the first place. The fact that I have very little knowlege of basic mechanics didn't exactly help, of course ;) In that way, finding the Blood Slaughterer Impaler was kind of liberating, because it gave me the idea where to place the chain winch. But then, the connection between the chain and harpoon is hidden within the weapon's housing on the Impaler, and I knew I definitely wanted to include a visible chain, so I had to come up with something slightly different...


Anyway, what I am trying to say here is that in the end I just said "Screw it!" and started converting. The result may not hold up when seen from a mechanical standpoint, but I think it's just believable enough with a bit of goodwill ;) That said, it was still a bit of work, making sure the lenght of chain fit together with the chain winch and harpoon ...not something I really want to repeat, to be honest ;)



HAHAHA Lubricantium! No-one can say Chaos players lack imagination. :thumbsup:

Well hello. Think I can find a few uses for Lubricantium.



Whoa, whoa, you keep your Slaaneshi ideas to yourself, buddy! This is a decent, god-fearing Khorne thread over here, thank you very much ;)



Oh, and just so you believe me when I say I am actually painting the Obliterator right now:






The arms are still missing, and there's quite a bit of cleanup work left to do, but you get the idea ;)

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