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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Suddenly, Death Guard...

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If you want an Ursus Claw that still allows for close combat work, how about replacing the carapace-mounted Melta with the harpoon gun from the House Orlock kit? The scale seems like it would work ok, it’s a great bit, and it would be quite fluffy in line with the Armiger’s role as a hound that flushes out and snares the prey.


From a Khornate perspective I also love the idea of the smaller walkers bringing the prey down and itching to get in there and make the kill if they can, retreating with their (not perhaps entirely metaphorical) tails between their legs once the alpha knight turns up, and then sneaking in for a feed on what’s left once the big guy has had its fill.

Edited by EdT
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Coming along great guns bud, really like the extra details. I think if you were to add an Ursus Claw it would work better as a carapace weapon as suggested by EdT.


Thanks for the link to Hendarions Armigers as well. I remember seeing those when they were bare plastic, the use of the Lego Knight helms is brilliant!

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I toyed with the FF plasma, but thought they were a bit too unwieldy, too large for the Armiger frame. The Redemptor plasma was just about right thankfully, but I also toyed with a quad-stubber setup along these lines using the small barrels from the Knight battle cannon. I wanted more dakka dammit ! The rotor cannon would be a good match, but that's being kept for the dread itself.


EdT's shout of the harpoon sounds good, alas overlooked by me (threw sprues into G.Cult box and forgotten) and even combing it with some saw or drill once the target has been reeled in sounds fun.


As for those Armigers you linked, ha ! Great minds and that with the missile pod.....

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Cheers for the feedback, guys! :)


I like the idea of a smaller, carapace mounted harpoon -- especially since it's something I'll be able to do after the rest of the model has already been built and painted, as I don't currently have that Orlock bit.


As for the model's weapon arms, I have made some progress -- the infernal forge never sleeps ;) Take a look:








I've also tried to mock up a pose that I like, and I think I'll be going with the one you see above, as it shows off both weapons to best effect. Regarding the sword, I wanted to make it look a bit more vicious and chaos-y, so I added a spiky bit that also has the added benefit of making the sword look less stubby ;) Since the chainblade is completely uncovered, I had to come up with a solution that seems at least slightly plausible from a mechanical standpoint ;)


For the gun arm, I tried grafting on the Forgefiend plasma, and it retains all the functionality of a stock Armiger arm, that is it can be turned around freely:




The weapon is surprisingly close in proportion to the Armiger's stock gun, if a little clunkier -- I do think the pose helps mitigate the added mass, though.


As always, let me know what you think! :)



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Ok that’s really cool, the chainglaive is something I’ve struggled with getting to look vicious enough and your workaround is a great idea. Is that a bit from a Havoc Launcher you’ve used?


I’ll admit I really wasn’t sure how the FF part would work, I’ve looked at the part myself and thought it might be too big but it really doesn’t look out of place here.


Only small suggestion I could suggest is maybe look at turning the Knights head in the same direction as the pilot. It’s a tiny detail and mostly personal as that’s what I always try to do. :tu:

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Thanks a lot, guys! :)


@ Biohazard: Cheers, buddy! You cannot hide your excellent eye for bitz -- that is indeed a shaved down havoc launcher piece (the part that attaches the actual launcher to the vehicle). As for the position of the head, everything's just mocked up for now, and that kind of stuff will be sorted out and tweaked before the model gets painted.


@ TURBULENCE: That's some excellent thinking regarding the sword -- I actually didn't even try to come up with a reason for the spike except for the fact I thought it looked cool, but your explanation really sells the part! I would be really interested in that Orlock harpoon gun, obviously. And maybe you might have an Orlock head or two left as well?! -- I am sure we can work something out via PM! :)


@ Dragonlover: I do know that the Armiger body looks absolutely fantastic on top of Onager Dunecrawler legs, if that's any help ;)

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Thanks a lot, mate! Coming from a hobby machine like you, that means a lot! :)


So, after another round of detailing, I think I'll call my first Chaos Armiger finished, some very minor cleanup work notwithstanding. Take a look:








It's not that easy to make out in the pictures, but I've added teeth to all the armour plates, mirroring a design element you see often on the more recent chaos plastic kits. I also tried to replicate the battle damage you see on the Bloodthirster vambraces on the upper leg armour, to tie both elements together.


Oh, and while I was at it, I changed the one element that I really don't like about the stock Armiger: Those weird twin coils/whatever on the back of the legs. I think it works better like this:




To be honest, it took me quite some time to find the right approach for the model, and I am all the happier for it with the finished conversion. Oh, and I would love to hear your thoughts, of course! :)



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really like this knight as your conversions make him a bit bulkier and i like that with this model!
Also the plasma cannon is so cool as is the little changes to the chainsword!

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Lovely, lovely kitbash, Krauty!  I can't believe the completeness of your bitsbox - do you persistently scour the interwebs for Khornate bits, or what? :) But seriously, I admire your ability to 'slap' on bits without overcrowding a miniature or making it look 'slapped on'. That's a real gift, my friend!

I cannot help but give a minor nitpick: the pose. He looks like he's ambling in his gair: left leg backwards, right leg forward, while his left arm also is directed backwards. The 'cross' in limbs of a humanoid is gone - which I think you could fix by arching the chainsowrd arm ever so slightly forward - half a centimeter would do the trick!

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Another sweet conversion! What is that head, one of the FW demon engines?


And you're right, the teeth on the armor plates look great and are kinda hard to see in the pics hehe. Are they just random spiky bits shaved down? I've tried to mimic the effect with gs earlier and this approach seems way better.


One small nitpick if i may, the icon on the top looks a bit tacked to me, it messes with the silhouette imho

Edited by ElDuderino
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Cheers for the feedback, guys! :)


@ Auggs: A fair point! The pose will be fine-tuned after the painting process, though, so there's still hope ;) And even then, I'll be leaving the arms unglued, except for some strategic spots to tweak the pose, so I can always switch it around if needed.


@ EldDuderino: I'd agree that the icon "messes" with the silhouette insofar as it makes sure the Armiger no longer looks like its sleek loyalist counterpart-- I always knew I wanted some kind of trophy pole or icon up there, and I think the small Khornate icons actually work rather well.


@ brettfp: Those are Bloodthirster vambraces.


@ Ashenwyte, Hydra Dominatus, Vairocanum & hushrong: Thanks a lot, guys! :)


So I only had about an hour of hobby time today, but I put it to good use constructing an Ursus Claw out of the second chainsword arm I had:




This is just the basic setup so far, so there's zero chaotic decoration in place, and the weapon also lacks the drum-fed chain that will be attached to the harpoon (the drum bit is already visible in the picture, though).


Here's a mockup of the Ursus Claw mounted on the first Armiger:






I'm already pretty chuffed with it, to be honest. As always, let me know what you think! :)

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