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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Suddenly, Death Guard...

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So, another small update today: Some people over at Dakka suggested that the model needed some kind of loincloth or tabard. A normal loincloth or tabard was out, though, because I did want to keep at least parts of the pelvis area visible, not as a strange kind of fixation on Obliterator junk, mind you, but rather because the fact that the pelvis is designed to strongly resemble that of the new Helbrute is a really cool touch.

So in the end, I went for a classic: dangling bones forming a trophy. Hope you like this:




As you can see, changes are only happening in increments at this point, although this will be a standout model in my army, so I think it's quite alright if I take my time with it ;)

As always, let me know what you think! :)

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I feel that perhaps one leg bone and two skulls is perhaps not the best choice of assorted bones to hang from his pelvis:wink:. That being said, why not hang various trophies from his hips so they rest around the front joints.

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I feel that perhaps one leg bone and two skulls is perhaps not the best choice of assorted bones to hang from his pelvis:wink:. That being said, why not hang various trophies from his hips so they rest around the front joints.

HAHAHAHAHA Oh man, I wish I came up with that!

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You sick people, you ;)


In all fairness, I think the arrangement is suitably different from what you are referring to. And even though the connotations weren't planned, they are actually hilarious enough that I am doubly sold on that particular trophy now ;)

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It is one bone and two skulls...


That's it. A bone and two skulls. And that's all it is. Case closed :)



So yeah, I spent yesterday evening adding the last painting touches and completing the model's base, and I am now officially calling this guy done. Take a look:


















And finally, let me show you a closer look at the model’s back, both for the brilliantly gruesome spine emerging from the Obliterator’s armour and for the additions I made there:




It felt like the rathe huge, empty area to the left and right of the spine needed some additional detailing, so I added two chains from the WFB Chaos Chariot kit, making them look like they were being used in order to hold the Obliterator’s armour plates in place.

All in all, I am really extremely happy with this model! I think the custom and standard GW parts are blended together much better than I had anticipated, without looking hastily slapped together. The model is also rather massive and not quite as covered in random fleshy bitz as the stock GW models.

I really couldn’t be any happier with this guy, to tell you the truth, and I am really extremely thankful to thamier for providing the awesome custom Obliterator bitz that went into the model’s creation! And thanks as well to all those who provided helpful suggestions and criticism during the model’s completion! In fact, my only fear is that I will now be unable to return to any non-thamier-pattern Obliterator models or conversions…


Oh, and of course I also produced a suitable little background vignette for the model. Take a look:




Hadrak Firebringer


He appeared in a flash of light, immense even in his crouched position. With the noise of grinding metal, he rose to his full height, the hoarfrost of void teleportation trickling off his armour.


The battlefield lay ahead of him as an endless grey expanse. One by one, his brothers appeared. He could feel their spirits through mind link, feel their hunger. The sizzle of the nails, surgically changed in nature, yet not in intensity, a constant buzz that would soon grow into an all-consuming fire.

Before him, countless red target markers flared into life and gave him purpose. The hunt began.




His command remained unspoken, issued only via mind link, yet the hulking shapes of his brothers began to move as one. They advanced across the grey plain, slow but relentless, sending a hail of fire towards the enemy lines. He was dimly aware of figures running past them: the fleshkin. But they were unimportant, insubstantial almost. More a nuisance than anything, making the task of calculating trajectories and fire corridors more difficult than it needed to be.


A blast from his Lascannon caught an enemy tank, making the vehicle explode in an enormous fire ball. First blood to them. The nails rewarded him with a wash of adrenaline, and beyond that, he could feel  the dark joy of his brothers, shared through the bond that connected them.


The enemy returned fire, but the pinpricks merely burned new scorch marks into his ancient, pitted armour. He and his brothers shared a moment of derisive amusement. Then they returned fire, and watched another score of target markers flicker out of existence. The nails drove them onwards, promising a reward that never came. But it did not matter. All that mattered was fire and heat and destruction and death.


It was over too soon. It always was.


A figure appeared before him, laughably small to his eyes. Yet he could make out the red and bronze armour. The badge of the XIIth legion. His legion. The figure addressed him, looking up at him through a snarling Sarum pattern helmet:

“I salute you hunter!  You have hunted well, but your work here is done. Deactivate your weapons and await extraction.”

A targeting marker appeared over the legionary, flaring from green to red and back to green. One impulse, one tiny movement was all it would take to give the nails their due. He could feel his brothers’ anticipation and the nails knifing into the meat of his mind. Red and green. Red and green.


“I repeat. Deactivate your weapons.”


With a mind impulse, he powered down his weapons and disengaged the targeting lock. The nails pulsed hot in his mind, punishing his hesitation with a white hot lance of pain. And beyond that, he could also feel something from his brothers – disappointment? Disapproval? He focused on the fleshkin before him, seeing the legionary as if for the first time. It seemed as if the he allowed himself to relax now. Was that relief?


“Compliance”, he growled at last.



As always, thanks for looking and stay tuned for more!

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Wow. He looks so awesome. I really like what you did with the arms (and the chains on top). Nice work making an already great model looks even cooler. I also dig the fact you left the boner. And the odly positioned, ball-like skulls. :tongue.:

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Cheers, mate ;)

Here's something I totally forgot in my last post: A scale comparison picture that shows how the Obliterator compares to other chaos models:


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Indeed I did. While the slightly larger base may prove disadvantageous during games (when deepstriking multiple models, for example), it was really the only way of giving the model the "breathing space" it needed, and I am always more concerned with creating models I am happy with than with the gaming angle, to be honest. Plus the base also nicely adds to the "missing link" effect I mentioned above, don't you think?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's a small update for you: First up,  I've recently taken a look back at my very first 40k army, in case anyone's interested ;)

And I also have a sneak peek at my next bigger project for you:


Now what might this be...?

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