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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Suddenly, Death Guard...

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Oh my god those weapons. I've been trying for ages to find an excuse to use one of those things somewhere because they're absolutely gorgeous, but I couldn't think of anything they'd really fit on. They suit a Khornate prince perfectly, though. I like the scarred-up dragon ogre head, too, goes well with the pit fighter vibe your horde has.


I also think he could do with some leg armour of some sort and I'm a firm believer in daemon princes having tails, but I'm looking forward to seeing where you go with this.

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Cheers for the feedback, guys! ;)


@ Paladin7221: As a matter of fact, I think I'll try to have some cabling run from the back of his head to underneath the collar - not unlike Angron is depicted in his DP incarnation. I'd love some leg armour as well, alas the wonderful Daemon Prince leg armour plates were already used on an earlier conversion, so I'll have to think of something ;)


@ Darth Mustard: Hmm, I think I'll stick with two arms: Four arms usually look more Slaaneshi than Khornate, if you ask me. Plus sorting out the musculature can get pretty taxing. I did consider using a wolf head for an added retro factor, though! I only abandoned the idea because it ended up looking slightly too silly for my taste ;)


@ A Kvlt Ghost: Haha, true story: It was exactly the same for me! I've had those Mournfang Cavalry lances in my bitzbox for ages, yet failed to come up with a good use for them ;) I don't think this guy will get a tail, though: It would make him look slightly too animalistic for my taste, and the inverted legs are already a bit of a stretch.

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good thing you tried the wolf head 

I was dubious on how it would look like

Your saving me time and money


Not necessarily! I didn't mean it looked bad -- just that the very pronounced retro look achieved by adding a wolf head didn't really fit the look and feel of my army. Here's the wolf head I tried tacked on top of the model:




I think it would really fit the 80s retro Khorne look rather nicely, with a bit of work. It's just not what I'm looking for.

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I like the first head better - it's more feral. The second one makes it look too cartoony to me. I agree with Paladin about the chains to the body as an anti-float for the collar. I also saw the upper leg grieves of the original used on the shins on the model - it gave the model a graver - more heavy set look, which I think would work well on yours. :tu:

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Oh, don't get me wrong: that wolf head only makes an appearance for demonstration purposes -- I'll definitely be keeping the dragon ogre head. In fact, the whole conversion was basically planned around that particular head.


As for using the head from a Fenrisian wolf, I think that might look even more silly -- rather try a chaos hound head!



I also saw the upper leg grieves of the original used on the shins on the model - it gave the model a graver - more heavy set look, which I think would work well on yours. :thumbsup:


Mate, you of all people should know I used up my Daemon Prince leg armour on the model for Raas the Butcher...

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Hmm, that sounds like a promising idea, buddy! Unfortunately, I only have one of those left -- and even then, I think they would work equally well, if not better, as armour on the forearms, adding a nice, gladiatorial feel to the model. In any case, great suggestion! So many good ideas and too few bitz to make it all happen...sigh ;)

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Cheers, guys!


@ Bungicats: Hmm, the chaos warrior shields are so long that a Dreadknight is required to make them look natural as leg armour ;) I am currently looking at several alternate options, though, among them many things involving chains and skulls ;)


Like I said earlier, the Daemon Prince is far from finished, so you can expect the iffy areas on the model to be sorted out in due time ;)



In the meantime, Ghosty over at Dakka suggested building some Fallen Angels to accompany Cypher, and once the seed had been planted, I couldn't get the idea out of my head. So I sat down yesterday evening and built two test models, which I will probably be posting once I get home later today. Stupid hobby ADD... ;)

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I like the the overall idea. The only thing that bugs me is the stance he has it just does not look right to me. When imagine a Gladiator I either see them as either in a triumphant stance, one weapon raised while holding a decapitated head in the other or in the middle of a bloody struggle with the weapon in mid swing. But that's just me.


Also keep the original head/similar as it does give the model that battle scarred look to help convey his experience and age.

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Cheers, guys! :smile.:


I´m thinking these days traitor guard (even vehicle after testing some horrors) debating between 3 gods but Khorne is not one of them.


Well what are you doing in this thread then? :wink: Seriously, though: Since "true" Traitor Guard isn't a rules option at the moment, you might just as well build them with a more undivided look, then have smaller parts of your Traitor Guard pledged to one god. That's what I did for my own Traitor Guard, with some of the models recognisable as followers of particular chaos gods, but still using the overall "undivided" colour scheme. Just an idea...


@ Empurata: Well, there might be more quintessential gladiator poses than just the two you mentioned: What I was going for with this model was the challenging stance: This guy is staring down his opponent and presenting his nasty weapons. I think it works reasonably well, to be honest.


Oh, and just to re-iterate once again: I'll definitely be using the dragon ogre head on the DP! The wolf head was just for demonstration purposes.



So, like I said, here are the two Fallen Angels I built due to a remark from ghosty over on Dakka. My hobby ADD seems to have been kicked into overdrive...








One thing that was important to me was that these guys' allegiance was supposed to be somewhat ambiguous. Yes, they are more ragged and more sinister than your average Dark Angel, but even if they are followers of chaos at this point, it's out of necessity rather than conviction. That's why I restrained myself when it came to adding chaotic and spiky bitz :wink:


Here they are together with their "Lord" (yeah right...):




As always, let me know what you think! :smile.:

Edited by KrautScientist
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@ Empurata: Well, there might be more quintessential gladiator poses than just the two you mentioned: What I was going for with this model was the challenging stance: This guy is staring down his opponent and presenting his nasty weapons. I think it works reasonably well, to be honest.


I took another look at you Daemon Prince with this in mind and I do see where your coming from. Thanks for the follow up. Also great work on you fallen seeing these done makes me wish is didn't just build and paint my DV dark angels straight from the box.


Look forward to seeing more of your work.

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Thanks a lot, guys! I am rather happy with those Fallen, to tell you the truth. This probably won't become too huge a project: a squad or Killteam at most, with maybe a Terminator to spice things up a bit ;) Also, the limit I am setting for myself is not to go out and buy any new stuff for this, building the Fallen merely from leftover DV stuff and bitz from my bitzbox (fortunately, I've got quite a few DA leftovers in there...). We shall see...


In the meantime, I spent yesterday evening doing some more work on the Daemon Prince. Here's the current update:






The main addition is a tangle of Butcher's Nails implants on the model's back:




I am pretty happy with how that turned out!




Plus I can now show you my original plan for that huge collar: It seems slightly less loose fitting, now that all that cabling is there:






That said, I am really not sure whether it looks better with or without the collar -- I would love to hear your feedback on this! Let me know what you think! :)

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Frankly I think it looks better without - the collar is really too large, now I look at it. Perhaps you could borrow an idea from the WHFB Sylla Anfingrimm? He has a normal leather-style collar with a Khorne rune pendant hanging from it onto his chest.

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Either that or file down a grove in the cables to make the collar look heavier. No turning back from that though...


Where does those cables come from btw? Looks great as nails


I think that's green stuff modelling putty that has been rolled along a tentacle maker. Here's a link to a very helpful blog about it. http://fromthewarp.blogspot.com.au/2011/12/review-green-stuff-industries-tentacle.html




That said, I am really not sure whether it looks better with or without the collar -- I would love to hear your feedback on this! Let me know what you think! :smile.:


I'd say remove the collar.

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Cheers, guys! ;)


I see your point regarding the collar. A commenter over on one of the German forums probably put it best: It's lacking something without the collar, but seems too much with it -- maybe using half a collar across the nails to represent a heretical version of the Iron Halo, so to speak, might work?


@ Paladin7221: Hmm, I believe anything dangling from the collar like that would probably interfere with the grille on the chest.


@ ElDuderino: The cables are not GS tentacles, but were rather made from two cables that are part of the Imperial Knight weapon I didn't use (the thermal cannon). You get two of those, which I halved in order to build the main nails. Then I used some other cable bitz I had left to add some mass.

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.....maybe using half a collar across the nails to represent a heretical version of the Iron Halo, so to speak, might work?


That's what I was just thinking !


Chopped just below the halfway mark, and mounted on the shoulders ? Used to be a Halo, but what sorta DP needs such Astartes trinkets ? Loving the head regardless.

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I like the collar or the idea of the collar. 

It reinforces the "gladiator" style. 

What is missing for me is a inner collar structure like points or rods that support the larger collar, a little bit like the structure of a lamp.

That would look very daemonic. 

If you add points it would be little a torture collar which symbolize daemon and gladiatiors to me


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