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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Suddenly, Death Guard...

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I'm not sure about the position of the Terminator's weapons.  I think it's the upright position of the sword that's throwing it off for me.  Everything on the model is leaning one way or another, but the sword is nearly straight up and down.  It makes it look...wrong.  :mellow.:


Old One Eye is looking pretty sweet though ;)

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Cheers, guys!


While I am tempted to agree with you regarding the sword, there is not that much I can do about it: My normal approach would be to cut at the wrist and slightly rotate the hand. However, in this case, there's quite a bit of decorative bling attached to the arm which I fear wouldn't survive a move. Hence the fairly straight pose for the sword arm.

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Thanks a lot, guys!


I think I'll leave the Termie's pose like that for now, since any change I can think of would just create new problems. Maybe I'll find a solution when I take a fresh look at it. If not, it'll stay that way -- I rather like the pose, anyway, so that wouldn't be such a big problem either.

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EPIC!!! That has to be one of your coolest models that you have made thus far... You are consistently raising the bar.


The onlyminorist of minor things, is that with all the detailing on the model... the right pad looks a wee bit bare.. is that intentional so you can model in some form of medic's symbol?

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Cheers, guys! Glad you like the model!



The onlyminorist of minor things, is that with all the detailing on the model... the right pad looks a wee bit bare.. is that intentional so you can model in some form of medic's symbol?


I see what you mean -- as a matter of fact, I'm not totally happy with the shoulder pad myself. It's only the best out of the ones I've tried so far -- I guess I'll just have to experiment with several options to find the one that works best. My own fault really, for using that enormous Chosen shoulder pad on the other side.


The spear might also be subject to change -- let's see.

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I love this model!  The pose and bits combine perfectly to make a very unique looking apothecary.  I also think that his right shoulder pad looks a little small, especially with that huge left pad.  Have you considered using a shoulder pad from the FW WE Terminators set?  It might be the right size and would have the added benefit of having the WE icon sculptor on it.  I think that the spear is an excellent piece of war gear to arm him with.  I can imagine him dispatching enemies with it as well as ramming the blade into the ground while administering to his fallen brothers.  Once he has collected their geneseed ensuring their legacy is preserved he takes their heads off.  This he does to feed the insatiable blood thirst of his weapon and to provide more skulls for Khorne.  Just my initial impressions.

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Thanks for the positive feedback, people! I really appreciate it! :smile.:



I tried to do some further tweaking on the Apothecary model. After some experimentation, it became clear to me that the only kind of shoulder pad that would match the model's left (Chosen) pauldron would be yet another Chosen pauldron, so I swapped in a new right arm. This has also changed the angle of the spear a bit. Take a look:





I think the new shoulder pad makes the model seem less lopsided than before, which is definitely an improvement! I'll add a Forgeworld World Eaters decal to the blank pauldron, which should look nice enough. I also think the new angle of the spear works quite a bit better -- and I am actually tempted to keep it, to be honest. Some people over on Dakka have suggested giving him a chaotic version of an asclepius rod, complete with intertwined snakes and all. But while this is admittedly a pretty sweet idea, I fear it would end up too much like something that would appear in an Alpha Legion army. The spear is clearly not intended as a surgical tool either - he has his narthecium gauntlet for that - but as a weapon (and maybe a bit of a sign of office). One option would be to replace the head with a chainsword blade, creating some kind of chain glaive -- what do you think about that? Would it be an improvement? Not sure myself, because it would certainly make the weapon look less unique...

Anyway, let me know what you think! :smile.:


EDIT: Edited the post for better readability, since there seems to have been a little copypaste accident earlier ;)

Edited by KrautScientist
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Looks good, I think you should keep the spear, a chain weapon would look odd I think as the narthecium has a chain cutting tool for tearing through armour, as you mentioned it is a surgical tool but I think it still counts as a weapon if needed and I think variation is good and the spear looks a lot cooler than the common chain weapon.


Really nice stuff.

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As for the Apothecary's spear, I think I'll keep it like that. A chain glaive would admittedly seem even more Khornate, but there are already several of those in my army. Therefore, the spear does seem like the more unique option: a special artifact only a distinguished officer of the company would wield.

As a kind of "collateral damage" of my Apothecary conversion, I ended up with several badly cut up Dark Vengeance Chosen, parts of which had been used in the model's construction. So I just experimented with those leftovers for a bit. Take a look:



A pretty straightforward kitbash, this one. I think this guy is either Chosen or Skull Champion material.

The second one is a bit more interesting, even though there's not a drop of glue yet:



I never liked that pair of legs all that much - which is why I still had them lying around - but combined with the Chosen upper body, I somehow think I may be on to something here: A champ or sorcerer, maybe with a slightly nurglite vibe? I am very much open to suggestions at this point, so let me hear what you think! ;)

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