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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Suddenly, Death Guard...

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Thanks both of you for the suggestions. Oh yeah I know, I've been doing major surgery (cutting :P) with the sergeant arms and the arms from a heavy weapon kit I bought. Will check those out though! Totally forgot about the cultist arms, have tons of those around, not sure why I never considered that.

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Wonderful! He's a worthy leader of your Scions. I think swapping the sword for the curved suits him just right and it works just great with his threatening pose.

And congratulations to your purchases! :) That kind of stuff isn't exactly easy to pick up in mint condition.

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Oh... I'm not going to lie, seeing those books totally brought back memories from when 10 year old me smacked $45 down on the counter of Hobby Dungeon and insisted that I wanted that rulebook the week it came out in '98.


Thanks for the nostalgia trip, K-Sci ^_^


Also, your power armored guys look awesome, but it always feels like you put even more work and thought into their human auxiliaries. The little details on that officer are so neat! I love the little mask on the back of his belt. 

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Cheers, guys!


@ Tanith Ghost: Glad to be of help ;)


@ Brother Kortmer: Thanks a lot! Like I said elsewhere, I really love your new Traitor Guard recipe as well!


@ Flint13: Hmm, you may have a point -- although it has to be said that I particularly obsessed over this guy because I liked the conversion so much in the first place ;)


@ MagicMan: Cheers! Not only is INQ28 an incredibly rewarding piece of the hobby, but it has also taught me to look at my 40k armies and characters differently -- I cannot recommend it enough!


Oh, and I finally managed to take a photo of the traitor where the colours are ever so slightly more representative of the real thing ;)



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Thanks, guys! :)


@ CaptainAsmodai: You mean the Dark Apostle conversion based on the WFB plastic chaos lord, right? The horn came from the Bloodcrusher kit. Hope this helps!


I actually managed to paint another model for my traitor elite: Judging by my usual standards, this almost constitutes a painting spree, you know? ;)


Anyway, here he is:






This was basically my first test model for "chaos scions", back when I first bought the Tempestus Scions kit, so the kitbash is rather straightforward.


And here he is with his squad leader:




As always, let me know what you think! :)

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Thanks, you two! I'm really glad you like them! :smile.:


@ Flint: Do it! If you'll excuse me tooting my own whistle for a second here, I've done some almost ridiculously thorough experimenting with the scion kit. Maybe the results can be of help to you, when it comes to building your auxiliarii

Edited by KrautScientist
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So, another small update: I am currently painting the third model for my traitor elites, the Voxcaster guy:


It's a slightly strange model, born of the wish to salvage that Vraksian torso after I had cut off the head for a different conversion, but I have taken a bit of a shine to this guy for some reason...

As always, let me know what you think! :)

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Thanks a lot, guys! I am really thrilled with these models, to tell you the truth!

Here's the finished voxcaster traitor:




Several people have pointed out that he looks like he's screaming into that receiver -- maybe making prank calls? But while that is a really funny idea, there is also something really creepy about the idea of this guy patching into the enemy communication and sending creepy messages like "Can you hear the voices too?" -- either screamed at the top of his lungs, or whispered in a raspy voice...

Oh, and in case you were wondering: That thing is a mask, not his actual face. In fact, I am rather happy with the contrast between the mask and his actual skin, even though both use the same base colour:


And here he is with the rest of the squad so far:


These guys are actually pretty much fun to paint! Just what I need atm ;)

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What terrible things might he whisper over the vox, terrible things that tempt people to the dark gods, rob them of the will to fight or have them turn on their comrades? Or, Khorne being Khorne, stir the enemy up into a battle-frenzy of rage so that warrior might meet warrior in berserk mindless raging hand-to-hand and test their true warrior might.

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What terrible things might he whisper over the vox, terrible things that tempt people to the dark gods, rob them of the will to fight or have them turn on their comrades? Or, Khorne being Khorne, stir the enemy up into a battle-frenzy of rage so that warrior might meet warrior in berserk mindless raging hand-to-hand and test their true warrior might.


"- Yes mom, I am wearing them right now. No he's not bossing me around too much. I gotta go, we are assulting a stronghold of the false emperor. Love you too mom, hugs and kisses."

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