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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Suddenly, Death Guard...

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What terrible things might he whisper over the vox, terrible things that tempt people to the dark gods, rob them of the will to fight or have them turn on their comrades?



And is a rasping tone, vox-boss geistvis rattled: *What's your favourite scary movie*


The enemy platoon began to die, one by one, as if picked off by an invisible, spectral assailant.


Cultists are looking good, and yep, they are a lot of fun to paint, I'm really enjoying painting my DV guys, such a refresher from power armour!

Edited by Xenith
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The whole unit looks ace. I still love that champion to pieces.


You have to tell me where the new guy's sword is from, it's bugging me terribly - I can almost see it in my head and I know I have that blade in my bitz box but what was it originally attached to? It's not a dark elf is it? I think it's a skaven? I want to guess a clanrat polearm..? Whatever it is it makes a perfect melee weapon for a traitor guardsman. Really brutal looking.


I love how you've painted the marauder legs as cloth instead of skin, btw. Changes the look completely, maintains the backworld barbarism but without the Conan.

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Cheers, mate! :)


You're quite right: It's the tip of a Skaven clanrat polearm. I was looking for a suitably vicious weapon and discovered that the clanrat weapons are a perfect fit.


As for the Marauder legs: Do people actually paint these as skin? There are some crinkles on the back of the legs, and I always interpreted that as the Marauders actually wearing trousers. But maybe that's just me...

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Quite frequently! At least, I see it quite a lot locally. But yeah, there are fabric crinkles, I hadn't noticed those.


Are you going to field this unit as anything in particular? Are they going to be scions in a traitor guard list?

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Yes, if I should get around to fielding these, they will most likely end up as counts as scions -- or whatever the new IA book from Forgeworld offers as a chaotic replacement for scions.


That said, what's really important about the models is not their eventual use on the table, but rather the actual project of putting together the coolest squad of traitors I can come up with -- I may have mentioned it before, but if I were to start over with my Traitor Guard, this would probably my standard recipe.

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This last weekend was spent messing around with the various functions of Pixlr a little more, and today I’d like to share some of the results with you:

Once I had started playing around with my various World Eaters photos, it goes without saying that I also had to give one of my favourite models another spin as well:


"Engine of Destruction"

And why limit myself to Khorne? Giving some of my Nurglite models another layer of grime and neglect turned out to be great fun as well:


"Nurgle's Children"

Seeing how the standoff between Marax the Fallen and a downed Space Marine had worked out so well, I also touched up another photo that had been taken during a game of 40k:


"Isgarad attacks"

The original photo was pretty terrible, but with the help of some filters, it became a rather more interesting battlefield impression.

Next up, another Helbrute: Khorlen the Lost:


"Lost Soul"

I liked the result so much that I had another go at this model, focusing on its wonderfully creepy face and thereby creating a  more portrait-like image:


"And I Must Scream..."

This is maybe one of my favourite pictures, because it really embodies the horror about being interred into a corrupted sarcophagus. This picture also led to further explore the portrait approach, trying to explore the essence of specific characters (or creatures):


"Instrument of Wrath"


"Scarred Hunter"

And, last but definitely not least, this rather moody shot of an Imperial monument:


"Know Fear"

In this case, the original picture was actually pretty terrible, but I simply love the touched up version!

All in all, this was really a great way to discover new aspects about some of my models and bring out a new visual narrative in some pieces. Call me crazy, but working on these pictures and coming up with titles for them really made me think about several of my projects in slightly different ways. And, if nothing else, messing around with the software was just a lot of fun ;)

As always, let me know what you think!  :thumbsup:

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This is magical.


It really reminds me of a lot of the wartime exposés you see in photography galleries.


If the 40k universe ever had a Celebrity wartime photographer, who is always in the depths of the action getting all the hard hitting drama of being a corrupted space marine... It'd totally be you, K-Sci ^_^

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Oh wow Kraut, those are wonderful. I love how much character it gives to already beautiful pictures of awesome models. It's also impressive how you managed to give some characters a unique 'feel' by simply changing around the colours of the flash you used. Great job, buddy!


Pray tell: which filters did you use?

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Thanks for the kind words, people! :)


@ Flint: Aww, that is so nice of you...I guess?! ;)


@ Augustus b'Raass: Thanks, mate! I agree that these pictures somehow add something to the characters -- at least it seemed that way. And it was really easy too: All of those pictures were made using the stock filters and effects that come with the desktop version of Pixlr -- I just messed around until I was happy ;) The vintage filters, some of the effects like smoke, rain etc. and the grungy borders are particularly useful for 40k images.

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Phew, work has been absolutely crazy this week, but at least I managed to pick up my pre-ordered box of Putrid Blightkings yesterday. I will be using these as 40k Nurgle models in some capacity, as I suppose some of you are planning to do as well, so let me share some brief, initial observations:


  • the level of detail in this kit has to be seen to be believed! Seriously, those guys are every bit as spectacular as they looked in WD Weekly
  • the amount of bitz you get is equally impressive: Even after building five complete models, you should have lots and lots of leftovers for the rest of your Nurglite army: The amount of heads, rusty weapons and armour plates alone is staggering!
  • the kit is pretty flexible, and you'll be getting quite a few very different looking models out of this one -- however, the kit is not as flexible as many "classic" multi part plastic kits (most of the (Chaos) Space Marine range comes to mind), due to the way the models are put together. This is not a problem per se, but it does mean you'll need to plan ahead in order to convert these guys...
  • ...speaking of which: (Chaos) Terminator parts will work great on these, from a size perspective.

This last point is pretty important, I think, because many people planning to use these models in 40k seem to be unsure as to their actual size: I've seen speculations that the Blightkings are Ogre/Ogryn-sized, and I've snapped a quick comparison shot for you:




As you can see, these guys are definitely NOT Ogryn-sized. In fact, they are slightly smaller than Terminators. In my opinion, that makes them useful as stand-ins for Chaos Terminators (probably what I am going to do), true scale Death Guard Marines or something of the sort.


Anyway, hope this will prove useful to those of you who are on the fence about whether or not the kit is worth the purchase. More information on my experiences with these models as I start putting them together (and hacking them apart ;) ).

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Cheers, guys! Glad to be of help!


Most of my time this week has been spent participating in a local independent film festival, so I didn't really get that much hobby time. I did take a much needed breather today and relaxed with some kitbashing:


First up, I made a few very early attempts at "40k-i-fying" the Putrid Blightkings:






Nothing huge so far, just messing around with a few 40k parts and seeing what works. A more involved conversion was trying to add a breastplate to the one Blightking in the set that normally HAS to be assembled with a bare belly:




That did take quite a bit of cutting (and the model still needs some serious gap-filling).



I was so busy this week that I have not yet made up my mind about whether (and to what extent) I'll be participating in this year's Call of Chaos Challenge. However, in case I participate, this conversion of the AOBR Dreadnought will be one of the units I add to my vow:








The basic idea behind this guy is that he is a former Breacher Sergeant whose calling is still reflected in some elements of his ironform -- the Mk. 3-ish helmet, the shield on his left arm recalling a boarding shield and the melta, for example.


As always, let me know what you think! :)

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Tons of awesome little details on that dread. He looks nothing like his original humble origins ^_^


I'm especially in love with that siege claw dealy. What are those, helldrake talons for fingers?

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Very glad to see you got yourself some blightkings - I thought you probably would! Looking forward to seeing what you make of them.


The size comparison puts them at about the size I figured; from the WD picture pitting them against some skeletons I didn't see any way they could be ogre-sized. Seems like they're in a weird place for 40k basing, since you can't really stuff them onto a 25mm and use them as chosen or plaguemarine champions, which they'd be great for if they were slightly smaller. How do the heads scale with power armour, by the way, if you've tested that?

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Thanks a lot, guys! :)


@ Flint: Cheers! It took me ages to finally get the AOBR Dread to a stage I am happy with, to be honest. As for the claws, those are spiky bitz from the WoC Chariot's wheels.


@ A Kvlt Ghost: The Blightkings do indeed occupy a slightly awkward size slot between Marine and Terminator -- my solution will probably be to build them to look like enlarged power armoured Plague Marines that are so swollen with Nurgle's corruption that they count as Terminators.


As for the heads, they should work reasonably well with power armour, although they are less bulky than regular (Chaos) Marine heads. It's also important to note that most heads consist of a facemask that comes as a separate bit, while the back of the head is part of the respective model's torso.

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