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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Suddenly, Death Guard...

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Again, thanks guys! :)


@ JeffTibbetts: It may not be perfectly obvious from the photos, but the legs are actually a bit closer to the Knight legs than they appear -- especially since I've shaved down their backsides and replaced them with hydraulic struts from the Centurion kit. I didn't want to make the legs look too busy, though, since there's already a very real danger of overcluttering the model.

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"Tiny skulls for the skull throne!"


The micro-knight is my favs for days. The toes were the only things that looked like they weren't quite clicking at first, but you fixed him right up.


Great job!

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Really great army log KrautScientist.  Like wise always like this Chaos Knight conversion :D  Really tie in with the Chaos theme & not helping me wanting to add a third knight to my own army.

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Cheers, guys! :)


@ Insane Psychopath: Hah, you're one to talk: Your own Knights were one of the reasons I picked up the kit in the first place, mate ;)


I'm out of likes,...


Hmm, I somehow get this a lot -- maybe you guys should just save some likes in case I decide to update this thread? Just sayin'... ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, here's another small update for you all: Something quite WIP, although it's been fun so far:


Ever since I saw this piece of artwork by Diegogisbertllorens in FF's Tome of Blood, I wanted to convert a model resembling the berzerker in that illustration. So I cut up one of my leftover Chosen models from Dark Vengeance and started to experiment:




As you can see, the model diverges from the art in some places, but the inspiration is still pretty obvious. It's also nowhere near finished, being held together with modeling putty at the moment, but I already like the general direction.


As always, let me know what you think! :)

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Simple and characterful, always great to see what you're up to Kraut :)

And the Summer 'kill you with fire' heat in Australia will pass soon and I'll be back to work on my own models (Next house, air-con)

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Why settle for using old bits......it deserves some proper attention.


FW champ head, bulked up plastic Beserker torso, shrunken heads for the chest from a Chaos totem (Knights ? Nurgle ?), and head clump from Plaguebearers (I think, to replace the psyker, unless you go all out....!). Marauder arms might work, trying to think of beefier, but he definitely needs a flashier (nasty) right axe.


The bits exist, but dare you seek them out ?

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@ Usiel: Cheers, mate!


@ OSS: Huh, to be honest, I wasn't under the impression that I was "settling for using old bitz": The DV Chosen body is probably more ostentatious and impressive than anything I could make involving an old plastic berzerker torso (plus I basically wanted the conversion to be based on this model because I saw a certain resemblance between it and the art). Marauder arms actually wouldn't work here because they're too small for the body (the arms I used are from the Bestigor kit and chaos warshrine champ, respectively). I quite like the workmanlike quality of the axe in the right hand, to be honest. And though I may be the only person in the world to like that old rebreather head, it seemed like an apt choice here. Sorry, but I think we'll have to agree to disagree on this piece...;)

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It's a rather old rebreather head from the first 3rd edition multipart plastic marines, if I recall correctly (although I think it was still available for a fairly long time after that).

Might also be the one that came with the rhino upgrade sprue. That had a similar rebreather head.


I do have to admit I was also expecting the FW zerker head. HE made the teeth on the rebreather look so creepy in that picture that is what has always stuck in my mind.

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I see where you're coming from regarding the head, guys, but hear me out on this:


I do realise of course that the FW berzerker head would be a perfect match for the artwork, and I actually tried it on the model. But it did feel a bit much: He already has the spiky and warped Chosen armour, and he ended up looking a tad too monstrous, if that makes any sense. I also tried all the other rebreather heads I had in my collection (loyal and chaos Terminators, the rebreather head from the Raptors with shaved down horns,...), but none of them worked for me quite as well as this one:


It's heavily scarred (maybe not easy to make out in the picture), which is a plus. But it also has a special, almost - dare I say it - forlorn quality to it that I think serves as a nice counterpoint to the rest of the model. This is clearly not a berzerker running at his next victim, but rather a guy who slowly advances. Sure, there'll be bloodshed and murder at the end, but I like the very slight ambiguity created by the head. As if he's saying "I cannot help what I am, so let's get this over with."




...I am probably overthinking this, but I did want to prove that I didn't just slap the first head I had in my bitzbox on the model and called it a day :wink:



@ Jehan-Reznor: Even so, that is still a pretty awesome head right there -- thanks for bringing it to my attention!

Edited by KrautScientist
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So, here's a small update regarding the latest conversion:




The model doesn't look as if anything much had happened, but the copious amounts of modeling putty holding it together before have been replaced with a cleaned up GS build now. And I have replaced the big axe with a plasma pistol to see whether I like it better. I could also give him one of the following weapons:




Maybe the plasma pistol is actually the best option, though. Any thoughts?

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Hmmm, I do think replacing the left-hand huge axe with something smaller or at least slimmer was a right decision - as it made the model look a little off-balance. I really like the plasma pistol, but why not try the normal axe and the chainsword too? I'd love to see those... :tu:

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