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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Suddenly, Death Guard...

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I have a quiet love for the Red Corsairs and a huge love for the Badab war. That's an excellent Huron, well done Kraut. ^,,,^

Can we have a bits breakdown plz? Really like that 2nd ed looking hand flamer.

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Cheers, guys! :)


@ The Psyco: To be honest, the asymmetry was something I actually encouraged (by cutting off a cable from the right side of his torso, for example), because I wanted him to seem slightly lopsided. After all, he has this monstrous bionic left arm, and I wanted to underline that effect.


@ Barraka: No problem, here's the bitz list:


  • Body and left arm: Dark Vengeanc Chosen
  • right arm: Dark Vengeance Chosen Champion. The axe head came from the WFB warshrine of chaos kit
  • head: half-bionic head from the old plastic Devastator squad (I think...)
  • right pauldron: WFB Chaos Knights
  • flamer: I think this might be an old flame pistol from a 2nd edition cc weapon sprue -- not sure though, I just picked this up as part of an ebay auction.

Hope this helps! :)


@ Augustus b'Raass: The Khârn conversion is really cool, isn't it? Just in case, though: It wasn't built by me, but by Commissar Molotov, who informed me that it's actually about ten years old! Which goes to show that good, clean conversion work never goes out of style ;)

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Ten years old indeed, and looking a bit shabby to my eyes - hence why I palmed him off to a Khorne fanatic like you... 


I do think his plastic arm could do with being replaced by something a little thicker and newer - perhaps giving him a fancy new chainaxe would be a good thing, too! 


As I said to you via email, perhaps he wears a skull mask (or he has the old daemonic visage trait) because his skull will be his last gift to Khorne... 

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I like the Huron count as. I personally would add some cabling from the Flamer as at the moment I feel it looks like it has just been out onto the power fist rather then a weapon that was built in.


Oh and thanks for the answer on the bloodthirster legs and the link, I think I going to try and do something crazy!

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Cheers, guys! :)


@ Mol: Thanks again for your generosity! Personally speaking, I think that Khârn conversion has aged far more gracefully than you give yourself credit for! And while I might add a bit here and there, I don't think I'll make huge changes on this guy -- he just seems pretty much perfect the way he is.
As for the skull mask working as either a kind of taunt or an act of religious subservience towards the blood god, that's a pretty cool idea! I'll be working that into his background in some way, once he's painted!


@ Cheers, mate! I am only too happy to oblige:


Here's the cleaned up, mostly finished version of my counts as Huron:






Not all that much was changed: I added a pistol holster, a grenade and a small chaos star to the model's belt. The fist received some additional cabling. Most of the work happened on the model's back, however:




As you can see, I added a promethium tank and a fuel supply running from the backpack to the flamer. Oh, and an icon from the new Skullreaper kit was added on top of the backpack to serve as a shout out to the iron halo on the stock Huron model.


The model's pretty much finished at this point -- although I am still considering whether or not to add some longer claws to the left fist...


Anyway, let me know what you think! :)

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great stuff throughout this thread, keep up the great work :) i especially like your gladiators and the Juggernaught mounted berserkers, makes me want to have a go at my own :)

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Cheers, guys!


@ Canardwc: DexterKong, whose counts as Huron served as an inspiration for my own version, came up with an excellent "murder spirit" to represent Huron's Hamadrya. I really like that approach, although it feels like I'll have to try something different now, instead of simply copying that idea. Don't worry, though: I'll think of something! ;)

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Cheers, mate! I already bought the ebook quite a while ago, actually. It was nice enough reading, although certainly not on par with Betrayer, if you ask me.


As for the Bloodthirster, I haven't done too much work on it since the last update, since my hobby time only allowed for small stuff. Will get back to it soon-ish, though -- at least that's what I hope! ;)

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It's only a small thing, but unless that flamer cable stretches, he's going to have a hard time actually using the flamer in his front arc, unless he clamps his elbow to his side. Perhaps consider lengthening the cable?


Otherwise, he's looking awesome. :thumbsup:


Keep up the good work.



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@ Augustus b'Raass: Thanks for the kind words, mate!


@ Brother Dallo: Hmm, I've been getting some similar remarks over at Dakka. It's a bit of a Catch 22 though, isn't it? Make the cable too short and people will point out it's too short. Give it a realistic length and it will end up looking unwieldy and clunky, mess with the model's composition, and chances are, people will complain about it looking too long. Personally, speaking, I subscribe to PDH's theory that all cables and fuel supplies in the 40k universe can and will always extend to the needed length via "tech-magic" of some kind.




...seriously, though: There may be a bit of leeway in that cable/hose, don't you think? Maybe it extends farther out of the tank as needed? In any case, I'm rather happy with it, so it'll stay that way. Sorry! ;)

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@ Quixus: Hmm...I have to admit though that I am really rather happy with how that fuel hose is looking right now -- maybe I am just glad that I managed to get it all lined up? Anyway, I think it'll stay that way, warts and all. ;)

In other news, there's something that I really need feedback on, so please let me know what you think:

As you may remember, Biohazard and me have engaged in a mutual challenge to get our respective chaos lords painted. Biohazard has already honoured his part of the challenge and produced a fantastic painted version of his Lord Malek Deimos, so my own Lord Captain Lorimar is next in line. Here's the model, for those who don't remember:




But when I dusted the model off today in preparation for undercoating it, something happened: I tried the cloak from the Wolf Guard Terminators on Lorimar, just for the heck of it. Here's a picture of the effect:




And you know what: I think this version actually works better, especially when it comes to the model's compositions. Of course there a few kinks to work out (I think I'd want to get rid of the wolf head, for once, to make sure the cloak fits between Lorimar's pauldrons), but maybe this is actually the better option, at least for this version of the model? It would also free up the other, also excellent, cloak to be used on an eventual, inevitable mounted version of Lorimar, where its flowing lines should go really well with the sense of motion a cavalry model should have.

So what do you think, should I go through with this change of wardrobe? Any thoughs?

Thanks in advance for your help!  :)

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