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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Suddenly, Death Guard...

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Been away for the weekend with the family so only seeing this now. I love the rain image of Deimos. Two thumbs WAY up for that mini tut as well buddy. I really like the additions to the Skull crusher head I added some stuff like that to my havoc champ so know it's not easy, the simple way you've added the chain loincloth thingy to that torso is inspired. I will be using that at some point I think. Great work mate.
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Oh, the right arm, head and legs came from that sweet stash of bitz Commissar Molotov recently sent me -- credit where credit is due :wink:


As always, let me know what you think! :wink:



Just to ask - What kit do those Marine legs come from? 


Master of Signal look cool.




Yeah, the Web Exclusive Captain 2:





Looking good, Kraut! 

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Thanks for the kind feedback, guys! :)


@ The Hydra: The problem with that particular helmet is that the faceplate seems kinda "expressionless", for lack of a better word. Which made it perfect to be worn at the model's belt ;) Plus I really wanted to use that beautiful Chapter Master head, both because its implants are a great fit for a World Eater, and because of the speaker unit which works great for a Master of Signal -- in fact, the entire conversion was basically planned around the head, legs and the antenna bit from the new AdMech Skitarii ;)


@ Biohazard: So glad you like the picture of Deimos, buddy! Consider it a small way of repaying all the inspiration I get to steal from your thread!


@ Mol: Thanks again for your generosity! One thing worthy of notice for those of you looking for those legs is that the backside of the part is flattened down (probably to accept the cape on top). Which means I had to rebuild that area -- but that offered me the chance to add all kinds of gear to his belt, turning the legs' shortcoming into an actual strength of the model ;)

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That little technical helm with some of the more Chaosy inclined details is my favorite part, hands down. Which is saying something, b/c he's a pretty awesome conversion all together. The websclusive captain bits are also pretty interesting. It's neat to see that traditionally chaos/renegade style of armor trim on a loyalist... well a loyalist before you got your hands on him at least!


Masters of Signal don't (typically) seem to inspire folks to much work beyond painting them appropriate legion colors, so I'm glad to see you didn't just phone it in (HA!) with this one :D

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Cheers for the feedback, guys! You are right, of course, in that this will become a rather huge Flesh Hound: I have always loved the Flesh Hound concept and design, and the creatures are certainly a fantastic fit for an army designed as a hunting party. I really hate the most recent models, though, since they seem so clunky and ill-proportioned.


Using the leftover Bloodthirster head was a spontaneous idea, when I realised it should fit the Dragon Ogre bodies rather well. In the end, it took very little shaving (and the addition of a plastic Daemon Prince neck) to create the basic construction. The angle of the head may still be subject to change, as I am currently experimenting with adding both the neck frills and collar -- both compulsory parts of the model, of course ;)


As for the size, this guy is roughly the same size as a juggernaut (albeit a bit less bulky), so he could be used as a mount for a Marine. I think I'll rather be using him as one of Lorimar's hunting dogs, however, as suggested by SalvationOfReason. Oh, and those front legs will probably be gripping some kind of rocky outcrop, with a mangled Astartes corpse right below the creature's head -- at least that's the plan for now ;)

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Hmm, I don't think I'll be able to do anything with the legs, mate -- not without lots of sawing and re-sculpting, at least...


speaking of which, here's a small daemon doggie update: Sorted out the neck frills and collar of Khorne, so the model's mostly there now:










In case anyone was wondering, I did actually try both leftover 'thirster heads, but while the second one was also rather bestial, it was also decidedly less canine. Plus I really wanted to use that fabulous RoC/HeroQuest style bone crown on a model -- it really makes the hound look like the king of Flesh Hounds, doesn't it?


As always, let me know what you think! :)

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Cheers, guys! :)


@ Scribe: Huh? Is there a canonical number of toes on Flesh Hounds, or are you just talking about visual preferences? As for your question, the heads from the 'Thirster kit would be...


  • quite a bit too small for a fiend, if you ask me
  • just right for a juggernaut, with a tiny bit of work
  • slightly too big (but ultimately still useable) on a Daemon Prince...
  • ...or possibly a mutated Helbrute


@ Battybattybats: That is very kind of you to say! Cheers!

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