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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Suddenly, Death Guard...

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There's a good scale reference for you. Think your Kastelan may need to be a little bit taller. As it stands, it's brilliant!

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Oh man, that is nice. Those robots really grabbed my attention last week, and now you already have two... concerning the size: your robot is about 2/3 between a dreadnought and a contemptor. Contemptor's do look a little more beefy, so perhaps a robot could be like a baby contemptor? I don't know. Whatever. You should still continue to include these in your army.

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The army shots looks amazing! I'm tempted to just grab my stuff and travel abroad just to face them in glorious battle!


I like the look of the Kastelans too, really looking forward to see more.

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Cheers, guys! And don't worry: Even if the Kastelan conversion should be too small to work as a Contemptor, it'll make a pretty convincing counts as Alpha Helbrute, don't you think? ;)


Here it is, slightly farther along, but still very WIP:







@ Eberious: Those claws are parts of the wheels from the WFB Chaos Chariot.

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Cheers, mate!


They are *very* posable, especially the legs. This seems like a slightly under-advertised feature, but the legs can basically be posed any way you like. They do lock into a certain position, but you can just shave off the small plastic nubs that restrain movement and then experiment away -- which is what I've done for the running pose. The arms are slightly less versatile because they come as a single piece (the fists are separate, though).


I think they may be a bit too big for Obliterators, though...

Edited by KrautScientist
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Tis exactly what I was thinking making one of these into a Helbrute, lots of fun to be had right there. Now if only I could get my hands on just one complete kit, as in just the robot.

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Cheers, guys! :smile.:


@ miteyheroes: That skull is from the WFB Tomb Kings Sphinx.


So, another update regarding the Kastelan conversion: It remains WIP, of course, but I think I have figured out the basic setup for the model now. Take a look:








Lots and lots of detail left to add, but I am pretty happy with the basic build.


As always, let me know what you think! :smile.:

Edited by KrautScientist
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I will admit I was going to pass the Kastelan kit by completely since they looked so slow and lumber-y. You've done a badass job of making an action pose out of a model with the potential to be hella boring.


Is his hammer and right hand from the helbrute kit?

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Hey Kraut,


I know you've been doing this a long time, so forgive me if i suggest some "tips" you might be having with the mephiston red spray. Paint rubbing off especially primer coat is usually mold release agent (even your normal troopers can have some) or maybe grease from your fingertips when you were assembling the model. As for the rough texture of the spray itself.... sometimes this has happened with the black coat.... it is usually because the pray has sat a long time.... the nozzle gets partially clogged or the number 1 killer.... humidity. Again I'm sure you already know this stuff, but thought I'd share. I'd definitely not spray your knight with it! Of course you might have just gotten a bum can of the stuff. Either way.... I really enjoy your army looking forward to that crazy looking dreadnought looking thing! Maybe space out the torso a bit? or bulk it up?

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Cheers for the feedback, guys! :)


@ Leviathus: You have a point about the chest, which I why I carefully bent the Bloodthirster breastplate around the torso piece, making it fit a little more snugly.


@ Vladvar: Mate, just look one post further up and you'll see I discussed the provenience of the hammer ;)


@ Eldrick: Hmm, I can basically rule out the mold release agent/grease and age-related theories, respectively, and it was a pretty dry day when I used the spray. However, it now occurs to me that maybe I didn't wait long enough for the black undercoat to dry before adding the red -- I suppose this warrants further experimentation...


Oh, and Bruticus suggested the same thing about lengthening the model's mid-section over at the Ammobunker, which is what I did (via a ball of modeling putty, at least for now). Here's the model in its slightly updated form:





As always, let me know what you think! :)

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I like where you're going with this - you are certainly breaking new ground in that you are the first person I've seen making them chaos - and making them so dynamic. To the tiniest degree, I almost feel like the pose you've chosen is too dynamic - he seems to be more like a giant Marine than a robot, unless you're suggesting that they've been possessed. Having said that, that's just a question of personal aesthetics and head-canon, I suppose. 


I think you do need to do some work with merging the two styles of pieces - you've got smooth panels with recessed bolts, and then chaotic panels with exposed rivets. At the moment they don't mesh particularly well. Equally, I'm not sold with the two different shoulderpads. Are you trying to evoke the gladiatorial style of the World Eaters, with the one bare arm? I feel like the grey shoulder pad works well, but the black (Daemon Prince?) shoulderpad obscures too much of the arm, making the arms look even shorter.


With the raised midsection, I feel like his hips need a little bit of armour as well - even plasticard strip, perhaps? Although you could perhaps do something with the dreadnought kneepads, like people used to do to evoke Cataphractii armour. 


The last thing - perhaps because this model is so heavily blue-tacked, I feel like the skull-face needs to be tilted forward slightly whilst running, to avoid it looking like a short-sighted man looking down his nose trying to read...


I liked the idea of the Iron Warrior with the bionic leg, though until I read it was an AdMech leg, I thought you'd used a bloodletter leg! I like the idea of chaos bionics trying to evoke daemonform...

Edited by Commissar Molotov
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Wow, he's huge. And mean. And ... awesome. I think the skull head is going to look great in a brass/bronze color.


I second Commissar Molotov's thoughts about matching up smooth, round elements with the more chaotic bits you've used. I feel it's an easy fix. Just a couple of extra spiky bits, rivets, or armor plates would probably do it. Yeah, perhaps some extra armor plates. It feels wrong to suggest ideas like these to you – because I actually consider you an authority in all matters conversion and kit bash.

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