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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Suddenly, Death Guard...

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I am glad I asked as everyone seems to like the little guy :) (sorry for missing/forgetting it earlier on)


Liking the new pictures and I am guessing the things surrounding the knight are hints towards what is going to be on his base?

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Regarding the decals, you raise some excellent points about the middle one, yet while I do like it too, it has to be said that the one on the left could work as a play on the World Eaters' tradition of marking exceptional service with a bloody handprint. Some guys ovr on Dakka also came up with some pretty cool additional suggestions. This one posted by Dreadclaw69 was particularly awesome:



Does anyone know whether these actually exist as decals, though? Or do they only appear in a Codex as artwork? If they are actualy decals and somebody has any of them left, especially the more hirsute looking wolf heads dead centre and in the bottom row, please give me a holler!


If you can make your own decals, Carlson 793 has made a ecal sheet in te downloads section which has the bottom left wolf head on it in different sizes.


Hope this helps.


Oh and stunnng work as always :)  :thumbsup:  


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I notice the pilot has a face plate resembling the Lancer, I wonder if we will see other pilots for Castigators and Acherons? I also wonder if they can be separated from their thrones, for Knights already built?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey everyone,


it's been a while, but then life has been less than optimal lately. Anyway, yesterday I felt the urgent need to do something creative, in order to distract myself from the somewhat gakky general situation, and I'll be leaving a small teaser for your edification ;)






As always, let me know what you think! :)

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Moin KrautScientist,


stunning conversions (especially this one). I am very interested in what colours you are using for the skin tone, looks promising for my Brotherhood of Iron (Khornate Warband, WIP Thread incoming soon).


Greetings from Germany :wink:

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Cheers, guys! :)


@ MadSkoll: Moin moin! ;) Regarding the skin recipe, it's really rather easy: Just use Rakarth Flesh over a black basecoat, then wash liberally with Badab Black (or, failing that, Army Painter Dark Tone or GW Nuln Oil), then go back and add highlights with the original Rakarth Flesh -- easy ;)


As for the other comments, you guys are right of course: That's the base for my Chaos Knight. After spending quite some time thinking about what I wanted to put on the base, I realised that there are few things more emblematic of the crumbling Imperium of Man than a toppled and destroyed Astartes statue -- plus the piece from the Honoured Imperium kit was a pretty nice fit scale-wise!


So here's the finished base:








And here's the - still unfinished (!) - Knight, provisionally placed on top of it:














Even though there's still quite a bit of detail work left to do (I'd place the entire model at about two thirds done, roughly speaking), the pictures should still give you a reasonably good idea about what the finished piece will look like.




As always, let me know what you think! :)



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The Knight is looking great buddy. I have to say the base looks a little monochromatic to me though. I'd try and maybe add a wash on the statue possibly a thin green wash to try and show moss maybe? Just something to draw attention to the different elements without being overpowering
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@ MadSkoll: Moin moin! :wink: Regarding the skin recipe, it's really rather easy: Just use Rakarth Flesh over a black basecoat, then wash liberally with Badab Black (or, failing that, Army Painter Dark Tone or GW Nuln Oil), then go back and add highlights with the original Rakarth Flesh -- easy :wink:

Ah, I guessed already Rakarth Flesh would be part of the recipe. Thanks for sharing! I read somewhere, that you used a minimalistic approach and that sounded promising. My current recipe includes Calthan Brown, Rakarth Flesh, Pallid Wych Flesh and Reikland Fleshshade, but I am not happy with it.

Yours looks more dead/blue, which contrasts nice with the red armour.

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