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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Suddenly, Death Guard...

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I think the subtle leg tweak with the contemplator really works and adds to the model, the other touches just further enhance that.

:cuss it's so subtle I didn't even notice it until I compared the model to the GW pictures. I think the reposing of the arms helps to though.

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Well he looks suitably brutal and dynamic for it - although you didn't change up the body itself, the bits make it look like its focus is onto a completely different direction. Love it!


Edit: corrected some horrible, horrible spelling errors. Damn my sausage fingers and my tiny keyboard!

Edited by Augustus b'Raass
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So here's another small update: A very early Cataphractii test:




I really think the Age of Sigmar Bloodsecrator head is perfect for a World Eater. On a related note, it's really easy to convert the Cataphractii gorgets so they will accept different heads: Just shave away some plastic, and you are no longer limited to the "half-heads" that come with the stock kit.


As always, let me know what you think! :)

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I love the idea - but I think the head is a way too big. I'm sorry to say the model reminds me of a puppet show, where the puppeteer's head peek over the edge to look at the kids. It doesn't quite look natural to me, you know? :ohmy.:

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I love the idea - but I think the head is a way too big. I'm sorry to say the model reminds me of a puppet show, where the puppeteer's head peek over the edge to look at the kids. It doesn't quite look natural to me, you know? :ohmy.:


I liked it until Augustus said this.. and now Its stuck in my head. I think the head may need to be slightly higher in he body, 

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Thanks, guys, although I have to disagree about the head: If anything, the Bloodsecrator head is smaller (or at least more delicate) than a standard Marine head. The effect you describe is impossible to avoid, as the way the gorget is designed will make any head look like it's peaking above the gorget. That said, Hydra may be right about the angle, too. Anyway, I'll probably keep the head, as it's a perfect fit for a World Eaters Cataphractii, in my opinion.

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Kraut, it's your mini and you're the ultimate judge. Besides, Hydra may have a very fair point about the angle, and you are the only one with the mini in hand. Also, your conversion skills are pretty much established, so we have faith! :tu: 

Faith in the Blood God? This makes me wonder. If the devotees of the Flying Spaghetti monster wear a colander, do Khorne worshippers wear those weird buddy ears? 

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I am still very much figuring out the most effective way to build my Cataphractii -- while very cool, the stock models are even more vanilla than the Mk IV tactical Marines, in a way, and also quite a bit more restrictive in their posing than 40k Terminators, so the main challenge will be to have them look suitably aggressive and World Eater-ly without being over the top. So here's another attempt:





The good ol' "bellowing at the sky in rage" pose is a true classic, of course, but maybe the "I'm coming at you bro" approach works even better? If nothing else, the new pose should give you a better idea as to the size of the head and its position.


Faith in the Blood God? This makes me wonder. If the devotees of the Flying Spaghetti monster wear a colander, do Khorne worshippers wear those weird buddy ears? 


As it happens, the bunny ears now even have a specific background in 40k: Before, they were just a stylised representation of Khorne's rune (in both 40k and WFB), but as of late, they are an ancient symbol of berserker gladiators from Angron's homeworld, called the "Caedere Remissum". So yeah, if you're a follower, you've gotta have 'em, I suppose ;)

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That second pose is way better. It looks like he's lunging forward into a victory roar after decapitating some poor sap. Spot on!


And pay no attention to top knot nay-sayers. (Impractical) Topknots for all!

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That second pose is way better. It looks like he's lunging forward into a victory roar after decapitating some poor sap. Spot on!


And pay no attention to top knot nay-sayers. (Impractical) Topknots for all!

she's right, pay no attention to us. In fact, that you have some sort of decoration in roughly that outline there looks good. I just don't like topknots (or at least not the huge topknots that go straight up that gw seems so fond of...)

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Glad you guys like the new pose! On the matter of topknots, I am not a huge fan of them for the most part. However, big topknots were a huge part of the original Cataphractii artwork of yore (in fact, one of the first Cataphractii to be drawn by John Blanche, no less, was even a World Eater, IIRC), and I regret that element being mostly lost somewhere along the way. For me, those topknots were cool precisely because they seemed so at odds with the tank-like look of the armour, adding some much needed barbarism to it.

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