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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Suddenly, Death Guard...

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Thanks a lot, guys! :)


@ KBA: I've actually been thinking about the blood issue quite a bit. So far, I haven't really made a decision, though: So many WE armies online are really hurt, rather than enhanced, by the amount of blood on the models, because blood as an effect is just so easy to overdo. By the same token, with the amount of weathering already present on the model, adding yet another special effect on top might just be too much. That said, there probably will be some blood on some of the coming models, but however I approach it, it'll probably be a bit more subtle than what you usually see.

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Cheers, guys! Seems like I am on the right track, then :wink:


@ The Hydra: Orc kits and Chaos Marauders are always a safe bet. There's also a dedicated topknot bit in the WFB Warriors of Chaos kit that would be perfect for Justaerin, btw.


So, anyway, today I can show you the finished 30k test model. I added a bit more weathering (inspired by kizzdougs' brilliant recent models) and a couple of finishing touches, and here's the completed model:




"I will never forget the day the legion ships came to my world. The whispered benedictions, forbidden even then, that accompanied them.

And those of us who aspired to a place among their ranks: Noble Hergan. Soulful Krizti. Brave Sharlen.

How they laughed at me, the baseborn butcher's boy.


And when those of the legion came to walk among us, clad in armour of white and blue, they were glorious and terrible, and we caught a first glimpse of the consequences our choice might have.


They passed over noble Hergan and soulful Krizti, and killed brave Sharlen when he dared to talk back to them, then laughed over his broken body in voices that were deep and cruel.

And they chose me, the baseborn butcher's boy.


Because for all its perceived flaws, the twelfth had learned even back then what others would only find out later

(and many too late):

That the Emperor's Crusade had little need of thinkers and poets, philosophers or noblemen.

It needed butchers."


Legionary Shadrak, Eigar Veteran Tactical squad, 4th assault company, XII Legion Astartes










All in all, I am really rather happy with my first effort. Not everything may have gone 100% according to plan, but the finished model clearly has the look I wanted. It was also nice to be able to use those red World Eaters decals the way originally intended by Forgeworld (although the decals’ uneven performance remains a minor concern).


Oh, here’s a closer look at the right shoulder pad, by the way:




In the end, the tactical markings from the Betrayal at Calth decal sheet turned out to be far easier to apply to the shoulder pad than the ones from the World Eaters decal sheet. I added a small WE legion badge on top, in order to denote veteran status.

So, all in all, here’s what I have learned while painting the model:

  • white an be just as unenjoyable to paint as red — out of the frying pan and into the fire, I guess :wink:
  • That said, I will try a different recipe for my white next time around: The model was painted over a black (and silver) basecoat, because that recipe had worked so well on my AdMech models, with different colours blocked in later. It didn’t work so well with white. And the approach was rather backwards to begin with, so I’ll consider actually using a white undercoat on my nect 30k World Eater.
  • Lahmian Medium turned into an indispensable tool when it came to shading the armour: I mixed it with a bit of black and brown wash for a shade that was just heavy enough, but not so heavy as to ruin the white.
  • I tried sponge weathering for the first time, and while there’s quite a bit of room for improvement, it’s a really fun and rather effective technique.
  • I still have to get used to the new Space Marine bases, as they seem freakishly big to me. Every model seems like a Terminator now, simply by virtue of a bigger base :wink: I think I really like the effect for a Killteam or warband but would find it a bit distracting on an entire army…

So much for my first 30k World Eater. It’s been fun! As always, let me know what you think! :smile.:




Damn love the character on this guy! grizzled and murderous. One thing I'm not a fan of is the ring on his machete. It looks a bit cartoonish, and doesn't seem to mesh well with the rest of the mini. Loving the detail on the base as well, very awesome!

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Again, thanks a lot for the enthusiastic feedback! I really appreciate it!


As for the ring on the machete, it would have been easy enough to shave it off, too, had I only thought of it. Oh well, maybe it's a bit of a keepsake or has some cultural significance on the legionary's homeworld? Who knows... ;)


Here's another small update, by the way: Just because I've finally dipped my toes into the Heresy, that doesn't mean I've completely forgotten about the World Eaters' later incarnation. So I'll just leave this here for now:




Still a bit of work left to be done, but the model is far enough along to show. As always, let me know what you think! :)

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I love that devastator marine - probably not wise to call him 'firefist'. :wink:


Right on the mark, good sir! :wink:


@ Teetengee: Hmm, the paint is no thicker than on my other models. I will admit that there's a certain looseness to the paintjob that wasn't planned, but I think it fits the character rather nicely :wink:


So here's another look at how Lheor is coming along:






As always, let me know what you think! :smile.:

Edited by KrautScientist
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Cheers, guys! So without any further ado, heeeere's Lheor:


Lheorvine Ukris, “Firefist”
XII Legion warrior, born of Nuvir’s Landing. Leader of the Fifteen Fangs warband, and commander of the warship Jaws of the White Hound




“When Lheor’s boarding party arrived, they entered without ceremony or order. A pack of warriors among soldiers, walking without formation. Helms crested with stylised crowns wrought in the War God’s symbol regarded the chamber. Their brass-edged battle plate was the colour of blood on iron, showing the resealed cracks of endless repair and mismatched scavenging.
None of them made any pretense of sweeping the area with their bolters. Most didn’t even carry standard bolters; they held chainaxes in their hands, chained to their wrists, or carried massive rotor cannons slung over their shoulders (…)
Their leader carried a heavy bolter with the practiced grace of one born to the burden. This, he tossed in the gravity-less air to one of his underlings, and gestured for his men to remain by the southward entrance.
Before the war, he had been Centurion Lheorvine Ukris of the XII Legion’s 50th Heavy Support Company. I hadn’t known him then. Our association came in the years of dwelling within the Empire of the Eye.”


Aaron Dembski-Bowden, “The Talon of Horus”
















So yeah, that’s my version of Lheorvine Ukris. You may have noticed that I swapped in a different right pauldron (kindly donated by Augustus b’Raass, by the way), as I really liked the even more archaic look. Oh, and I added a kill mark decal on the back of the heavy bolter,  since there is a throwaway line in Abaddon:Chosen of Chaos, mentioning how Lheor has taken to scratching kill marks on his armour in later years, so I thought this might be a nice shout out to that habit ;)

Oh, and before I forget, Lheor is really rather massive, by the way! Here’s a comparison picture with my recent 30k Legionary:




As always, let me know what you think! :)



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Kraut, you've managed to put together a stunning presentation of a mini again, man, just awesome stuff. I really like the way you have been able to seamlessly fuse together so many different components to make a very unified whole. I particularly like the way the helm, torso and legs all flow together even though they are from wildly different kits. You've got the art of being Khorney down!
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Badass mini! I have never used a heavy bolter in a game, but seeing this warrior reminds me that they look really cool. I suppose the rest of the mini is probably what makes the lowly bolter look cool :biggrin.: (not that you didn't make it look good, but I think you know what I mean).


Also, for some reason I really like the additional vents on his backpack. Adds a sense of balance to it. In my imagination, it also makes me think that perhaps he fights in extra toxic environments, or something about his armor produces additional byproducts which need to be expelled.

Edited by Venomlust
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Cheers, guys! :)


@ Bryan Blaire: That is really nice of you to say, mate! Thanks for the kind words!


@ Venomlust: I now exactly what you mean! I have always shunned the heavy bolter in favour of weapons that I found more interesting from a visual standpoint, but Lheor has really sold me on the concept for the first time in ages ;) As for the vents, I originally added them since they appear in the art, albeit in the form of skulls, but I imagine the fact that he keeps lugging around that massive weapon might generate some excess heat that needs to be vented? In any case, I think it nicely adds to the heavy duty feel of the model ;)

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Cheers, gents! :smile.:


@ Auggie: Both, I suppose :wink:


@ Thousand Eyes: You definitely should! I can only recommend the book, regardless of which Traitor Legion you favour -- there's something there for (almost) everybody, and the characters truly shine, as is usually the case with ADB's work.


In the meantime, I have been working on my second 30k World Eater, this time with a slightly tweaked (and quite a bit more economical) recipe:



Not only does the new recipe save a lot of time, it also produces results very close to the look of my first test model:




Still a bit of work left to do, though. As always, let me know what you think! :smile.:

Edited by KrautScientist
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