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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Suddenly, Death Guard...

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No jetbikes, I'm afaid, because I frankly hate the design of the Forgeworld jetbikes -- they don't resemble any of the artwork that came before and are just too lomg and cumbersome for my taste. 

Haha well, I can dig that. The jetbikes kinda grew on me, but when they just came out, I remember my local store manager comparing them to lady toys, if you catch my drift... :pinch: :wacko.:

Lol. Yeah you could make that association. Still the form is also reminiscent of old race cars. I like the design.

@krautscientist: I dont remember seeing that old artwork, do you have some examples? Or are you talking about Sammael's jetbike?

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On the matter of jetbikes, I totally get the hot-rod associations about the new design -- it's just that the Scimitar seems so huge and unwieldy to me. There's also the fact that the balance between the jetbike and pilot seems so awkward, as the bike is so big. I think the pilot should be at least as interesting as the bike, yet the rather restrictive design probably makes that rather hard to pull off. Personally, I much prefer the earlier designs featured in Visions of Heresy (and now, surprisingly, codified as the "Bullock pattern", at least according to the Warhammer 40k Wiki):




I also rather like the Custodes jetbikes from roughly the same era of publications:




All of these are much sleeker and less cumbersome than the Scimitar. I am pretty sure FW changed the design because so many third party jetbikes based on the original art were available by that point...


Anyway, regarding the World Eaters Killteam, here's a little sneak preview. First up, the two next members I am currently working on:




The model on the right further explores the Triarii archetype, while the guy on the left is a pretty standard plasma gunner. However, there will be bitz and elements appearing all of the members of the team that will serve to create a common visual heritage of sorts, so even if individual models will look like antipodes of a rather large spectrum, the team will hopefully end up looking fairly coherent. And there's always the option of spinning of the Triarii into their own squad somewhere along the way.


And there's also another model that I am fairly excited about. This guy:






The model was originally built as an officer for my 40k World Eaters, but it seems as though he might make an even better officer for my small 30k project, even if he's a bit more openly Khornate than the other guys so far -- personally, I think that all bets were really off for the World Eaters after Armatura and Nuceria, so I imagine some Khornate elements will have begun to sneak into the legion by then -- after all, they were definitely present shortly after the Heresy, according to Khârn: Eater of Worlds.


As always, let me know what you think! :smile.:

Edited by KrautScientist
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Loving that last dude a ton! Got any shots of his axe? Looks like it should be impressive.


Not a big fan of that style of helm on the crested-helm guy. Sorta reminds me of a mad ninja turtle or something. That's just my preference, your work is good as usual.

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Cheers, guys! :smile.:


@ Venomlust: The axe and shield arms are from this guy, so I think the photos on the GW homepage should give you a better idea than the kind of crappy picture I could take right now, considering the bad lighting conditions :wink:

Edited by KrautScientist
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The officer looks pretty sweet, though I do take issue with the placement of the straps on the heater shield. It seems like it would be really awkward to have it in any position than the one that the Exalted Deathbringer and your model have it in. Just my two cents, though. Make of it what you will.

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And there's also another model that I am fairly excited about. This guy:






The model was originally built as an officer for my 40k World Eaters, but it seems as though he might make an even better officer for my small 30k project, even if he's a bit more openly Khornate than the other guys so far -- personally, I think that all bets were really off for the World Eaters after Armatura and Nuceria, so I imagine some Khornate elements will have begun to sneak into the legion by then -- after all, they were definitely present shortly after the Heresy, according to Khârn: Eater of Worlds.


As always, let me know what you think! :smile.:



The officer looks pretty sweet, though I do take issue with the placement of the straps on the heater shield. It seems like it would be really awkward to have it in any position than the one that the Exalted Deathbringer and your model have it in. Just my two cents, though. Make of it what you will.


Love the new guy KS... in regards to the shield, it is an awesome shield, and the Psycho makes an excellent point about it current heft - maybe if you cut it down to more of a buckler, with the edge just covering his hand... and then add stabbing spikes or blades, cos at the moment he looks just about ready to punch someone with the shield anyway, so why not take the beserk theme all the way?


As usual, excellent work all round!

(And that Exalted Lord is still one of GWs best - even if it's in resin now :(   )

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Cheers, guys! I actually imagine the Praetor will use the sharpened lower part of the shield to skillfully tear out an enemy's throat every now and then ;)


Not much to see for today, except for the two new Killteam members cleaned up and mostly glued together (except for the parts that will have to be painted separately):






As you can see, they've been bulked out with a bit of additional gear. The main challenge was to make the guy with the plasma gun look suitably massive and menacing and not like "that boring model with the gun". I think I was fairly successful with that, though.


As always, let me know what you think! :)

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Loving the pair of 'em! If I may make a suggestion, though, I'd say the plasma gun could do with a bayonet- I think it would really complete the look of the figure. Also, World Eaters and bayonets go together like chicken schnitzel and pretzel bread.

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Cheers for the feedback, guys! As it happens, your remarks about the plasma gunners somewhat bored, world-weary expression have given me a different perspective on the model, and I rather like the idea that it's all just a huge pain for him ;)


@ Venomlust: Ayup, that's a berzerker sword handle alright. Every Khorne player should have dozens of the things around, and this was finally a good use for the handles, at least ;)


@ Squigsquasher: I actually tried adding a bayonet during the building stage and ended up hating it, because it seemed to unbalance the gun and, by extension, the whole model. But the thought did occur to me, at least... ;)

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If you still wanted to do a bayonet on the plasma gun, a good example would be the downward blade on the Kroot rifle. Plasma guns are bulkier than Bolters, and you'd want to protect the plasma coils, so attacking with the bottom of the weapon would be the most natural way of striking with it.
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