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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Suddenly, Death Guard...

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I don't think he needs a bayonet, I'd imagine he would keep using the plasma gun at close range and he has the chainsword on his back.

Stick the muzzle in their guts and pull the trigger.


I'm not sure pulling the trigger will be necessary, depending on how many ones you've rolled.

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I don't think he needs a bayonet, I'd imagine he would keep using the plasma gun at close range and he has the chainsword on his back.

Stick the muzzle in their guts and pull the trigger.

I'm not sure pulling the trigger will be necessary, depending on how many ones you've rolled.

"And just like that, he erupted into their midst with full fury of an exploding sun"



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Haha, I wonder what it is about plasma weapons that gets people so passionate. Personally speaking, I dislike them from a rules perspective, due to their lack of reliability, but I always include them on my models whenever I get the chance because I love blue plasma coils so much ;)


Anyway, update time: Here's a little something I made today, using one of the Bloodwarriors from the Age of Sigmar starter box:








Back when the game was released, I immediately knew I needed those Khornate models in my life ;) However, my original plan was to merely slap some pistols and backpacks on them and call it a day. But after seeing how well they work with Dark Vengeance Chosen bitz, I tried something a little more involved.


As always, let me know what you think! :)

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Everything except the angle of the right foot looks great. The right foot seems to be angled in slightly, which gives it that fidgeting-because-mommy-is-yelling-at-me-for-something-I-know-I-did-wrong look. Basing or more camera angles might make more sense of that.

Edited by Teetengee
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Fantastic model. After reading teets comment, I see what he means, but basing will mitigate that probably.p


Was it difficult to swap the legs?


Also, I know someone from BnC sent you some DV chosen models, but how many were there in that lot?

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Thanks for the feedback, guys! Much obliged! :)


@ malika666: Yeah, like I said, I originally just wanted to keep the original feet, but seeing the model now, the extra work really paid of! That said, I find it almost suspicious how each of the Bloodwarriors seems to have a counterpart of sorts among the DV Chosen -- almost as though this had been planned in advance...


@ Teetengee: I see what you mean about the foot, but like Augustus, I think it's something that the basing will solve: If I elevate the model a bit on its base, I think it'll stop looking like it's tiptoeing around its mum after having done something bad ;)


@ Augustus b'Raass: The leg swap wasn't all that difficult -- the only fiddly thing was to carefully separate the respective torso pieces from their original legs witout destroying too much of the detail, especially when it comes to armour plates etc. Most of the damage can later be covered up with grenades and pouches, but you'll still need to cut carefully ;)


As for the Chosen, I think Commissar Molotov sent me at least ten of them, including that aspiring champion that you can buy as a separate clamshell (the legs on this first model were actually taken from him). It was an incredibly generous gift, and I still feel bad about it, to be honest...


@ Squigsquasher: Cheers, mate! Glad you approve because I really love that head, to be honest! :)

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I saw the age of sigmar boxed set yesterday and know i need to get them for an army i have brewing in my mind. The kitbash looks awesome! I share your rules woes on the plasma, but since i will probably never play the game again, I just make cool models now and don't really concern myself with battlefield effectiveness anymore. Keep kicking butt!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Cheers, guys!


So, just a minor update today, because I haven't accomplished much World Eaters related stuff lately, but something I am still very happy about: I recently received a package from spectacularly talented fellow hobbyist and all-around-great-guy PDH containing – incredibly enough – his version of Lord Zhufor the Impaler!






I recall Peter painting this guy in another life, when he was still a follower of the one true chaos god ;) But actually seeing the model before me on my desktop as I am writing this just makes me grin like a madman.


And here’s Zhufor hobnobbing with his new BFF:




Those two guys are doubtlessly sharing the best skulltaking tricks from ten millennia of warfare…


Anyway, this is an incredibly gift – thank you so much, Peter! It's also,unfortunately, the only World Eaters related content I have to share at the moment. Because while I am working on some gladiators right now, they aren't World Eaters, but merely some malcontents from the underhive:



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Yay, an update from my fave Khorne follower! And with awesome models to boot. That Zhufor is an incredible gift, and I can totally get behind your amazement and glee.


Those gladiators are really cool too. I love the yellow and the skin tones (I demand recipes). Are you starting a Goliath gang?

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Cheers, guys! :smile.:


The gladiators are not actually intended to follow one particular Necromunda archetype, but will be taking inspiration from several of the old gangs, mostly from the Pit Slaves, Scavvies and Goliaths. The result should be a loose alliance of pit slave gladiators, mutants, former workers and malcontents from the underhive of St. Sabasto's Reach, a world grown fat and depraved from slave trade.


Regarding the imbalanced, lopsided look of the leftmost gladiator, that was very much an intentional choice, thank you very much! I suppose he's roided out enough to be able to lift that claw without keeling over, though :wink:


As for the recipes, those are pretty easy.


For the skin:

  • basecoat with GW Rakarth Flesh
  • wash liberally with GW Ogryn Flesh (or Reikland Fleshshade)
  • overbrush with GW Cadian Fleshtone (for a slightly more healthy complexion)
  • add a mix of GW Druchii Violet and GW Carroburg Crimson into the recesses, scars, eye sockets etc.
  • add highlights with the original Rakarth Flesh as needed.

For the yellow:

  • paint the area with several coats of Yriel Yellow until it's nice and solid (I am not even careful during this stage, going for pretty thick coats. That's only because any mistakes will be covered up during the next stages, though.
  • add a wash/glaze made from GW Seraphim Sepia (40%), a bit of Vallejo Smokey Ink (10%) and GW Lahmian Medium (50%) and liberally apply it to all yellow areas
  • use a sponge to stipple on several layers of scratches and splotches using GW Charadon Granite and GW Leadbelcher, respectively

Hope this helps! :smile.:

Edited by KrautScientist
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@ The Hydra: Fair enough! If you can say one thing about me, it's that I will never get realism in the way of a cool conversion ;)


While it's very much off topic, here's another look at the gang with its most recent member, just because I'm in the mood ;)



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He's based on one of those "bonus Gnoblars" that you get with several of the Ogre Kingdoms kits. Those are excellent little models that are really great for converting 40k mutants, plus they are fun to paint because you really get to play fast and loose with the paintjob.

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