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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Suddenly, Death Guard...

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Again, thanks guys! :)


And what do you know, I do have some new World Eaters to share with you, after all: An idle hour yesterday turned into a rather successful kitbashing session that saw me returning to the Betrayal at Calth plastic Cataphractii. Now these guys have had me stumped for the longest time, because while they are pretty much perfect plastic renditions of FW's Cataphractii design, they are also very uniform and vanilla (and they do have some slightly dodgy proportions, btw -- am I the only one thinking that those arms are too short...?). I wanted to turn them into World Eaters, however, so they needed to become slightly more interesting, slightly more gladiatorial and menacing, while their possible allegiance to Khorne during the latter stages of the Heresy needed to be at least somewhat abiguous without straying into 40k levels of Khornate decoration. Now the breakthrough came when I discovered that some leftover bitz from the Age of Sigmar starter box Bloodreavers could be used to add some oomph to the Cataphractii. Take a look:








Now you already know this guy, as he was my first test Cataphractii model. However, I have changed the pose back to its earlier version, as the "screaming at the heavens in rage" pose was just closer to the kind of character I wanted -- sorry ;) Since we last saw him, though, I've added a Bloodreaver dagger and a stylised daemon face belt buckle to him, and I think those elements provide just the right amount of flavour to seel him as a World Eater -- the heavily scarred Bloodsecrator head helps as well, of course.


You will also have noticed the horsehair topknot on his armour -- I just wanted to include this particular element, since it's such an iconic piece of the Cataphractii design for me. It appeared in lots of older illustrations, among them John Blanche's very first Cataphractii sketch showing, as it happens, a World Eater:




Now for my second model, I wanted to take some inspiration from this very sketch. The topknot was an auto-include, and I also wanted the pointy fingers on the power fist. As for the head, I experimented with a shaved down GK head for a while, until I found an option that I liked far better, even though it doesn't resemble the artwork:








I am really happy with this guy, as he just has the lumbering, menacing look that I think is  just right for a World Eater in Cataphractii armour. Once again, some doodads from the Bloodreavers were used to make the model a bit more interesting, but the real breakthrough was the use of a Bloodreaver helmet (minus the horns) -- I think it just works perfectly for the character, wouldn't you agree? In fact, I am so happy with the helmet that I will probably used Bloodreaver helmets on the remaining models of the squad as well!


Anyway, as always, let me know what you think! :)

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I need to get myself some Cataphractii Terminators now...damn you Kraut! :laugh.:


Regarding the "screaming to the heavens with ungodly rage" Cataphractii, I reckon he might look good on a little outcropping of rock or some other raised element on the base, just to add a little to the "bellowing with unfettered fury" look. That aside though they look fantastic and I can't wait to see them finished!

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Thanks for the kind words, guys! :)


@ Squigsquasher: Hmm, maybe I should even include the bloody remains of an Ultramarines Evocatus on the screaming guy's base? Might look cool...


@ Teetengee: Thanks! I liked the stock Cataphractii, by and large, but they were just a bit too vanilla for my taste, so I couldn't help myself ;)


@ Venomlust: In addition to simply making the models quite a bit more interesting (and subtly Khornate), those daggers are possibly a sign of a certain status: My idea for the 4th assault company's background is that, even during the latter days of the Crusade, their identity as hunters had already begun to assert itself, so it only seems right that each of their Cataphractii veterans should bear an ornate flensing knife, right?

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I like it.  The head works really well. 


Now I am going to be picky, I even in my own models wouldn't normally be this picky, but your models have such a high attention to detail i feel I should mention it. 


The topknot, looks Great, but the way its attached to the Armour, I feel like it needs a 'joint' to it.. A bit like on the Forgeworld Abaddon model) Though it doesn't need to be that big by any means. just needs to have some type of 'Bracket' to allow it to fit on the Armour. 



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Cheers, Uveron! I see what you mean, although Abaddon's probably not the best example, seeing how his topknot is actually attached to his head, rather than his armour. I am also pretty happy with the general flow of the topknots, so I won't add a bracket underneath to lenghten them like Abbadon's. That said, I can easily see myself going back and adding some kind of detailing at the base of the topknot to make it look like it's attached to the armour in some way.


So I have another Cataphractii Terminator to share with you today. The longer I am working with this kit, the more I realise that quite a bit of work is needed to get some slightly more interesting poses out of the models, but the result certainly warrants a bit of extra work. Take a look:






In addition to tweaking the pose, the main change to the stock part was to make the chainfist look a bit more vicious and brutal, something that was achieved by splicing in the blade of a CSM chainsword:




Oh, and while the head was originally just a test, the look is really growing on me.


So here's the gang so far:




As always, let me know what you think! :smile.:

Edited by KrautScientist
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Looking good there, Kraut. The BaC cataphractii are indeed a pain to make more interesting, mostly because of their 'shoulder pteruges'(for lack of a better term). You did a splendid job, though - especially with mimicking the old school cataphractii art. 


I do have to agree with Uveron about the need for a 'bracket' between the topknot and the armour, though. As it is right now, it looks like the armour is growing the hair, while surely it's attached to it. I don't think Uveron meant a long thing like Abaddon´s per sé, but that it needs something in between the hair and the armour. A thin washer will surely do the trick. Hell, a simple 1mm thick slice from a plastic rod will do it. 

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@ kizzdougs: The great thing about those Bloodreaver helmets is that they are all very slightly different from one another, so using them on the Cataphractii will lead to an uniform look while also providing a bit of extra character to the individual models -- at least that's the plan ;)


Oh, and here's another early WIP for you guys: Although it wasn't planned, I couldn't wait myself and started to make that Cataphractii Praetor look slightly less awkward. Take a look:




The base model is pretty cool in principle, but it's also severly hampered by the somewhat rigid (and slightly uncomfortable looking) pose, so that was the part I really needed to change. I also knew that it wouldn't do for a World Eater to focus so much on a shooting weapon, so I changed the model's entire orientation. The most important part was to cut off the right leg above the knee and slightly rotate it inwards. Such a small thing, really, but it makes the finished pose far less awkward (and the damage is neatly camouflaged by the Praetor's cape). I'm not sure yet whether I want this to be an incarnation of Lord Captain Lorimar or an original character, but I've mocked him up using Lorimar's head for now.


As always, let me know what you think! :)

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Cheers, mate! I'm not quite sure whether or not I'll be keeping the chainfist, though: If this guy should turn into an incarnation of Lorimar, it will probably be replaced with an axe. And even if not, maybe a LC might look cooler?! We'll see...

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Cheers, mate! I'm not quite sure whether or not I'll be keeping the chainfist, though: If this guy should turn into an incarnation of Lorimar, it will probably be replaced with an axe. And even if not, maybe a LC might look cooler?! We'll see...

 Awe, I like that he has chainsaws in both hands :(


But if you're thinking axe, I won't complain :D

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Thanks a lot!


@ Flint: To be honest, nothing has been decided yet. The chainfist was originally my least favourite part of the model, but it does work better with the new pose, mostly for the reason JeffTibbetts outlined above. Then again, if this is going to be Lorimar, he'll need the axe and sword combo. We'll see...

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I really like the underhive gladiators! Also, even if it is an earlier version of your Lord, I imagine he might switch up his weapon choices as he became more and more devoted to Khorne... started with an evicerator and chainfist for sure power, but switched up to the sword and axe for swiftness or challenge....


Either way inspiring stuff. Just reinforces my desire to get a sigmar stater set...

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They all are looking great! 


This is making me ponder picking up the Calth Box set! 



I do have to agree with Uveron about the need for a 'bracket' between the topknot and the armour, though. As it is right now, it looks like the armour is growing the hair, while surely it's attached to it. I don't think Uveron meant a long thing like Abaddon´s per sé, but that it needs something in between the hair and the armour. A thin washer will surely do the trick. Hell, a simple 1mm thick slice from a plastic rod will do it. 


Yes, Abadon was almost the only example I could find. 


But they are realy looking great, and I hate bringing up such a small thing! 

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I can't believe it's the BaC captain... such a minor alteration, with such a major effect. Impressive!


I'd vote to keep the chainfist. I recon he looks pretty awesome as he is. Maybe just lower the head a bit so that it fits properly within the armour's cowling :smile.:


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