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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Suddenly, Death Guard...

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Cheers for the feedback, guys! :)


Just to clarify, though: I'll be going back to the version without a breastplate. I just wanted to show you how it would be possible - and probably not all that hard - to build an armoured Angron with the same basic recipe. My version will have a bare torso, though, both because I want to keep the beautifully sculpted muscles visible and because I spent quite a bit of work getting that Triumph Rope scar just so.

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Ok now I've seen it with the armour I've ordered a Slaughterpriest. I love your original version but I really like the armoured as well. Say again I'm looking forward to seeing some paint on him.
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Hmm, making another, armoured Angron seems like a cool enough idea, but it's not something that'll be happening anytime soon -- I'd rather focus on making the version I have as cool as possible. Besides, the concept is in the best possible hands with Biohazard, so I think we all have something to look forward to :wink:


So with the ongoing nice weather, I decided that today was a great day to troop out my entire 40k chaos collection and take some new photos that I would like to share with you. Here goes:


So, first up, here's an army picture of Khorne's Eternal Hunt. This is what the army looked like earlier today:




The most noticeable addition to the army is the towering form of Gilgamesh, my converted Chaos Knight, now finally marching to war alongside the 4th assault company’s coterie of Daemon Engines:




Another part of the army that I am still tremendously happy with is the Master of the Hunt, Lord Captain Lorimar, surrounded by his Terminator bodyguard, Lorimar’s Fist. Take a look:










And there are many other parts of the army that make me happy whenever I look at them. For instance, this was just a happy accident, but I really love the way my true scale Khârn seems to get psyched-up for battle in the following picture:




I didn’t even stop with the World Eaters, but took photos of my entire 40k Chaos collection while I was at it! Next in line was my small detachment of Traitor Guard, known as “Urash’s Marauders”:




Now this certainly isn’t a big army by any stretch of the imagination. But then again, it’s a rather sizeable collection when you consider the fact that these guys were mainly built on a whim, back when there weren’t even any proper rules for using Traitor Guard (beyond the Vraksian Renegade rules put out by Forgeworld, that is). Anyway, the Marauders can provide some support to the 4th assault company when needed, plus most of the models can do double duty as cultists in a CSM army.




I’ll really have to return to these guys at some point: Looking at them again makes me realise how happy I am with my chaotic Tempestus Scions:




I still have an unpainted icon bearer for this squad — maybe I should paint him next? Anyway, it’s a fun little army project that can complement my World Eaters but can also work on its own — at least from a visual perspective :wink:


But there’s more: Over the years, I have dipped my toes into several smaller chaotic warbands and sub-factions, and each of them could be expanded into a stand-alone warband or detachment at some point.


For instance, here are my Blood Wolves, created to fill the role of Chaos Space Marines with the Mark of Khorne in my World Eaters army:




Joras Turnpelt and his damned brethren surely warrant some more attention — in fact, I have quite a few models already built for a whole squad of Blood Wolves. Ahh, so much unpainted plastic, and so little time (and, let’s face it, even less discipline).

There’s a squad of Plague Marines big enough to actually use in games, if the 4th assault company should ever require their scrofulous assistance:




Let’s not forget Warsmith Greimolt Sturm of the Iron Warriors and his first two soldiers, either. Iron Within, Iron Without!




Once again, these are merely the first models for a small kill team of Iron Warriors that will definitely be finished one of these days! Scout’s honour! :wink:


Actually, here's something that I don't think I have posted over here yet: Back in 2012, when the then-brand-new Codex CSM was released, I celebrated the occasion by building and painting one Astartes for each of the four cult legions, and I am still pretty happy with the models. Take a look:




I tried to capture the visual quintessence of each of the four legions aligned with a major chaos power, and I am still pretty pleased with the outcome. From left to right: Malchius Blight of the Death Guard, Gades Elphenor of the Emperor’s Children, Suresh Asp of the Thousand Sons and Targon Kel of the World Eaters.


When these were posted on my blog, each of the models was actually accompanied by a little...well, poem sounds pretty pompous, but they were little poems. Let me share them inside the spoiler tags, for those of you who are interested:



Brother Malchius Blight, of the Death Guard

He chuckles at the pinpricks of their fire
Like gnats, for all the harm they do
He cuts them open then, his axe
Pitted and scarred, but oh so sharp.
Their death is quick and merciful.
Unlike his own, millennia in the making.

Oh, how he envies them.





Captain Gades Elphenor, of the Emperor’s Children

A dance of death
A line of crimson
The sweet caress of pain
What does it matter
Who lives, who dies?
When all is rapture
And pleasure alike
Show me more!




Magister Suresh Asp, of the Thousand Sons

On and on they come, the fools.
According to their leaders’ plans.
Oblivious to the hidden patterns:
Schemes within schemes, great Tzeentch’s design,
In which they all are naught but pawns

He laughs, except for when he wakes
From dreams of falling silver spires,
The taste of ashes in his mouth.
(No man can know their master’s plan)

And all is dust




Huntmaster Targon Kel, of the World Eaters Traitor Legion

While the battle lasts, that’s all there is.
That, and their lord’s unending thirst.
But off the battlefield, he thinks
Of them; The Carrion Emperor’s dogs
His soul’s ablaze with hatred then
He will not be a slave, a dog.
But a hunter of men
And a taker of skulls

Blood for the Blood God!
And skulls for his throne!



Oh, and last -but very definitely not least – is PDH’s wonderful version of Lord Zhufor the Impaler, given to me as a fantastic gift a while ago:






So yeah, that’s the painted part of my 40k chaos collection. I just love chaos in all of its colours (especially in red, though), and I actually see the many projects I have already started – or partially finished – as great little or small hobby endeavours to get back to whenever I feel like it. Anyway, so much for my collection. I hope you’ve enjoyed these latest pictures and I would love to hear any feedback you might have! As always, let me know what you think!



Edited by KrautScientist
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Dude. That was easily my favourite post in this entire thread. Your collection has grown so much in the last two years - I think you underestimate your productivity sometimes.


I'm so glad you shared the four cult marines - they take the prize, as far as I'm concerned. Especially that Emperor's Child, although that Death Guard's pose and the Tzeentchian sorcerer are nothing to slouch at either. Consider me impressed and amazed. :tu: 

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Wow dude, Gilgamesh is the definition of centerpiece model.


It's super cool how you can still pick out those vivid blue spot details even at an army-wide range.


Spot on. 

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@ Flint: Thanks a lot, Slaughter-Daughter! Very glad to hear you like the army. And yeah, those noticeable blue spots here and there make me rather happy when looking at the army as a whole :)


@ Auggs: Ha, DexterKong asked me the exact same thing yesterday! The background is an old roll of cork wallpaper (literally what it says on the tin) that my grandpa must have picked up twenty years ago. I found it while cleaning the garage one day and have been using it as a photo background, especially for bigger photo projects, ever since.

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How did you make the Warsmiths melee weapon? I think out of all the things you have done (save for your world eaters coming in first for me) that the Warsmith and your chaos techmarine hold a tie for second in my opinion. All in all, a awesome and great army! I probably need to revive my thread with a army shot due to college has kept me away from the hobby.

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Cheers, guys!


@ Eldrick Shadowblade: Oh, alright, here are the Daemon Engines again -- I'll be putting them in spoiler tags, though, seeing how they have already been featured elsehwere on this thread:



First up is "Unending Bloodlust", my Defiler conversion:




This is mostly just an elaborate reposing of the stock Defiler kit, getting rid of the "gorilla arms", shortening the undercarriage a bit, moving the main cannon to the left arm and the head to the center of the torso. The only bigger part borrowed from another kit is the Havoc Launcher. To give credit where credit is due, this is my interpretation of a much slicker conversion performed by AMaximus a couple of years ago.


Then we have the "Hellrazor", my converted Heldrake:




Once again, the conversion mostly uses the Heldrake stock parts and moves around some of the elements: The dragon neck and head are gone, as are the arms. The biggest wings got moved to the sockets intended for the arms (in order to make the model resemble the Hellblade). A head and some mechanical tentacles from the Forgefiend/Maulerfiend kit were used as well.


Next up, the "Wargrinder", a counts-as Forgefiend (presumably...);




The base model was a GK Nemesis Dreadknight. I added many chaotic bitz (from the chaos vehicle sprue and other sources). Armour plates from the fiend kit were used as leg armour. The right arm and left upper-arm came from the Heldrake kit, the left forearm is a weapon from the Forgefiend kit.The head came from an old G.I.Joe action figure ;)


And here's "Gorespite", a mostly unconverted Forgefiend:




I only added a necklace, some skulls and a long tail (from the Ogre Stonehorn kit), because I thought it suited the model's overall flow.


And finally, even though they are not Daemon Engines, strictly speaking, my four Helbrutes/Chaos Dreadnoughts. Each of these has been converted to some degree, most of them from loyalist Dreadnought kits:







@ ChapterMasterDemon7: Thanks, mate! The Warsmith's hammer actually was a really simple conversion: I used the hand holding a staff from the Chaos Terminator Lord kit, shortened the staff and exchanged the top for a hammer head from the Dragon Ogre kit. Voilà! ;)

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Hey everyone, so here's a shot intermission in between all of the World eaters: I realised that my true scale Chaptermaster conversion for INQ28 was still missing a finalised left hand, so I worked on that for a bit earlier today.

I followed an excellent suggestion by EdT over at the Ammobunker to have the Chapter Master hold an amulet/rosary in his left hand, and in the end I didn't even need the Stormcast Eternals bit he linked to, but discovered a suitable part on the Sternguard sprue. Take a look:




As always, let me know what you think! :)


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