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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Suddenly, Death Guard...

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This thread is absolutely inspiring; for me it's the epitome of how chaotic/spikey Chaos should be!

Can I ask how you painted the brass on the chap above? The colour looks awesome.

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Thanks a lot,  guys! :)


@ Mechanist: Hmm, maybe painting that banner did manage to get Khorne's attention after all...? ;)


@ Blackjack13: The brass areas were basecoated with Vallejo Tinny Tin, then liberally washed with Army Painter's Strong Tone (which is essentially Devlan Mud by another name) and then drybrushed with GW Dwarf Bronze. Hope this helps! :)


In other news, Tsk, stupid page break ;)


So here's another update on Skulltaker: I added another round of highlights and tidied up the last rough edges. Most of the changes probably won't be all that visible to you, but they do make a difference up close. So I am basically calling the model itself finished now:












This is actually my first Khornate daemon - or even my first daemon, period - and I daresay it's a pretty convincing premiere, all things considered. One thing I am really happy with is the skin, and I need to give credit where credit is due: I painted this part of the model faithfully following the first part of Duncan Rhodes' two-part video series on how to paint a Bloodthirster. It's a really effective recipe, and it worked just as well here - using somewhat smaller brushes, admittedly :wink:








So with the model itself now finished, I am currently working on a suitable base for it. Some experimentation is involved. Stay tuned for more :wink:


Until then, as always, let me know what you think! :smile.:



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Cheers, mate! ;)


So here's my first completed model for this year's ETL, base and all: Calvarax the Exalted, my counts as Skulltaker:






















Under normal circumstances, I am not a big fan of skull bases, but it did feel appropriate to use on, just this once ;)




I am really very happy with the model, to be honest! It

 may not look like it, but I really moved beyond my comfort zone with this piece, especially when it comes to the recipe for the skin! And while the red used on the model are quite different from my World Eaters, I think there are enough touches (the brass, the turquoise, the general look of the bases) to link this model to my army:




As always, let me know what you think! :)



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I think he fits in very well. 


The style of the model is also the same with the extra time you spend on kit-bashing, it helps tie it all together, (as does the basing). But it has a difference so its kinda clear they are not the same, I mean they are Allies... so its like seeing the difference between two armies in NATO for a real world example. 

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Baller as always.





You're work is too good Mr Krautscientist. You really capture the essence of what its all about, crosses borders and boundaries, and using colour and style to pull it all together to somehow and make it work. Words fail me, and that's how you know its magic.


The (not) skulltaker is really cool, very dynamic. I think as a viewer he just feels unwhelming because everything from you lately has been so big. I need to take a refresher anyway, I haven't looked around in awhile :happy.:

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Thanks a lot, people! I really appreciate the kind words!


A small update today, and for a sad reason, unfortunately: My favourite FLGS has just gone under, and that really sucks because I have been picking up virtually all of my hobby stuff there for years. The least I could do was a little tribute, though, and when Carsten, the owner of the store, gave me a Space Wolves model he had assembled himself as a small gift, I just had to make a few tweaks (a new head, shoulder pad and axe blade),...








…and now Kharrsten Bloodhowl, the Death-Dealer, stands ready to join my next batch of traitorous Space Wolves and ultimately become a part of Khorne’s Eternal Hunt:



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Damn. That story hits me where it hurts. If the FLGS where I am shut down, I too would be devastated. Heartfelt condolences for your, and your communities, loss.


The Traitor SWs look swell. Lots of potential for some very scary/epic looking models.

The tribute to Carsten is a fantastic touch, and hopefully one he'll enjoy as well.


One nitpick; the helmet on Karsten seems a bit on the small side. Tiny Head Syndrome, as it were.

Still looks brutal, just a bit off.



Edit- the 'looking executioner' vibe you have going gives the model a very real gravitas to him.

Edited by SalvationOfReason
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Thanks a lot, people! I really appreciate the kind words!


A small update today, and for a sad reason, unfortunately: My favourite FLGS has just gone under, and that really sucks because I have been picking up virtually all of my hobby stuff there for years. The least I could do was a little tribute, though, and when Carsten, the owner of the store, gave me a Space Wolves model he had assembled himself as a small gift, I just had to make a few tweaks (a new head, shoulder pad and axe blade),...








…and now Kharrsten Bloodhowl, the Death-Dealer, stands ready to join my next batch of traitorous Space Wolves and ultimately become a part of Khorne’s Eternal Hunt:



How is that a sad reason? That is rather brutal looking, and could only be more brutal if he had bare arms and only one shoulder pad.


Dammit kraut the 8's are aligning

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Aww man, that sucks. My FLGS is one of the main reasons I haven't moved out of town- if it shut down I'd probably up and leave. Best wishes to Carsten.


The traitor Wolf looks fantastic though. He looks like a real brute.

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It is a real pity that yu have lost your FLGS and really nice that Carsten gave you a gift.


The model Kharrsten looks good, shame we couldn't see him before the transformation.

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It's never easy when a place you worked, or regularity frequented goes the way of the dodo....it's especially a shame when communities are concerned...


I wish the man the best for the future. Been there before, it's not a pleasant felling

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Yeah, I've been there, too. Both as a retailer and a customer. Supporting local stores over online ones to save a few bucks is always the better Option. I'm sad for Carsten, you and your community for the loss. I wish Carsten well, and salute his spirited good-bye gift... :(
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The base really finishes Calvarax the Exalted and is a perfect match to a pile of skulls base.

The loss of a good hobby store is such a blow to the community not just as a resource for getting stuff, playing or socialising. But also recruiting all those that won't be able to wander in and discover the hobby.

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That's really unfortunate about your FLGS. I haven't been into mine yet; and after reading your blog post, I probably ought to pop in and show my support for the business.


I love Kharrsten, although I have to agree with SalvationOfReason; his head does come across as a tad small.

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That's a really characterful squad you have there Kraut, can't wait to see them with some paint on. On a side note I can't believe I haven't posted in here yet, your army is fantastic and the conversions you do really make every model stand out :D


Looking forward to more!



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Cheers for the words of commiseration, everyone! I really appreciate the sentiment. As would Carsten, I am certain.


Regarding Kharrsten Bloodhowl, while you guys may be right about the size of the head, I just love the brutal, archaic look of those Bloodreaver and Marauder helmets too much to let them go, even though they are slightly less bulky than regular Marine heads -- which are freakishly big, though, more often than not ;) Anyway, I think I'll have to live with the head being somewhat on the small side.


I did forget to take any pictures of the model before adding the chaos-y tweaks, admittedly. Although I can tell you that I didn't change much: The original head was that SW helmet shaped like a wolf's head (which is cool, but also slightly tacky). The original axe blad was replaced with a blade from the AoS Bloodreavers. And I swapped in a shoulder pad with a Khornate rune on it, as well as a dangling trophy skull. Apart from that, the model remains as Carsten originally assembled it.


In the meantime, working on my ETL vow continues. Here's a PIP picture of Apothecary Dumah / my counts as Fabius Bile:




There's still quite a bit of work to be done, but at least I am getting somewhere, right? ;)


As always, let me know what you think! :)

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Thanks a lot, guys! :smile.:


@ Lord Haelim Lev: You know, if we wanted to be really exact about it, the model is a combination of no less than four Dark Vengeance models: The torso came from the DA biker sergeant, the legs and right arm from one of the Chosen, the left arm from another Chosen and the censers on the backpack from the limited edition Chaplain that came with the first edition of the box :wink:


@ Augs: Same here, buddy: For the longest time I thought the model might be jinxed because I just couldn't seem to start painting it :wink:


@ Mechanist: Of course I've been thinking about a second vow, but I am taking things really slowly and one at a time this year, because I don't want to fail again :wink: So let's focus on those three first models and treat everything else as bonus, alright?


So here's another update on Apothecary Dumah, and I am happy to be able to show you the almost finished model. Take a look:










Unfortunately, the lighting in the pictures eats up quite a few of the subtler red higlights, making the armour look flatter than it actually is -- you'll just have to give me the benefit of the doubt here :wink:


Another effect that I am fairly happy with does show up in the pictures, though: I tried to suggest the impression of liquid sloshing around in those vials on Dumah's belt and inside the huge syringe on his narthecium gauntlet:




As always, let me know what you think! :smile.:

Edited by KrautScientist
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