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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Suddenly, Death Guard...

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The pin highlights of shine on the vials look great, I can't tell if you've glossed them or not which shows the effect is working.

I wouldn't worry to much about a second vow like I said I didn't risk anything this year simply because of home and work life. Getting my Daemon Knight Build finished is higher on the priority simply because of the investment in the one model and the couple of hours a week I get modelling isn't enough to do more than one thing at a time.

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Is it me or has your red darkened just a teeny tiny bit over the last couple of mini's? Not that I'm complaining - I actually really like it - but has your Blood Red finally ran out and have you started using Mephiston Red?

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Oh no, you are totally correct: I keep saving the last teeny tiny drop of Blood Red I have (courtesy of you, by the way :wink: ) for special occasions, so I had to change my recipe around quite a bit for this guy. He actually looks pretty different from the rest of my army, to be honest, but there wasn't much to be done about that, so I decided to paint him as well as I could and then figure out everything else :wink: If anyting, the new red isn't darker, but quite a bit brighter, though!

Edited by KrautScientist
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Oh really? I'm glad to hear that almost dried-out pot of Blood Red I semt you gets some use! Anyway, if you want to go darker, perhaps mixing Khorne Red with Mohiston Red is a solution? I have a pot with a 1:1 mix of Caliban Green and Khorne Red which I use as a base for all my Night Lords symbols and Imperial Fists weapon cases, and I can tell you it is awesome to have a custom mix at the ready.
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I actually used the better part of that pot you sent me to paint Lorimar, so yes, it definitely did come in handy ;)


The recipe for Dumah has been as follows:


- basecoat with Khorne Red

- wash with Army Painter Strong Tone

- add a layer of Mephiston Red

- add some highlights with a 50:50 mix of Mephiston Red and Evil Sunz Scarlet

- glaze with Bloodletter

- selectively apply some Druchii Violet into the recesses

- add some final highlights with almost pure Evil Sunz Scarlet


And it's a nice enough recipe, really. It just results in a look that's different from my earlier models -- I'll post a side by side comparison, once Dumah has been finished.

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I have 2 pots of blood red every time I look at them I think of you. I have nothing painted that requires them for consistency as the only army I want to "match" would be Orks and colour variation there is perfectly acceptable. In the mean time I keep having to rescue them from getting too thick. PM me an address if you want them posting over. 

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@ Mechanist: Mate, that would be amazingly generous of you, and unless the logistics of sending those pots of paint over should turn out to be prohibitively complicated, I am more than happy to take you up on your offer! Expect a PM shortly ;)


So daylight was already on its way out by the time I took the following pictures, but I was just so happy to have mostly finished my next ETL model that I simply couldn't wait. So here's the model, finished except maybe for a tiny touchup here and there:











Apothecary Dumah, Chooser of the Slain, Primus Medica of the World Eaters‘ 4th assault company




The presence of Lord Dumah could be one of the most important reasons for the ability of the 4th to still function as a fairly coherent fighting force, for it is due to his art that the company still has access to a way of replenishing its ranks instead of being left to slowly bleed out over the millennia: Apothecaries are a rare enough breed in the traitor legions, and especially so among the World Eaters, whose Apothecaries have succumbed to the bite of the nails for the most part, abandoning their former battlefield role in favour of bloodshed and insanity.

During the times of the Great Crusade, Dumah served directly under First Apothecary Fabrikus, and he was among those tasked with duplicating the archaic and little-understood neural implants Angron had been outfitted with on Nuceria. While working on the task of implanting an ever increasing part of the legion with those
“Butcher’s Nails”, Dumah became aware of their debilitating nature and began in-depth research into the possibility of mitigating the negative effects of the implants.
Yet there was little tolerance for this kind of experimentation within the legion, as the Red Angel himself regarded any attempt at tempering with the function of the nails as a way of compromising their effectiveness and purity. So this line of research was quickly abandoned by all but a few Apothecaries, while the legion fell deeper and deeper into madness and bloodlust.

Ten millennia later, Dumah still serves as the 4th assault company’s Primus Medicae and has earned the epithet
“Chooser of the Slain”, as his task is twofold: As a dark, Grim Reaper-like figure, he moves among the fallen and chooses which geneseed to harvest from fallen World Eaters and which to leave to rot, because it is too twisted and curdled by corruption to be safely used for implantation any longer. And he looks for those fallen enemies whose prowess in battle and martial honour have made them eligible for being inducted into the XII legion – either by being granted the kiss of the nails or, in very rare cases, a full conversion to an Astartes in the first place.

When off the battlefield, Dumah still continues his experiments with the aim of countering the nails’ degrading effects, and he feels that he is coming closer to a possible breakthrough with every generation of new implants and with every harvested progenoid. The only question is if there will still be enough of the company left to profit from his eventual success…



As always, let me know what you think! :)



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The conversion was sweet to begin with. Now, with your striking, colour scheme and your detailed painting, I kinda want to own that model. But the fluff made him come to life.


This is why this thread rocks.



The Narthecium is a DV Chosen power fist and a part of the GK Narthecium, right?

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Thanks a lot for the kind words, guys! :smile.:


@ Augs: Whoa, buddy, that is basically the biggest compliment I can think of -- thank you very much! :smile.:


@ Quixus: Yes, exactly: A power fist from one of the Chosen, combined with a GK Narthecium. Well spotted, sir :wink:


@ Nemac Vradon: Next up will the the converted Kastelan, I believe. Wish me luck!


@ Teetengee: You mean those fluid vials, right? I just wwent and whipped up a mini-tutorial for your perusal :wink:



Mini-tutorial: Painting glass vials containing liquids


Disclaimer: There's probably a thousand ways to do this, and may approaches that are ultimately better than mine, but it's a quick and simple recipe that has worked rather well for me so far. Thanks must go to JeffTibbetts, as it was only after seeing a similar effect used on his "Queen Bee" that I began to "reverse-engineer" a recipe for such an effect :wink: Anyway, here goes:


I'll be using a turquoise colour scheme for this, both because it's a recurring spot colour in my army and because it produces a result that reasonably resembles liquid-filled glass vials. This should really work with any number of different colours, though. The three colours I use are Vallejo's Halcon Millenario Turquoise, black and white (any brand will do for these, obviously). And now for the actual steps. Here, I made a diagram for you:




Step 1: Mix your main colour (turquoise in this case) with a drop of black to take away some of the pop. Then paint the entire vial using this colour. Adding the black is optional, although in my case the stock turquoise was *very* bright and stunning, so I needed to take the edge off a bit :wink:


Step 2: Add more black to the mix and paint the lower third or so of the vial in this darker colour. If you are doing this while the paint is still moist, you may even be able to pull off a bit of wet-blending here.


Step 3: Use your original main colour and paint the area immediately below the upper third of the vial with this. What you want here is a gradient moving from the original turquoise to the much darker mix at the bottom. Again, if you are fast enough, the efffect will look all the more convincing. But if the vial is very small,the effect will work even without any wet-blending involved, so feel free to take your time.


Step 4: Add a drop of white to the turquoise and paint a thin line at the top of the layer from step 4. This is our "waterline", so to speak.


Step 5: Add even more white to the mix (until there's only a hint of turquoise in there) and use it to paint thin vertical lines along the vial to suggest light reflecting off the glass. Don't overdo it! One or two thin lines are enough. They also need to be really thin, lest they end up covering all the paintwork underneath.


That's it -- you can now add a generous layer of gloss varnish to make the vials look even more like glass.


One last piece of advice: The above recipe is intended for vials that are perfectly straight. If you know in advance that your vial will be held at an angle, make sure to align the waterline accordingly: Unless there's a lot of speed (and/or centrifugal force) involved, the waterline should still be parallel to the ground, even when the vial itself is not! Like on these vials that appear on the arm of my Chaos Knight:




There. Hope this helps! :wink:



So here's the comparison picture showing the different red recipes, like I promised:




The Terminator Lord in the middle uses my original recipe, based on the now OOP Blood Red. The Lheorvine Ukris conversion on the right uses a somewhat more experimental version of the recipe I used for the Apothecary: It's slightly closer to the original colour than the red on Dumah, admittedly, but it's slightly more messy and less elegant as well, so I think I may ultimately be sticking to the new recipe, after all.


As for the ETL, my first two models re now officially finished. Yay!




Two down, one to go! :wink: As always, let me know what you think!

Edited by KrautScientist
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Dumah looks, as I said before, stunning. Even more so now that he is completely finished! Also, thanks for the vial tutorial, that'll come in handy when I start my Knight. :)


Now that you've completed the two infantry mini's in your vow, you can finally start work on your counts-as Contemptor! YAY!

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Again, thanks a lot, guys! :)


@ Dragonlover: No, I've never worked with any of the P3 colours, as my FLGS didn't carry them, and I've always focused on supplies that were easy enough to obtain in my vincinity, without having to order huge amounts of stuff online. Yet with my favourite store having gone belly-up just now, I'll have to rethink that approach anyway, so yeah...;)


@ Augs: I've actually left the bigger model for last on purpose, because I expect the slightly larger scale to be fun to work with -- we'll see. I won't be able to start on him right away, though, as I have run out of Chaos Black spray. So progress is on hold until I can pick up a new can of the stuff.


In the meantime, I have a little "bonus model" for you, so to speak: Back when GW released the Mephiston Red spray, I got a can of it straight away, because I thought it might become a very valuable tool for painting my World Eaters and my Chaos Knight. Unfortunately, the stuff performed rather terribly, and I ended up with a test model that was a slog to paint:



Everything still looked pretty nice until after spraying, with a nice red undercoat across the whole model. But when I began to pick out the details in different colours, I realised that the undercoat had a somewhat strange texture that made the colours on top behave strangely, turning the whole painting progress into an exercise in frustration:




Now this is about as far as I got with the model:




But when the colour actually started rubbing off in places, revealing the bright red undercoat, I basically abandoned the whole project as a failure -- and the half-finished model kept sitting on a sideboard, daring me to finish it at some point.


Well, with the recent success of finally having painted Apothecary Dumah, I thought "What the heck?" and gave the model another try: I repainted the armour with the new red recipe and persevered, because I really rather like this particular conversion and didn't want to abandon it completely, and here's what I ended up with:








Now this is hardly my best work - and it couldn't be, what with the damage left by the original undercoat - but this guy is at least presentable enough now to take his place amongst the rank and file, and I am pretty happy that I've managed to finish the paintjob, after all!


As always, let me know what you think!



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So here's a picture showing the 4th assault company's commanding officers that I took yesterday:




In a way, this picture really serves as a short visual history of my last five years in the hobby, as the first of these guys must have been built shortly after I got back into the hobby in late 2010/early 2011, while the most recent one was finally finished this week.


As always, let me know what you think! :smile.:

Edited by KrautScientist
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Cool group shot! I also really like the grey background you've started using lately. It matches your bases far better, adding to the atmosphere of your army.


I'm still amazed at how similar we are in terms of hobby history. We're practically the same age, were intorudced to the hobby in the early nineties, and came back at exactly the same point - only to embrace chaos a second time. :tu:

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my favorite name is turnpelt! But let me testify for the p3 color range. They are truly exceptional paints and my nurgle chaos space marines use their blighted gold to great effect. Infact i will use thier gold colors almost exclusively from now on. Id be willing to ship some to you I'm that confident!
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