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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Suddenly, Death Guard...

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I'm really digging the skin. It almost seems like a shame to cover it all up with the armour.


If you do another Bloodthirster though, I'd love to see you do it with a really pale skin colour, like that one version of the Forge World model.


In any case, good luck with the ETL!

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Thanks a lot, guys! :)


@ Suigsquasher: Yeah, I already caught myself feeling the same way regarding the idea of the skin being covered up -- maybe I'll be leaving off one or two of the armour plates. We'll see. As for a Bloodthirster with light skin -- sorry, mate, not very likely: With Bloodthirsters, it's always a toss up between red and black skin for me, and pale skin doesn't really facture into that equation. Plus I imagine it would be chore to paint ;)


@ Augs: The square base is only for painting purposes, leaving me free to build the oval base before I paint it separately. As for the colour scheme: While you said you were having a terrible time painting your Bloodthirster, the work on this one has been a blast so far, and I suppose it has to do with the general approach: The sheer amount of texture and detailing on the skin makes it clear to me that the model was designed with drybrushing in mind, and I am surprised at how very effective the technique has been so far.

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Love what you've done with the paint on this one. The armor looks lovely. Not a fan of that left arm though. Needs addressing if I'm to be completely honest.


EDIT: this is regarding the demon prince. I thought I was at the last page of your thread and up to date when replying.

Edited by KBA
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@ KBA: Help me out here, mate: What is it about the arm that you think needs addressing? I am obviously not seeing it, or I wouldn't have called the model finished ;)


I will say that the left arm has been tweaked several times until I was happy with it, though -- make of that what you will...

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@ KBA: Help me out here, mate: What is it about the arm that you think needs addressing? I am obviously not seeing it, or I wouldn't have called the model finished ;)


I will say that the left arm has been tweaked several times until I was happy with it, though -- make of that what you will...

Again, I really love that paint job. Well done there.


As for the left arm, it doesn't work with the model's overall pose IMO. You're right that those bulky demon engine arms are a nightmare to convert, but where you've taken your GS skills in the last few projects of yours, I don't doubt you could have brought the forearm in or worked it in a way that doesn't feel like your hands were tied with the arm.

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To be perfectly honest, I am actually far happier with the left arm than with the right arm: I think the left arm looks as though the Daemon Princewere trying to swat away a bothersome opponent and/or reach down and pick up one of those puny mortals opposing him. Granted, the pose would actually work better if he were looking towards the arm, but turning the head would have been a major surgery, so I left it in its standard position. And while there is a bit of a compromise going on here, due to the somewhat eclectic combination of parts I used, I think a lot of the awkwardness, the overmuscled grotesqueness etc. really play into the effect I wanted to achieve. Plus you shouldn't forget that he was built two or three years ago, so I probably wasn't quite as accomplished back then ;)

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Thanks a lot for the kind words, guys!


So here's a small progress report on that Bloodthirster. It may not look like much progress at all, but I have managed to block in all the detail on the body without messing up the skin, so that is certainly something ;)








I have also managed to finish the wing membranes, which is great news: Those wings just aren't a whole lot of fun to paint, even if you go for a minimalist approach like me ;)




As always, let me know what you think! :)



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Looking great, kraut. At this rate, you might even do a fourth vow. Khorne would be half pleased ;)



Those wings just aren't a whole lot of fun to paint, even if you go for a minimalist approach like me :wink:

I feel your pain. I had to do them in your elaborate skin recipe - the one with five layers. No drybrushing. Drove me half mad!

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Cheers, guys! :)


@ Augs: I am pretty sure that is will be my final vow, buddy. I've already done much more than I had originally planned, and going any further would just be pushing my luck. Besides, I would rather make sure the Bloodthirster ends up looking as cool as possible, as it's not all that often that I manage to work up the courage to paint a centrepiece model like this ;)


Speaking of which, here's another update: Time to get dressed:










As always, let me know what you think! :)

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The armour is looking pretty damn nice! The black bits of the armour remind me of cast iron. The Bloodthirster is a great looking kit full stop, and were I of the Khornate persuasion I'd love to paint one. Now if only the rest of the Greater Daemons would get plastic renditions. Oh well, my scratch-sculpted KoS will have to do for now...

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Again, thanks for all the positive feedback, people! I really find I am enjoying this paintjob far more than expected, and I am certainly rally happy with the outcome so far!


@ Mikhal LeNoir: Normal, Alta! ;) Seriously, though: I think the whole secret is that GW's video tutorial for painting the skin was so effective and also produced such an outstanding result in a very short timespan, which in turn provided the motivation for me to stick with the paintjob. By the same token, a certain painting fatugue is slowly starting to set in, but the model's fortunately pretty close to being finished now, so yeah ;)


@ Augs: Weren't you more bothered by the fact that he doesn't even have any nipples in the first place? Although I suppose it makes sense from a metaphysical angle, with daemons kinda being outside the concept of natural evolution and everything, but still...


@ Teetengee: Actually, the arour colour was basically me flailing around in an attempt to find something that produced enough contrast against the red skin without being pure black. Not sure the result is brilliant or anything, but here's the recipe, in case you want to reproduce it:


  • black undercoat
  • a basecoat of Abaddon Black with the tiniest drop of Leadbelcher mixed into it
  • a heavy wash of three parts Dark Tone (Nuln Oil) and one part Vallejo Smoky Ink
  • add a layer of slightly thinned down Abaddon Black on top.

It's quite possible, however, that just painting the armour plates flat black would lead to the exact same look: I kinda lack the professional distance to be able to tell at this point ;)


@ Quixus & Andvarr A: Just to reiterate, that square base is just a stopgap solution for painting this guy. It will be replaced by an oval base, and I already have a rough outline for it in the back of my head. It'll be a challenge not to go overboard with it while also keeping it structurally sound ;)


@ Squigsquasher, Angrypantz & Eldrick Shadowblade: Cheers, guys! :)



So, work on the Bloodthirster continues, although progress no longer happens in leaps and bounds, but rather in smaller increments: The Bloodthirster is one of those models where you cover lots of ground early on and can then spend an eternity on all those intricate details. That being said, I think the main body is just about finished now:








Now there's a detail that I would really like to hear your thoughts on: My original plan was to use the full set of armour plates that come with the kit, i.e. a breastplate, the two upper-thigh plates, a set of vambraces, a skull-shaped shoulder pad and the two smaller tilting plates that attach to either side of the breastplate. But now that I have added the breastplate and thigh-armour, I find myself reluctant to cover up more of the red skin: I really like the look of the bare shoulders and the part where you can just glimpse the musculature of the daemon beneath the breastplate, and I am beginning to feel like adding more of the armour would actually diminish the coolness of the model -- I'd love to hear your thoughts on this matter!




As always, let me know what you think! :)

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