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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Baby steps...

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Got to chip in with the praise for the Flesh Hound Conversion. My first reaction when I saw it was of course combining a Dragon Ogre and the new Bloodthirster would work out like that! I think it's just an amazing idea you got there.


Can't wait to see how it looks like with a full base.

Edited by MosesGunn
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So many ideas I want to unashamedly steal!

First, echoing the consensus of the Flesh hound - brilliance. So much more imposing than the current finecast ones. I'd love to see a Karanak modelled using your method.

Second - a question for you. Seeing your use of the Wrathmongers, I picked up a box for myself - more so for the plethora of Khorne parts originally. However, seeing the scale of the legs first hand - do you think it would be too far of a stretch to make unit champions from a mix of the Wrathmonger legs (sans the more daemonic ones, I'm totally stealing that idea for a Herald from you. I'm a horrible thief, I know.) with Terminator torsos cut down ala true-scaling methods by Doghouse and the others? I worry they might be too tall compared to the units they're in. Wouldn't mind some opinions on that before I go full tilt into it.


Looking forward to seeing things progress!

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Cheers for the positive feedback, guys! I really appreciate it! :)


@ InsanePsychopath: Hmm, I think Lheor will stay on his own (or rather, he'll be accompanied by a squad of original characters/Havocs). Having him as a part of my army makes no canonical sense whatsoever, and adding his buddies (who are probably all dead anyway) would complicate the issue even further. So he'll just be a lone character cameo in my corps of heavy weapon specialists. In other news, you aren't half-pressuring people into building those Bloodsword from Eater of Worlds, are you, mate? ;)


@ Martox: As it happens, I have been playing around with the kind of conversions you mention, and can safely say that a) the Wrathmonger/Skullreaper torsos perfectly fit Chaos Terminator legs and b) Wrathmonger/Skullreaper legs also fit chaos Terminator torsos -- although the latter option will create a model with legs that are looking slightly too slender. I think it should be possible to alleviate the effect by adding some of the armour plates from the Skullreaper kit, though -- maybe I should post some of my findings here soon...

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Cheers, Jeff! Funny you should mention the Skullreapers, as I do indeed have a new WIP to share with you today ;)


But first, to give credit where credit is due, I have to say that the model I want to show you owes quite a lot to Martox' recent true scale Khornate Marine: I chose a similar approach to come up with my own true scaled World Eater. Take a look:










Just like Martox, I used a Chaos Terminator torso for the upper body, but I shaved mine down until it worked (and until the original Skullreaper breastplate fit over it). The axe was spliced together from a Chaos Terminator weapon and an axe from the Skullreaper kit. And the right pauldron came from a very sweet bitz package Augustus b'Raass sent me earlier this week (cheers, mate!).


And here's a scale comparison shot showing the WIP World Eater next to my (pretty big) true scaled loyalist Marine:




As always, let me know what you think! :)

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Cheers, mate! As it happens, you may not have to wait all that long, as I will be using that Warsmith model as a test piece for the new Leadbelcher spray, which I intend to use on the metallic parts of my Chaos Knight. So the plan right now is to pledge the Knight for ETL and just throw in the Warsmith as part of the first pledge, seeing how I'll have to paint him anyway ;)


Does nobody have to say anything about that true scale World Eater, though...?

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I do.


I love him! I wasn't expecting to like the skullcrusher head on the Wrathmonger body as much as I do. The skull crushers are awesome, don't get me wrong, but I would have thought they were a little too "knightly" for the more chaotic looking body. But it works quite well with the rest of the heavily armored look.


The only thing I'm not a fan of is the bare arm. It looks maybe 20% too small for the rest of his body, but off hand I can't think of one that would be sufficiently beefy.

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Cheers for the feedback, people! :)


@ Flint: The head works really well, doesn't it? That was certainly a bit of a happy accident ;) I do think the "expressionlessness", for lack of a better word, of the Skullcrusher helmet makes the model look implacable and sinister, which I like. I'll have to disagree about the arm, however: If anything, it's almost too chunky -- it's certainly beefier than some of the Skullreaper/Wrathmonger arms. But then again, getting this right is always tricky business, because a totally unarmoured arm would realistically be much thinner than the armoured version, but you cannot have them looking to dissimilar, so as not to make the mode look imbalanced. Anyway, I am pretty happy with the compromise, to be honest.


@ Auggie: Cheers, mate! As you can see, I put that pauldron to good use right away ;) As for the truescaling, it'll mostly be limited to INQ28, I fear -- I am still committed to a "regular" army for 40k, after all ;)


@ Mol: I would agree with you if this were a loyalist Marine, but the anachronistic and baroque elements of the model, such as the knightly boots, leather straps etc., are really a good thing for me: I love the idea that Chaos Space Marines grow more and more baroque and archaic -- after all, they have spent an unknown amount of time in the Great Eye, with both the general corrupting influence as well as the strange customs there influencing their wargear. For instance, a Chaos Space Marine could become some kind of mythical warrior king in a feudal, medieval world within the Eye, and maybe his - once futuristic - wargear would reflect that? Anyway, Khornate Marines can never possibly be archaic and baroque enough for me ;)


@ miteyheroes: Looking forward to seeing that, mate!

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Cheers, guys! :)


@ Retributis: Hmm, I don't think so -- the banner pole is looking unwieldy enough as is, and lenghtening it would make that even worse. I am also really happy it's all glued together now, so I think it'll stay that way. Sorry! ;)


@ Auggie: Cheers, mate! There's something wonderfully vicious and sinister about some of those Slaven bitz which makes them very useful for Traitor Guard, I think.

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Cheers, mate!  :thumbsup:


A small update today: I made an icon bearer for my Traitor Guard Elite:








Some bits from the Stormverin kit really came in handy on this guy -- I just love that standard!


Anyway, let me know what you think! :smile.:


This for me perfectly fits my mental image of the 'Blood Pact' from Gaunts Ghosts... Amazing...

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