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Khorne's Eternal Hunt - KrautScientist's chaotic WIP thread 2024: Baby steps...

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@ Auggie: Huh, tell me about it -- I am really much happier with the finished model than I had expected beforehand, which is why I now want to build more Iron Warriors, even though I have zero use for them and don't want to get sidetracked. What I really hate about one-off projects is how they never seem to stay one-off. At least for me ;)


Anyway, I indulged myself and built the coolest, most badass IW champ I could come up with:










As you can see, I have him quite a bit of wargear, because that creates the workmanlike look I think is so cool about the Iron Warriors.


Anyway, let me know what you think! :)

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Cheers, mate! Glad to hear it, too, because that was certainly one of the most important things about this conversion: I wanted his legion to instantly recognisable from looking at the model.


And here he is, already undercoated:








I doubt I'll be going any further with him tonight, but I like how he already seems more finished than models merely undercoated in black or white. Yes, I know it's a cheap psychological trick, but still...


As always, let me know what you think! :)

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Great looking III legionnaire - just kidding it is obviously an Iron Warrior. It is really interesting what the metallic undercoat does.  did you prime it first or did that colour go directly on the plastic?

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Where is that Helmet from, my buddy is making plans for an IW army he'll loose his shiznaz over that helm.

Also, top looking conversion. Instantly knew it was an IW even before he was all metallic.

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Cheers, guys! :)


@ Vladvar: Your own Iron Warriors were actually a huge inspiration for this guy, along with InsanePsychopath's army. Glad to finally be able to put all those stolen IW ideas to use on an actual model! ;)

No worries mate, don't worry I shall steal some ideas from you too :P haha glad I can be of some source inspiration, as are you.... Now I just need to get out of my Lamenters phase to get back on with my IWs... Although with all that mech stuff coming out I have caught the dark mech bug, lol.

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Cheers for the kind words, guys!


@ OSS: Haha, you caught me red-handed there, mate: I feel kinda ashamed now, because that helmet is really great for Iron Warriors, isn't it? In any case, you may rest easy in the knowledge that you already did it before it was cool ;)


@ Shinobi: Don't worry -- that thread of yours is pretty great as well, so I can lurk/stalk right back when I need to ;)

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Yup, he's awesome. If you're finished with your IWs, and still find no use for them... You hVe my address! :wink: just sayin' :biggrin.:





Seriously, though: Cheers for the feedback! ;)


I think we all know at this point that there will at least be an Iron Warriors Killteam -- I am just too happy with the Warsmith and progress on the champ so far, so yesterday evening I caught myself thinking: "If I were to build an Iron Warriors Killteam, one of them would have to be an Apothecary, due to the IW's well-documented history of scavengin geneseed..."


I was already sitting at my desk before I could stop myself. Here's an early WIP:




I also went back to the only IW model I had painted before the Warsmith: A rather ancient CSM kitbash, built even before my hobby hiatus (that lasted for most of th 2000s) and later painted as an Iron Warrior, because I needed a model to test the (then) new Nuln Oil on. Here's the original model:






While I didn't completely repaint the model, I did touch up those hazard stripes, because I like my new recipe for yellow much better. I also added another "IV" decal to the left shoulder pad and got rid of the clunky icon, while I was at it:








Just some final touchups and a new, suitably muddy base, and he'll be done.


As always, let me know what you think! :)

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Haha, we will see. I'll try to stay strong ;)


A small update: The refurbished Iron Warrior now has a base:




I think I'll leave him like this. Like I said, the model is ancient, so it doesn't exactly warrant a full repaint -- I'd rather use that energy on a new model ;)


Speaking of which, there has been a bit of progress on the champ:






He'll still need quite a bit of work until I can call him finished, but we are certainly getting there.


As always, let me know what you think! :)

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Cheers for the feedback, guys! Glad to see that you three at least had something to say about these models ;)


@ GREY88: As Shinobi correctly pointed out, it's a head from the Skitarii Vanguard/Rangers kit.


@ Shinobi: Cheers, mate! I think the Skitarii themselves are more mysterious with their heads completely covered, so it was clear to me that this head would be used on something else -- I was surprised that it worked so well on a Chaos Space Marine, though.


@ Midnight Runner: That is very nice of you to say! :)


Anyway, I did some more cleanup work on the Iron Warriors champion, and he's mostly finished now, except for some final touchups and the base:








And here's what the beginning of the actual Killteam look like right now:




As always, let me know what you think! :)

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While I am sure it's been asked before and I have gone through a few dozen pages now atleast, I figured no harm to ask. What recipe do you use for your red for the Khorny Marines? 


Very inspiring thread and works, has helped me now that I started to collect Marines beyond by past Khorne Daemons with the Daemonkin release. 


Many thanks.

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