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Pre-H Iron Hands for Adepticon Massacre Event


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Hello B&C community. 
It’s been a long time since I posted. I’ve not played much 40K as real life has called me away to other pursuits.  I’ve still kept my hand in the game (trans. I’ve continue to spend money on 40K stuff) but not had a focused army project in a long time.  But, I’ve really taken to the Betrayal/Massacre rules from Forgeworld and the fluff as it’s being told in the novel series.  It’s finally got me back to the painting table to get a new army on the table.


As per the project, for those who don’t know, www.adepticon.org is a big event here in the Midwest and I’ve played there off and on over the years.  They have a number of events centered on the Betrayal and Massacre army books and I’ve signed up for two of them – the primary Massacre competition and the 30K themed Zone Mortalis game.  That means I need to have a 1,850 pts, 1,000 pts and a 750 point list to play.  Given the lists I’ve selected, I need to paint the following:


  • 1 Officer (Spearhead Commander)
  • 2 Techmarines
  • 44 Infantry, i.e. x2 tactical squads, x2 tactical support squads and 1 heavy support squad
  • 2 Rhinos
  • 2 Medusa Mobile Siege Guns
  • 1 Sicaran Main Battle Tank
  • 1 Legion Mortis Dreadnought


53 total models, 13 units


As I’ve found the input of the B&C community helpful, I thought I’d get a thread going and collect any impressions you might have
around the work-in-progress.  I’m happy to continue along the project straight through to the main event.


So here’s where I stand:  All the rank & file troops have been based and the first tactical squad is complete:






Here’s a close-up of one of the tac marines:




I should make a couple comments before I continue.  First off, when FW released the Farris Manus model they posted the studio painted him in a metallic blue color.  This gave the traditional black & white view of the IH a whole new depth.  That’s what drove my decision toward the dark blue metallic look on these models.  Also, I find monochromatic color schemes a bit too flat so I went with the red/orange color to add a real accent.  So I fully recognize that I’m off the beaten path on the palate but that decision was done so consciously.


Typically I acquire resin bases for my armies but I just couldn’t find any I liked for IH so I decided to custom make them from leftover
bits.  Battlefield debris isn’t a new idea by any means but sometimes the best looks are those that just stick to the basics.  Though time consuming, I’ve really enjoyed modeling & painting these up:




Here's some of the bases I like most.




Here's the base for the automota/mortis dread conversion.  It's still very WIP and note
the water effects are not 100% dry yet. I'll post another pic when I add the rust and the leg assembly.




Otherwise, the first medusa is primed and base coated.  The Sicaran has some primer on it but not much – still thinking through that scheme. I haven’t touched the Rhinos yet. They are too easy to sub-in with other models for practice games.  The conversions are planned for the HQ & Techmarines but they’re not yet assembled.


So there you have it gents. Roughly three months to get it all done & come up with a respectable display base.


Comments welcome.


Cheers, -OMG

These look outstanding, I especially love the warmth you've got with the 'black.' I know this is slightly off topic but do you have plans to ever return to your Angels Sanguine? They were a huge inspiration to me when I started my current army.

Thanks all.


Hey AGPO – great to see you’re still in the game.  I’ll have to get caught up with your posts.  I’ll always be a Blood Angle player at
heart.  I’ve got some AS models I’ve
never posted so I’ll put those up when I get a break in the action.  So maybe no new ones between now at April but
eventually I’m sure.


Cheers, -OMG


Looks stunning, can't wait too see that Dreadnought. IH have always had a soft spot in my heart.


I must, however, mention that the blue-black looks somewhat close to the Sons of Horus colors in my eyes. Perhaps brightening the white may help, but that's just me.

@Iron Hands Fanatic – No I haven’t but I would appreciate your suggestions. I’m going to include a number of Ad Mech allies & counts-as conversions. I know that’s obvious but let me know what you think.

@Black Orange – Hello Black Orange. I hope I had you at hello. smile.png

@recon0321 – Vallejo makes a Gunmetal Blue paint that’s the overall coat for the model. It’s gets a generous coat of Nuln Oil wash followed up by a half Gunmetal Blue White mix to pull up the highlights. Normally I’d do more but time is an issue.

Chees, -OMG

I love the slightly unusual blue colour, as has been mentioned above. The bases also look fantastic. They are so detailed, yet they don't draw the eye away from the model. I'm also kind of jealous about the amount of resin in that post... 

@Tonal – Thanks for the input.  Way back in the day I played a 4-man team event wit Luna Wolves/Sons of Horus (there’s actually a link in my signature).  The SoH are a bit more toward the teal end of green.  Is there such a thing as grim-dark teal?  Making the white pop more would go a long way though.  As hard it is to get white perfect…


@recon0231 – One of the things I like most about these Pre-H sculpts are the subtle references to classic 50’s – 60’s pulp sci-fi.  Having the robotic limbs with “space man” red/orange just adds color to complement the imagry.  And as stated, I’ve seen a lot of masterfully painted armies that didn’t include some element as a bold accent.  Nurgle armies suffer from this a lot.  The overall aesthetic becomes washed out in muddied, single-toned color.  And, I’m a big fan of red and black.  Maybe I’m just addicted in way.


Cheers, -OMG

Here's the centurion/ad mech automota 'counts as' mortis dread conversion status.  My apologies for the horrible pics.  One of these days I'm going to buy a lightbox.





I had to use a flash on these shots to capture all the layers of detail.  I still think those centurion models are terrible out of the kit but they do have some very interesting aspects.  You just need to do something about the "gumby" effect with the big arms + the underslung weapons.



I'm very happy with how he's turning out.

Cheers, -OMG

@Iron Hands Fanatic – No I haven’t but I would appreciate your suggestions. I’m going to include a number of Ad Mech allies & counts-as conversions. I know that’s obvious but let me know what you think.

Well, the currently known Heresy Clans are:


(although the Avernii are kinda off-limits, being the Morlocks & all) - Morragul has some interesting references with a cool character in Massacre & probably becoming the Red Talons chapter at the 2nd founding (these guys are basically all the 10th's worst troublemakers).

However, in the Heresy some Orders did consist of Companies drawn from multiple Clans, so you could have a number of contingents, even some Morlocks from the Avernii Clan if you're looking for an excuse fer extra TDA.

AdMech is always good - any Clan would be more than happy for a detatchment - you could even have some bearing the Clan/Legion's iconography - like how that Mechanicum Robot was an honourary member of the Serrated Suns in the First Heretic (just more so tongue.png ).

Out of interest, what do you think you're doing brother? You aren't allowed to make centurions look good! biggrin.png

@All - thanks.

Minor update: I did finish the model this evening - I'll spray seal him and take some better pictures prsently.

Out of interest, what do you think you're doing brother? You aren't allowed to make centurions look good! biggrin.png

To give credit where credit is due, I shamelessly stole the idea from the conversion maestro, Dave Taylor.

http://davetaylorminiatures.blogspot.com/2013/10/mechanicum-skittarii-centurion-completed.html Personally, I wouldn't have believed it was possible until I saw that.

@IHF - As per the clan selection question - very interesting stuff. A detail I should add is the list is based on Spearhead-Centurion Castermen Orth. In fact, i want to paint up the Sicaran to be his ride the Black Sun. It doesn't come out and say what clan he came from but he did join the Avernii Clan vetrans when Ferris Manus led his fated pursuit of Fulgrim at Isstvan V.

Any guess on which clan he hailed from?

For the "head" you use a shoulder pad? Looks good overall I am still digging the red soft armor...looks great with the dread arms,also how well does the gun metal blue cover?

It covers perfectly. Most often I only need a single coat.

Cheers! -OMG


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