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Pre-H Iron Hands for Adepticon Massacre Event


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Warhammer 30K - taking you back to those thrilling days of yesteryear when everyone in a devastator squad carried a devastating weapon.  It's not spray sealed yet but here's the fully painted autocannon squad:










And the WIP box continues to look more like a legion of marines.




And here's the sole completed model from the Tactical Support squad(s):




It took me a while to get a color & effect on the volkite gun the way I wanted it.  This one happens to have a number of experimental layers under it.  Actually the volkites in the WIP box look closer to how it appears in person.  Regardless, I'm set on the formula & process so there's nothing left but to work through the rest.


FW put out a catalog update that contained MKII & MKIII command sets.  That means I need to hold off on more sgt models until I can get those ordered.  They look way too good to pass up.  I was originally going to use two of the immortals for that role but no longer.  They get to go back into the ranks of their intended role.


So with roughly 3 months left I'm feeling better & better about completing on time & perhaps add a bit more to the list, i.e. a more elaborate display board & specific units for the ZM list.  I'm not going to add that work to the pile until the core, 1,850 list is complete.


Next up will be more tanks, the tech marines & Casterman Orth himself.


Thanks for following, -OMG


Thanks all.


@recon0321  Correct, just the completion of the WIP posted previously.


@arjac  Normally I like to work with precast resin bases but I couldn't find any IH related ones I liked, i.e. gears, cogs, etc.  These are all made of leftover bits, basically whatever inspired me when I was building them.  You can get a feel of the process from the unfinished pics earlier on in the thread.  Making bases like that is something I enjoy doing so despite the extra time required I think it paid off on these models.


Happy to post details if you'd like.  I still need to makeup the bases for the techmarines & the HQ.  I actually broke down and bought some custom bits to embellish those bases.  I can always snap a few extra pics while they're coming together.


Here are some pics of an Angels Sanguine Relic Contemptor that's more elaborate:














Cheers, -OMG

Here's the update.  I'm happy to report that (for the most part, i.e. 99%) the rank & file models are all done.  Here's the overview which is starting to look like a Legion army:






Note that there's still 3 sergeants left outstanding to finish off these squads.


Here are the newly finished tactical marines:






And here are the two support squads:






Since I'm running way ahead of schedule I can give myself the luxury of rethinking my list.  I got to play the army for the first time yesterday (subbing in some models of course) and the list did perform well.  Still, it's vulnerable to assaults if the enemy can breach my lines.  The 2 Medusas may also be a bit of an overkill.  If I take an allied Mechanicum contingent, I can take a Magnos with conversion beamer (Adding back in a S10 shot) and a Castellax Battle-automata which would give anything that gets down table something to really worry about.


Not to mention that both models would look great on the tabletop.  So just some thoughts.  As always, comments welcome.


Cheers, -OMG

Just a quick update and the admonition of a list change.  As we are apt as war gammers, a few practice games can change your opinion about a given list.  I'm moving forward with a few changes:


I'm going to drop one Medusa & the "naked" Techmarine

And add an allied contingent of Ad Mech:

  • Magos Dominus w/conversion beamer
  • Castallax w/multi-melta & power blades
  • x10 Tech-thralls

I will freely admit that I like the models enough to make this decision easy.


Here's the base for the Magos.  After I put the model in place you won't be able to see a lot of this detail but I'm a bit sick that way I guess. I might as well take some pics of the WIP since basing is a recurring theme in this thread.








The mesh will cover over the center but you'll still get that sense of depth when you look down at the model.  We spend most of time looking down at them after all.


Also mostly done with the remaining Medusa.  I might have finished pictures of that later on today.


Thanks as always, -OMG

Just more WIP on the Magos:




And here's how he looks mounted on the base.  It's a bit better in-person where you can still see though the section of mesh that's not covered by the model.






Cheers, -OMG

Getting closer to completing the first tank - starting to look like a S10 AP1 pie plate launcher:








I have some traveling to do through the rest of the week so I'm not going to have much to show in the meantime.  Also putting in another FW order to lead me into the home stretch.  So left on the to-do list:

  • Medusa - 70% or so complete
  • Magos Dominus - 40% or so complete
  • 4 Sgts
  • Casterman Orth
  • Legion Praetor
  • Rhino's x2
  • Sicaran, i.e. the Black Sun
  • Tech-thralls x10
  • Castellex

Makes it sound like a lot left when I list it out like that.


Still debatable will be the the IH Contemptor and a display base.  I'll make some kind of base but I have one in mind that's a bit more elaborate.  Only if I have time in March will I do everything I want to do there.  We'll see.


Cheers all, -OMG

I go back and forth on that question. Both would work well.  Ideally I'd like to use servitor loaders but I haven't found the perfect models yet.


Other than the obvious GW candidates, I'd like to hear some suggestions.  Know of any examples of other models out there that had good looking servitor (or marine) crews?


Thanks, -OMG

@Lord Tharand: Thanks.

@Doghouse: Thanks for the reply. I've been catching up with your stuff - glad to see the foremost advocate of true scale is still unwavering in the cause! Always cool to see what you're up to.

@zxyogi: Hatred type thing? ermm.gif Despite our common Greekishness? Ok, I follow. Cheers, -OMG


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